Jim L / Allen T waa waa waa You come here and start your BS lies for instant.
I said
Jim Lindgaard
Nice wood work, and a nice face book page.
Lets just keep it civil and you will have no complaints from me. I will just let bygones be bygones.
Was this an attack?
You said
There is a slight problem. You posted that I am the world's ultimate fraud and say my service connected disabilities do not matter to you.
You see, I did happen to see your post where you are waiting for your back pay from the V.A.
Myself, they are sitting on my appeal because if a 50% hearing loss in one ear automatically qualified, many Veterans would benefit by such a decision.
And from what you told me, all of you injuries occurred as a civilian.
You would have no need to wait for back pay.
Besides, you were not one of the people who wanted to understand how something is built.
Then you do attack with lies.
Then I said the truth and then tried to smooth things off.
Hi Jim
The ultimate fraud string was for your BS statements about my self and others but mainly the many many sign ins you had which did make you fraudulent. So let get over the past and look only to the future.
Good luck on your appeal. As for myself, I have most all my problems back to the military. It did help that I finally got a copy of my military medical records which highly support my case's as well. For instant, try to run and do any work while standing on your legs that requires twisting with a left knee that straitens to 0 degrees and a right leg that hyper extends a negative 10 degree and I finally got an MRI on my right knee and my ACL is completely unseen and the horn looks like spider webs in tears in the MRI. The Anterior Cruciate Ligament "ACL" is what stabilizes the knee, and I haven't had one for over 30 years. The measurements came from the 1985 claim. The claim is being revised now being redone. It would take a small book to go into all the issues so I will stop here about my VA dealings but will end at 100%+. Then I will spend my time making what I want to make and not beat myself to death trying to survive.
I like the work you did on the MT127 reproduction for it is smooth and clean. With that clean of work, I look forward to seeing more complete projects. I have been holding back showing for many reason but I will be showing again very soon.
3 years ago the VA finally caught up with me and now we are working out what is needed. I was dropped through the cracks and buried in the sand since my claim in 1985.
Then you said
Maybe one day you might consider apologizing to me.
(Then you said)
I don't like you. After all, I thought your injuries were from hitting a drunk driver.
And for as many times I stated that I was a disabled Vet, you said you have an 80% disability rating and the V.A. was taking care of you.
At no time in the last 10 years did you say that you ever suffered a service connected injury.
So I talked about an accident but the doctor said my injury on my knee was old damage. But you do have a history of mixing things up to try to say I said something else. So I keep asking for the link to prove it and you can never show one.
So I posted back.
Hi Jim
I normally don't talk about my physical problems openly. My accident only made my problems worst. As dealing with for a settlement on the accident. My preexisting conditions where well used against me. 80% is what I believed at the time. The record says differently. On a scale of 1 to 10 of pain I live at a constant 5 and spike on a regular basses. So I guess I my lack a bit of sympathy for it become comparative to my own pain and I still have been able to survive despite the odds With a bit of will you learn to overcome. I tried to encourage you and you took it the wrong way. I tried to save you steps but you had a problem with constructive criticism. Then you started attacking me direct and that is where things went the wrong way. I took 2 separate classes in cognitive thinking at the VA. Learning I am sometimes not as clear as I would like to be. You called me many names and they where extremely offensive to me. So now I have to forgive you for those, and I regret continuously fighting with you when it got to far. So for that you also owe me an apologize as well.
So I apologize for anything I may have said out of line.
My teachings tell me at this point to let it go and carry on and don't dwell. So I am headed out to work and it is your turn. You don't have to like me for I have no reason to like you either, but we can learn to be civilized and save the rest of the readers these foul writings that have happened in the past. Now once the problem is fully buried, we can continue the quest possibly being helpful out of respect for the quest.
edit to just tell you my problems so there are no more questions about my health. MRI on my back, 1 compressed disk and 7 herniated disk Medical records noted hit by a car in a cross walk. Both knees are shot and have not been able to run since I was in the military. Sleep apnea since the military but we didn't know about that for it was not checked on but not sleeping is in my medical records. but if you don't sleep? you eat to try to keep up your energy thus my weight is recorded in my medical records as well. Abuse or over worked of a minimum of 110 hours each week due to I was the only cook on ship when it required 2 and a mess cook which I didn't have either. The XPO was an alcoholic and didn't trust non drinkers not to mention I was a Mormon at the time which he didn't like. Just imagine being ordered to give a man CPR that was bloated and in rigamortis. That is the crap I had to deal with and constantly watched for anything they "the XPO and his drunk buds" could get on me. So I suffer from PTSD as well (severe anxiety disorder) and was untreated for 27 years but claimed in 1985 finally treated in 2012. Oh yeas I also have an unrepairable bone spur in my left foot that all may tendons on my are attached to and I found where I have visits to the Dr for that in my military medical records except it was considered a tendon problem that I still need to file for. Always the left foot.
Now you know my problems, I recommend you get your military medical records and comb through them to find other possibilities for yourself. That is how you have to fight the VA. By the recorded record. Your VA rep should be able to get them for you thanks to the new system.
Then Jim L / Allen T PMed me with the heading of.
u r an idiot because I tried to be nice. Ha Ha and this is what I get from this slanderous cry baby James Lindgaard
And here is the string about James Lindgaard and his many many sign ins. That is probably how he has this name from finishing being banned. His Troll tactics are nearly legendary for the lies and BS
So Jim L, Can you do anything but lie? or all this just your vendetta because a post of mine got in the way of you swindling someone out of money? You have written so many time that I am suppose to share with you or I won't profit from it. Sorry but your credibility is more like a 2 in a credit score compared to a trust level.