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Post by jim_mich »

primemignonite wrote:May I ask how you broke yours?
I lifted a very heavy piece of firewood, in a big yank of a hurry, not taking time to lift it properly.

I got my lawnmower tractor stuck in the soft muck soil of the woods. So I needed to lighten the trailer load of firewood. In my hurrying I lifted too hard and too quick, and felt the bone snap.

My arm muscles were simply stronger than my 68 year old bones.

Silly me. Maybe I should be in a rocking chair ???

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re: Fictitiousness

Post by AB Hammer »


Even though the body may become weaker and more brittle. As long as the mind truly stays active, we still have strength and understanding from out experiences.

edited to correct a typo.
Last edited by AB Hammer on Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Grimer »

jim_mich wrote:
primemignonite wrote:May I ask how you broke yours?
I lifted a very heavy piece of firewood, in a big yank of a hurry, not taking time to lift it properly.
A victim of the 3rd derivative. :-)
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re: Fictitiousness

Post by primemignonite »

"I lifted a very heavy piece of firewood, in a big yank of a hurry, not taking time to lift it properly. " - jim_mich

Jim, it never occurred to me that such a thing could happen. It's scary.

I'm glad that I'm not so strong; bones stronger than muscles is better.

I'm sorry it happened to you.

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