Turning up the heat....Chemtrails helping or hurting?

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re: Turning up the heat....Chemtrails helping or hurting?

Post by terry5732 »

There is no dark conspiracy hiding these plugs. The claims of great fuel economy are well exagerated. A spark plug merely begins combustion of the fuel. It won't make fuel burn any better. Alcohol WILL make gasoline burn in a worse manner. Someone needs to learn some healthy skepticism. Don't believe garbage just because it fits your bizarre view of the world. Would you be interested in getting in on the ground floor of Lunar real estate sales. I'll cut you in cheap!
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re: Turning up the heat....Chemtrails helping or hurting?

Post by racer270 »

And "TERRY ",
as far as alcohol making it a worse burn ,
that's just not true it burns cooler and makes more power than gasoline could ever dream of..... it burns cleaner without deposits of any kind. my point was with a unshrouded electrode you can get about 4% increase in horsepower dynamometers don't lie.

But Terry you probably have twice the experience of the thousands of hours that I have spent working on and tuneing race cars.

working with dynamometers equipped with computerized air fuel ratio meters, vacuum gauges timing lights and timing adjustments on-the-fly..... ect....then I or anyone could ever have dreamed of...!

it's quite obvious you know more about everything than what I could've learned in six years of working on exotic race car engines .... write old boy....!

Terry you talking to your hat. So go back to your beer and pretzels and dreams of moonbeams, and moon rocks and real estate deals and just try to keep your lunar lunacy to yourself,.

. you asked once if Scott could muzzle idiots...?

How's that working out for you....?

What size you where , I will send you one free........ Just pay the $19.95 for shipping and handling..!
The only thing in your post with any validity is:
the double whammy thrown me down spark plugs are a scam to say the least.
Speaking of bizarre views of the world........ I think you should up your meds.
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re: Turning up the heat....Chemtrails helping or hurting?

Post by Techstuf »

I just had an idea for a super-duper sparkplug! I call it the "Hellfire" sparkplug because of its unique 6+6+6 design
Again, as displayed many times....those like Ken, since they cannot, or will not consider the FACTS....resort to childish retorts....and in Ken's case....spend considerable amounts of time to graphically display his ignorance....

Rather than face facts or lift a finger to see higher reason.

They simply have not once, nor will they discuss such subjects....perhaps for a more 'sobering' reason than one might suppose.

The history of the HEXagram, the seal of solomon is well known....it's use in perverse ritual and connection with what the bible references as the mark of the beast widely evidenced.

The leadership of the countries that make childish use of such symbols has arrogantly displayed her naked sin for any that are still capable of self reason, to consider.

And Ken, and those like him still prefer to mock the truth.....

They do so to their own detriment.....assuring a swifter blessing than most from the Almighty.

Conspiracy theory?

More childish labelism, in defense of simple ignorance or worse....?

Who needs to swim in the shallows of theory in view of the greatly polluted ocean of damning facts before the very eyes of what remains of the free world.

http://www.cephas-library.com/masonry_b ... hrist.html


http://www.his-forever.com/occultism_an ... christ.htm

http://straitwaytruth.com/artman/publis ... _109.shtml

God bless,

As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
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re: Turning up the heat....Chemtrails helping or hurting?

Post by ovyyus »

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re: Turning up the heat....Chemtrails helping or hurting?

Post by Techstuf »

Was that your usual...look, this is me not caring.....if your 'cool' you'll all yawn with me instead of investigating Mitch's information....yawn?

Or, the: "I'm an avowed atheist" believing that all who believe in god are idiots...... but will not tempt 'fate' so far as to openly denounce Christ and the Holy Spirit....


God bless,

As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
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re: Turning up the heat....Chemtrails helping or hurting?

Post by Michael »

Mitch can I ask you a question? In all sincerity if you were to judge the bible would you say that it was a good book, or a bad book, or a bit of both? Would you say it was holy, or had a touch of evil as it's authorship as well?
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re: Turning up the heat....Chemtrails helping or hurting?

Post by ken_behrendt »

Jim wrote:
Your "Hellfire" sparkplug won't work very well since the electrodes are recessed inside the magnet.
I think that you have misinterpreted the diagram that I posted for the "Hellfire" sparkplug design. There is not continuous enclosure around the cathodes because there are six separate "arms" each with its own magnet attached to it. I'm partially to blame because I should have included a axial view of the plug's bottom. I've attached that view below.

Techstuf wrote:
Again, as displayed many times....those like Ken, since they cannot, or will not consider the FACTS....resort to childish retorts....and in Ken's case....spend considerable amounts of time to graphically display his ignorance....
...Ken, and those like him still prefer to mock the truth.....

The problem with your assertion is that this "truth" you speak of is a very subjective one, indeed. If it was not, then you would not have to spend most of your time trying to proclaim it to the anyone and everyone in the hope that some will accept it.

Over the centuries to come, prophecies and metaphysical salvation schemes will come and go. However, all that will really endure in the long run are the simple basics of practical everyday human existence and morality. It is these that I am devoted to dealing with and which I trust will eventually transform humanity...not apochalyptic visions and unfulfilled Second Comings...

See...there's plenty of room for the ignited vapors to escape...
See...there's plenty of room for the ignited vapors to escape...
On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Turning up the heat....Chemtrails helping or hurting?

Post by primemignonite »


Despite being ganged against without pity, Techstuf requited himself very well.

His detractors were / are super-rationalists of various stripes, ones that wear their ranking brands for it upon their sleeves and always, always with nastiest sniggering PRIDE. Yes, just as too many overbearing blind-faithers in whatever (in beliefs or disbeliefs) are wont to do, as well.

Since the cracked-pot anti-conspiracy theorizers (the usual punky gang of 'em) last posted, nine years have now passed and much incidental-wise with it.

So . . . any changes of views regarding Chem-trails? No? Just vapor trails, still?

How about banking conspiracies? Just more so-so-la-la coincidence? Well now, how's that .01% ownership in half of the worlds wealth doin' for ya? Or, will a morphing-to, say, .001% of 80% of all existing wealth get your attention, finally? (Or, is it just to be 'ho-hum' to-the-last, while dumpster-diving for scraps?)

And, how's about you Aussies down there under? Feel safer now for being "safely disarmed"? Hmm? (Including Tasmanians?)

TRUST in government!
- Ingsoc

OBEY, resistance is futile! - Ingsoc

WAR is PEACE ; PEACE is WAR! - Ingsoc

Or, how about the precipitous increase of Big Pharma business (monkey), along with the attending massive quantities and sizes of lawsuits, prosecuted as a result of the business (monkey) of primary production of chronic sickness then engineered death? No? Nothing there? (Well, whatever the very case-actual, the Merry Pill-Go-Round awaits you, and you and you! And this soon to be statutorily mandated; also vaccines. You will resist?)

The cute bit of studious disbelief for effect, is fast-coming to it's too-late end but, the item that WILL NOT BE IGNORED past some point-certain of sickness, is Fukushima Daiichi! (You know, the "gift" that just keeps on giving and giving and giving as in 'bio-cumulative'?)

This, THIS is where the prideful smart monkeys shall end their mouth flapping, and pride exhibiting, guaranteed!, as they vomit-out their guts onto the floor - nobody nor thing escapes this one! The insects will rule!

"Eat, drink and be merrie, for tomorrow WE DIE!"


"In the end it was agreed by the barely still-living, that there was in fact very little of mere theory to all the theorizing that had been done, regarding conspiracies and, that they mostly were just that, for that is what humans DO, that and teach denial."

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

So, tough denying anti-conspiratorial monkeys DO come forth, and let us SEE what has transpired as to any changes attitudinal / educative?

It was a good topic then and because so timely, is even more-so now.


Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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