Still without understanding?

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re: Still without understanding?

Post by justsomeone »

Stewart, I think that was the best post of the year with out a doubt! Thank you.
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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Post by Grimer »

Stewart wrote:...
I'll be moving to the new forum soon, ...
What "new forum" is that?
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Post by Fcdriver »

If Jim wants to raise questions, about what he is researching I have no problem with it! I do not feel there is any code, or solving of the puzzle to be found there. The craftsman making it doesn't have to know the physics or the proper math equations that prove the device. It's easier to come up with a math equations that would show rotation, that do not work when built. I don't feel Bessler had the references to better explain what he did, it being too simple to explain. I find very few attempts I agree with, and would be asking more questions about small items within the drawings. I find the different positions of the stomper drive and the water pump more interesting. The non use of a direct pulley on the water pump. Rather than the use of words.
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Post by Stewart »

Grimer wrote:What "new forum" is that?
I'm setting up a new one. It's not quite ready yet, but it's "only days away!" ;-) I'll post a link when it's open.

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re: Still without understanding?

Post by Nobody »

Hello Stewart and @ all,

although your contribution dated on 02.03.2015 at 5:07 am has been posted a while back, I would like to thank you
for that very valuable comment since I have learned a lot from it.

It helped me (hopefully also others) to understand those last three lines of "AP part II" in a way of sense and as it seems
to me in a correct manner. Those last lines are not easy to interpret and understand, I do believe you have caught and
translated the meaning of those lines genuine.

Looking at those lines in Matthew 15 it might help also to read Mark 7 verse 18 or different bible translations,
which rises a general question I have to the forum.

Studying Besslers legacies and books seriously, means also to study and read sometimes within the bible in parallel,
as we all know Bessler quotes plenty of different bible verses.

Now the question:
What is your experience about this, or what do you think which bible translation he mainly used for those quotes?

Here is also an interesting Link with just a few different bible translations:

Thank you in advance for any respond or answer!

With best regards,
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re: Still without understanding?

Post by John Collins »

Hi Nobody, I pay little attention to the words in the bible quotes because to me he seems to be using the references to book, chapter and verse, sometimes alpha-numerically.

For some work I've done see my web site at

I have detailed my findings and assumptions there.

Read my blog at

This is the link to Amy’s TikTok page - over 20 million views for one video! Look up amyepohl on google

See my blog at
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Double Entendre

Post by jim_mich »

Double Entendre

Bessler often used double entendre.
Wikipedia's author wrote:A double entendre is a figure of speech or a particular way of wording that is devised to be understood in either of two ways, having a double meaning. Typically one of the interpretations is rather obvious whereas the other is more subtle. The more subtle of the interpretations may convey a message that would be socially awkward, sexually suggestive or offensive to state directly. (The Oxford English Dictionary describes a double entendre as being used to "convey an indelicate meaning", whilst Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines it as "a word or phrase that may be understood in two different ways, one of which is often sexual")

A double entendre may exploit puns to convey the second meaning. Double entendres generally rely on multiple meanings of words, or different interpretations of the same primary meaning. They often exploit ambiguity and may be used to introduce it deliberately in a text. Sometimes a homophone (i.e. another word which sounds the same) can be used as a pun. When three or more meanings have been constructed, this is known as a "triple entendre", etc.
According JC's AP, Bessler used the letter ń (Latin small letter n with acute) just three times.
Stewart claims this is the letter ñ (Latin small letter n with tilde).
Regardless of its name, according to JC's AP, this letter was used only three times by Bessler.

It was used as the last letter of the word gehń (go) in the following context:
Zwar, wer auch in sich selbst wird gehń,

Twice it was used in the bible quote from Matth. XV. V.16:
SeyDIhrDań aVChnoCh VnVerstänDIg?
SeiD Ihr Dań aVCh noCh VnVerstänDIg

Bessler used a a double 'nn' 986 times. He used the word Dann (then) 25 times, alsdann (as then) 3 times, and dannen (thence) 2 times. So why, when quoting the Bible, did Bessler truncate/abbreviate the word to Dań?

Bessler presents a double entendre. A double meaning.

The obvious meaning was dann (then). Bessler capitalized some letters so as to present in Roman numerals the year 1717. Thus he capitalized dann to read as Dann.

Then Bessler used the letter n with the little squiggle over it (acute or tilde) to indicate a double nn, but it is also a single letter. This makes the word Dań a double entendre. A word with a double meaning.

The reason is that Dan (from in the Bible) was a Hebrew patriarch, son of Jacob and Bilhah.

Quoting Genesis 49:17 -- Dan shall be a serpent in the way, a viper by the path, that bites the horse’s heels so that his rider falls backward.

Bessler was comparing Wagner to Dan from the Bible.

Thus the double entendre.


From AP, for reference in context, the three times that Bessler used the acute or tilde version of the letter n.

Communiciret zu der Zeit/
Da seine Feind’ Er fragt nohtwendig:
SeyDIhrDań aVChnoCh VnVerstänDIg?
Aus Matth. XV. vs. 16.
1716 – – 1717

Warum dies Buchlein ist gescrieben?
Zwar, wer auch in sich selbst wird gehń,
Wird ORFFYREUM schon versteh’n.

Matth. XV. V.16.
SeiD Ihr Dań aVCh noCh VnVerstänDIg
Wenn ich die Kunst entdeck’ inwendig,
So mach’ der - - euch gebändig.


In the next line, Bessler again used a double entendre with the German word entdeck':
Bessler, German in AP, wrote:Wenn ich die Kunst entdeck' inwendig,
My English translation:
if I/me/myself/Bessler the/who art/craft/invention/PM_wheel entdeck'/discover/disclose inside/inward/interior,

The German word entdeck' has a dual but related meaning:
1. Discover, uncover, detect. An invention is a something that is discovered.
2. Disclose, divulge, reveal. Bessler claimed that God revealed/disclosed the wheel to him.

Thus Bessler used a double entendre. He used a double meaning. He used the word entdeck' to convey that he was writing about both the PM principle that he alone discovered/invented/built, AND to convey the concept that God was the one to disclose, divulge, reveal the Perpetual Motion principle secret to him.

Thus the double entendre.


In the next line, Bessler again uses a double entendre with the word gebändig [gebändigt]:
Bessler, German in AP, wrote:So mach' der ___ ___ euch gebändig.
The German word gebändig (or gebändigt) has a very broad meaning. But it reduces down to a very simple concept. It is the process whereby you tame, subdue, restrain, curb, harness, control, overcome, domesticate, teach, defeat, capture, soften, weaken a draft animal such as a horse, donkey, or mule so as to make it behave

Wagner was from the university. Thus he was involved with teaching. Wagner was 'teaching' people that Bessler's wheel could be duplicated by a wind-up contraption by harnessing falling weight propelled by gravity.

Wagner was also trying to subdue restrain, curb, control Bessler and his PM wheel.

Thus again Bessler presented a double entendre. A double meaning.


Bessler did not blank out the German double syllable word 'Teufel' into 'Teu' and 'fel' as claimed by Stewart and others.

Bessler blanked out a vulgar profane swear word or words. Take your choice from the many available. The words were in reference to Wagner's blankety blank contraption.


It seems maybe Stewart does not understand double entendre.

Bessler writes about the Devil 30 times in AP, and each time he has no problem spelling out the Devil's name.
Bessler's words, according as Stewart wrote:if I reveal inside the art,
then the devil may tame/master you.
It seems Stewart still insists that the double blanks stand for only a single simple meaning relating to the Devil taming someone if/when Bessler were to disclose his wheel secret. Bessler says nothing in these lines about the Devil. Bessler says nothing about he/himself disclosing the wheel secret. The secret was disclosed/revealed to Bessler by God.

In these lines in question, Bessler was NOT blanking out the Devil's name. He was blanking out the vulgar swear words referring to Wagner and his wheel contraption that Wagner claimed would function the same as Bessler's wheel.

People, learn to recognize Bessler's double entendre. He uses it extensively

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re: Still without understanding?

Post by daanopperman »

Hi all
I took it upon myself to not post anything again about the wheel until I have a runner , which I do not have , but this post is not about the wheel , so don't crucify me .

German " Seid ihr Dan auch noch Unverstandig "
Afrikaans " Is jy dan ook nog Onverstandig "

In Afirkaans , you may place emphasist on a word or part of a word by adding a cymble to it , to raise your voice slightly on that word to give it oomph .

Normally each sentance will start with a capital letter , unless the centance start with a prefix , like " Bome is groen " "Trees are green " but
" n Boom is groen " a Tree is green . Here we do not start with a cap. letter .
All names will be capital in a centance , but if " Dan " was a name in the centance , we will expect to have a comma after Dan , to place more emphasist on Dan , the person , just as J.M. have done . The rules of the language dictates how we read and interperate what the author want's us to take in .

Therefor ,

" Is jy dan ook nog onverstandig " Here the word "onverstandig" ,

broken up to show how it work , "verstand " or gray matter , as in "gebruik jou verstand " or " use your gray matter "

" verstandig " ( with a suffix "ig ") or "wisely" as in " Hy gebruik sy bates verstandig " as He uses his assets wisely .
Now we add "on" to the word and that changes form pos to neg . We do not however use " on " to change everything around .

"Wenn ich die Kunst entdeck inwendig ,"
"Wanneer ek die Kuns ontdek inwendig "

Here the word "inwendig " is the issue , because the normal use would be as in a opparation where you remove some organ from the inside without cuttting the skin , but by making a small insision and remove whatever internally , so here the word means internally , but again there is a prefix , " in " in this case and a suffix " ig "

"wend " is to do something , as in " hy wend n eindpoging aan "or "he makes a last effort try" so to me in this case it is part of the discovery of the wheel , part of the process. (This may refere to the prime mover not being so easy to fit into a wheel , or a rotating enviorment .)

" So mach der - - euch gebandig "
" So maak die - - als gebonde

Here the word "gebandig" is disected . Main part of word is " band " , which means band , like in a strap , or a ring , to cover or restrict , inhibit , to remove freedom all together .

Please forscuse my English ,
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re: Still without understanding?

Post by Art »

Daan Quote
"I took it upon myself to not post anything again about the wheel until I have a runner ------------Please forscuse......"

Sorry Dann !

I can't forscuse that !

Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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re: Still without understanding?

Post by Nobody »

Hello John and @ all,

thanks a lot for posting that link, I will try to study and read your work during the next opportunity.

Beside that there seems to be a good German synonym for the word "gebändig" which is "lammfromm",
translated into English it would be the word "lamb-like".

Inserted into those last two lines of AP, Bessler might be saying:
If I reveal the art inside (the wheel) /
Then the devil will make you (his enemies) become lamb-like.

As many of you I do believe the missing word is "devil". This is most probably complete nonsense, but as a question
it might be allowed. Would it make sense to any of you if the missing word is Jesus (Jesus Christ) instead?

Thanks for any respond and with best regards,
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Post by eccentrically1 »

That makes sense too. If God gave him the wheel (and made Bessler a lamb), and then he revealed it to the greedy wolf Wagner, Jesus would make him a lamb, too.
I don't know, how do you know when Bessler is substituting one meaning for another?
When he means something in the biblical sense, or another sense?
What if the blanks should be the "devil's wheel"?

If I invented the invention within,
So make the devil's wheel you teach.

Were I to reveal the art inside,
Then the devil's wheel may enslave you.

A devilish wheel would be one that you couldn't make work. I think this passage is just another taunt, no matter how you translate it. I don't think he meant it to be the ultimate clue. When you include the drawing and the possible interpretations of that, it makes sense that he was taunting and chastising Wagner at the same time.
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Post by jim_mich »

Nobody wrote:Then the devil will make you (his enemies) become lamb-like.
But the Devil is NEVER mentioned in that phrase.

Why on God's green Earth would Bessler blank out the Devil's name in this line while in 30 other lines Bessler writes about the devil without blanking the lines.

The plain unadulterated reason Bessler blanked those two lines was because his meaning was to call Wagner a very vulgar OBSCENE name. Obscene means off scene. out of sight, not fit for ladies or gentlemen to see. Thus the blank lines.

Bessler used dashes for vulgar words 12 times in AP...
Bessler wrote: Insonderheit dabei noch dienen,
Und melden mehr von den Maschinen,
Die ich erfunden und erdacht/ - - - - - ich
Und nun mit GOTT im Gang gebracht.
Und ob nun zwar schon ausgeflogen

Man flugs Ursach’ zu setzen hat
(Sowohl auf Wagners Haupt) den Helmen
Der Lügnern nur gehört und --- --- x.x.
Pfui, schäm’dich, du Erzlügenbalk!
Du schreibest, als Ehrenschalk: x.

Aus Wagners Wuht und Lästern lesen;
Wer nur ein wenig nimmt die Zeit,
Sieh’t bald, wie ihn der T- - leit’t. x.
Was hast du Strauchhahn, auszutönen,
Und diese Probe zu verhöhnen,

Ich schreibe in Gazetten dar,
Und wäre nicht das g’ringste wahr. x.
Der Wagner redet wie ein -- -- s.v.
[By JC's translator: The two dashes replace the word “Schurke� meaning scoundrel, villain etc.]
Drum fress’ er auch die saure Gurke,
Die nebst was anders er verdien’t,

O! pfui, du Satan, dir sei Stank;
Gehört denn dir (nicht GOtt) der Dank? NB.
Wär’ Wagner nicht ein H- - braten,
Er würde lieber Gutes rahten.
Ich zweiffle nicht, sein Wunsch wird sein,

Und diese sagen Wagnern dorten:
Er lasse sich nicht sein unlieb,
Er redets als ein E - -. x.
Woferne er darauf behaget,
Daß sie solch Zeug zu ihm gesaget? x.

Es aus des Herren Munde hieß:
Ist Wagner nicht ein Erz-Berenheuter,
Der T- - ist doch sein Handleiter; x.
Und dieses schöne Prädicat NB.
Er bei unzehlig Herren hat. x.

Auf ORPHEUM den Musen-Sohn
Anfangs mich Orpheus geschrieben; NB.
Dies sprichst du als Extract von -- -- x.x.
Bis du mir solches auf ein Haar
Wirst haben clar erwiesen gar. NB.

Ich sol dich mir zur Beute hohlen; x.
Du stell’st dich fromm vorm Publico,
Und bist ein – – in Folio. x.x.
[end of chapter]
Komm, komm, mit mir zu allen Teuffeln;
Du mußt verzagen und verzweiffeln;

Die Larve – schau, wie du gelogen? NB.
Hier könt’ ich machen wieder nun
Zum -- -- dich, ich mag’s nicht thun.x.
Du thust auch, als wenn ich dein’twegen
Mein Kunst-Werk pflegen zu zerlegen?

SeiD Ihr Dań aVCh noCh VnVerstänDIg
Wenn ich die Kunst entdeck’ inwendig,
So mach’ der - - euch gebändig.
Wenn Wagner, der Ertz-Diffamante,
Auffschneider und Calumniante,
So where did the idea come from, that in this line, that Bessler was meaning the Devil? It came came from an assumption by the translator of John Collins' AP. The translator arranged his English translation according to a preconceived concept that Bessler's blanked words were referring to the Devil. Then Stewart pick up on this concept back in 2004...
Stewart, in a [url=]post back in June of 2004,[/url] wrote:Another odd thing Bessler has done in Apologia Poetica is this:

Sieh't bald, wie ihn der T- - leit't. x.

Bessler is talking about Wagner and is saying he is led by the Devil. However instead of writing "Teufel" (Devil) he writes "T- - ". Bessler has done this quite a few times when he is writing about Wagner and it's not only the word Devil, sometimes it's "scoundrel", "rogue" etc. Why doesn't he write the full word?

The most interesting example of this is at the end of the book. Bessler writes the following:

Matth. XV. V.16.
SeiD Ihr Dan aVCh noCh VnVerstänDIg
Wenn ich die Kunst entdeck' inwendig,
So mach' der - - euch gebändig.

He is repeating his quote from the bible (with the chronogram of 1717) that he put on the first page, saying "And are ye yet without understanding?" and follows this with "Were I to reveal my art, the - - might enslave you."

The missing word again is presumably "Teufel" (Devil). Is he talking about Wagner again?

Below that line of text is the circular image.

Does anyone have any ideas about this?


NOTE: Quotes come from John Collins book of Bessler's Apologia Poetica.
Good grief, was Bessler also referring to the Devil here...

Code: Select all

Aus Wagners Wuht und Lästern lesen;        |From Wagner rage and blasphemies read;
Wer nur ein wenig nimmt die Zeit,          |Who only a little takes the time,
Sieh’t bald, wie ihn der T_ _  leitend. x. |looks quickly, as him the T____ conducted/directed. x. [Trottel = fool/idiot/etc.]
Was hast du Strauchhahn, auszutönen,       |What haste you Bush_rooster, made_boast,
Und diese Probe zu verhöhnen,              |and this example to ridicule, 
Bessler felt comfortable enough to write "Teufel" (Devil) 30 times in AP, but we're supposed to PRESUME that when he blanks out some vulgar swear words, that it MUST BE "Teufel" (Devil)?

I guess the "Teufel" (Devil) made Bessler do it differently in this instance?

Same part of JC's AP, part two, chapter two, for Reference:
I tell Wagner this, face to face - just as spiders suck poison from roses, exactly so shall he, with his writings, suck poison into his mouth from the blossom of my enterprises!

Why do you, crowing like a strutting cockerel, presume to pour scorn on demonstrations I have given which did not take place for your benefit,
Golly, no blank lines shown here. No talk of the Devil.


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Post by jim_mich »

So what obscene nasty thing did Bessle think, but could not print about Wagner...

Code: Select all

(Sowohl auf Wagners Haupt) den Helmen  |(Both on Wagner head) the helmets
Der Lügnern nur gehört und - - x.x.    |the liars/deniers only to_belongs and - - X.x.
Pfui, schäm’dich, du Erzlügenbalk!     |Pooh/Phooey, shame_on_you, you talking_lying_windbag.
We might speculate that maybe Bessler's printer refused to type-set certain words. Maybe it wasn't Bessler blanking out these words.

If that be the case then "Teufel" was not the word blanked out in the passage just after Bessler wrote "Are you then also still without understanding?", since "Teufel" was printed in the rest of AP. The blanks might have been Bessler's printer refusing to put certain words into print.

Just speculating, since we have no way of really know if this be the case.

Erzlügenbalk! = talking_lying_windbag.
Erz = ore/brass (not Bessler's meaning)
erzählt/erzählen = to_tell/talk/relate/to_ narrate
lügen = lie/fib/liar
balk [balg] = bellows/bladder/bag

PS. Look up the origin of pooh, phooey, or phewy. They come from the German Pfui.
And what do we find in baby diapers/nappies? Pooh!

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re: Still without understanding?

Post by Stewart »

Double Entendre. Classic! :D

I'm only dignifying this with a respond because once again Jim is falsely representing me in his post. If he hadn't mentioned me I would have just ignored his desperate, ignorant work of fiction like I'm sure all the intelligent amongst us are.
Jim_Mich wrote:Bessler often used double entendre.
It seems maybe Stewart does not understand double entendre.
There are indeed occasions where Bessler plays on the double meanings of words, but I'd be surprised if Jim could name genuine examples, and if he can it's probably as a result of me pointing it out in the first place.

Jim knows perfectly well I know what double entendre means. What appears to be going on here is that Jim can not refute anything I've said in my post and so all that's left for him to do in a desperate attempt to save face is make the ridiculous claim that there are in fact two meanings to what Bessler has written and that we're therefore somehow both right! Jim delivers a masterclass in misrepresentation and deception while masquerading as an informed highly-regarded forum member.

That's the most ridiculous suggestion of double entendre I've ever come across!
I've already shown that it's not possible grammatically to come up with the translations that Jim would have us believe. Let's face it, Jim can barely understand a single entendre, let alone recognise anything more.
Jim_Mich wrote:According JC's AP, Bessler used the letter ń (Latin small letter n with acute) just three times.
Stewart claims this is the letter ñ (Latin small letter n with tilde).
Regardless of its name, according to JC's AP, this letter was used only three times by Bessler.
What? This is nonsense.
I never claimed anything of the sort! I use an 'ñ' character on this forum to represent an 'n' with a bar/line above it.
Stewart wrote:The line above the 'n' is there as an abbreviation of 'nn'
Using an acute accent just looks ridiculous, a tilde is closer to representing what was printed. And what is this nonsense about there only being just three occurrences? In AP there are 91 cases of an 'n' with a line above it and 49 cases of an 'm' with a line above it. All used to indicate an abbreviation of some sort for space-saving during typesetting. Most are to reduce a double 'n' or 'm' to a single character, but also things like 'uñ' to shorten the word 'und'.
Jim_Mich wrote:It was used as the last letter of the word gehń (go) in the following context:
Zwar, wer auch in sich selbst wird gehń,
No it wasn't. That's been mistranscribed by John.

Why is Jim suddenly using John's transcription, which he knows to be full of inaccuracies, having previously, repeatedly berated everyone for not reading Bessler's own words? He's got the scans of the original after all, so it seems he's chosen to use John's as it appears to support the claim he's trying to make! As I said before, a masterclass!
Jim_Mich wrote: Bessler used a a double 'nn' 986 times. He used the word Dann (then) 25 times, alsdann (as then) 3 times, and dannen (thence) 2 times. So why, when quoting the Bible, did Bessler truncate/abbreviate the word to Dań?
This just shows Jim's ignorance or deliberate misrepresentation. In John's transcription the 'ñ' characters have been replaced by 'nn'.
The reason the word 'dann' was truncated/abbreviated to 'dañ' was so the sentence would fit on one line.
Jim_Mich wrote: Bessler presents a double entendre. A double meaning.

The obvious meaning was dann (then). Bessler capitalized some letters so as to present in Roman numerals the year 1717. Thus he capitalized dann to read as Dann.

Then Bessler used the letter n with the little squiggle over it (acute or tilde) to indicate a double nn, but it is also a single letter. This makes the word Dań a double entendre. A word with a double meaning.

The reason is that Dan (from in the Bible) was a Hebrew patriarch, son of Jacob and Bilhah.

Quoting Genesis 49:17 -- Dan shall be a serpent in the way, a viper by the path, that bites the horse’s heels so that his rider falls backward.

Bessler was comparing Wagner to Dan from the Bible.

Thus the double entendre.
Once again Jim can not bring himself to say "I think Bessler..." and instead attempts to pass off his own thoughts as factual information. I think this is unacceptable from a highly regarded forum member. I personally can't see any reason why anyone would make the leap to thinking that Bessler was trying to liken Wagner to Dan in the Bible. There is no logical connection or point to doing so. There is a perfectly rational explanation to why the word 'Dañ' was written as it was, and if you understand that, then why would anyone go looking for pie in the sky "double entendre"?
Jim_Mich wrote: Thus Bessler used a double entendre. He used a double meaning. He used the word entdeck' to convey that he was writing about both the PM principle that he alone discovered/invented/built, AND to convey the concept that God was the one to disclose, divulge, reveal the Perpetual Motion principle secret to him.

Thus the double entendre.
Utter rubbish as explained in my previous post. Jim hasn't even managed to correctly identify a single entendre here!
Jim_Mich wrote:Wagner was from the university. Thus he was involved with teaching. Wagner was 'teaching' people that Bessler's wheel could be duplicated by a wind-up contraption by harnessing falling weight propelled by gravity.

Wagner was also trying to subdue restrain, curb, control Bessler and his PM wheel.

Thus again Bessler presented a double entendre. A double meaning.
More rubbish.
Jim_Mich wrote: Bessler blanked out a vulgar profane swear word or words. Take your choice from the many available. The words were in reference to Wagner's blankety blank contraption.
Pure speculation passed off as fact by Jim, with nothing to back it up. How about giving us a two-syllable example?
Jim_Mich wrote:Bessler writes about the Devil 30 times in AP, and each time he has no problem spelling out the Devil's name.
There are 19 instances in AP where Bessler uses the word 'Teufel' (old spelling 'Teuffel') or derivatives. Clearly Bessler has no problem spelling out the Devil's name, but what has that got to do with anything? There is another place in AP where Bessler (or whoever typeset it) appears to replace the word 'Teuffel' with 'T - -'. It's on page 50 of part 2. I'd like to see Jim explain that with his "double entendre". Here's the couplet:

Ist Wagner nicht ein Ertz-Bernheuter/
Der T - - ist doch sein Hand-Leiter; &c.

Broken down into syllables and substituting the word 'Teuffel':

Code: Select all

1  |2  |3   |4    |5   |6    |7    |8  |9
Ist|Wag|ner |nicht|ein |Ertz-|Bern |heu|ter/
Der|Teu|ffel|ist  |doch|sein |Hand-|Lei|ter; &c.
It translates as:
Isn't Wagner an arch-coward/idler,
the devil is indeed his guide;
the devil indeed guides his hand;

The translation makes sense with the word 'Teufel'. I'm open to suggestions of other two-syllable words beginning with 'T' that would fit here and make sense. Can anyone give me one?
Jim_Mich wrote: It seems Stewart still insists that the double blanks stand for only a single simple meaning relating to the Devil taming someone if/when Bessler were to disclose his wheel secret.
I did not insist that at all. I said "We've guessed it to be 'Teufel' (devil).". It's a sensible suggestion that gives an understandable translation with prior information that backs it up. No one has offered a plausible alternative.
Jim_Mich wrote: In these lines in question, Bessler was NOT blanking out the Devil's name. He was blanking out the vulgar swear words referring to Wagner and his wheel contraption that Wagner claimed would function the same as Bessler's wheel.
More blatant lies!
Jim_Mich wrote:People, learn to recognize Bessler's double entendre. He uses it extensively
Ha! Jim is an embarrassment to himself and this forum, instead of being a fine, upstanding member. When are you going to do something about it people?

Last edited by Stewart on Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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