Gravity explained.

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Post by Dunesbury »

I think it's been measured, at "c".
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Post by nicbordeaux »

I love the bit about the repulsion of similarly charged particles being stronger that the attraction (or should that be the other way round ?). Typical science : when confronted by something you have no explanation for, think of something vaguely plausible which might be an explanation, and give it as the answer.
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re: Gravity explained.

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi Nick,

Sounds about right, or if there is a real force that is getting in the way of someones pet theory tell everyone it is fictitious force, "that will work"
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Post by Dunesbury »

I love this bit
"It was not until the 19th century that an anomaly in astronomical observations which could not be reconciled with the Newtonian gravitational model of instantaneous action was noted: the French astronomer Urbain Le Verrier determined in 1859 that the elliptical orbit of Mercury precesses at a significantly different rate than that predicted by Newtonian theory.[3]"

Infinite speed would imply universe is singularity from such frame of reference. Or the big bang never happened.
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Post by oldNick »

nicbordeaux wrote:I'm just saying that gravity is the sum of the energy which holds electrons, neutrons and all those other gizmos in orbit. People are asking "What is the nature of Gravity ? What sort of force is gravity ?"
Nick... electrons (-) charge, protons (+) charge, and neutrons (+and-) neutral charge.

You might have something but it's not backed up by known science. All atoms have a outer shell of electrons (-) charge, the heavier the material the more electrons it has.

To attract the atoms as in gravity, the earths core would have to be a micro proton star (+) charge. That would make the earth a macro atom.

Well at least anti-gravity would be easy if this were true. ;-)

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Post by nicbordeaux »

Thanks, that's interesting. What do I have to do now to create this anti-gravity via the + charge of the Earth, assuming that + and - charges are actually the sole culprits. Would it be irreversible ? That could be a problem.

Edited : . Can't be bothered to look into changing electron or proton polarity by magnets more than that. Honestly, stringing the Earth to the Moon via a bungee strap seems the most realistic option so far for causing variations in gravity in our environment.
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Post by nicbordeaux »

Edited to death.
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Post by oldNick »

nicbordeaux wrote:Thanks, that's interesting. What do I have to do now to create this anti-gravity via the + charge of the Earth, assuming that + and - charges are actually the sole culprits. Would it be irreversible ? That could be a problem.
No need for magnets, you use static electricity. ;-)
an all metal wheel will never work.

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Post by nicbordeaux »

So, a Wheel rubs as it revolves and produces static, and you would use the static to create a monopolar mag. Now, where did I put that pair of nylon stockings ?

That, or imbalance of charge with transfer at different points in the rotation.
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Post by eccentrically1 »

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Post by Grimer »

nicbordeaux wrote:Edited to death.

I'll have to remember that one when I do a double post and want to conceal my stupidity. ;-)
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re: Gravity explained.

Post by Art »

"Gravity explained "

If according to this article Einsteins theory predicts ' 0.041 ArcSeconds per year ' and they measured ' 6.6 ArcSeconds from one year of data taking ' ,- thats hardly a precise match !

We like to think we can predict and control all the factors involved with great precision in this type of experiment but I wouldn't put my head on the block and say it is a certainty that somebody didn't forget to factor in something or other such as how stable the Earth's orbit around the Sun is and how stable the Sun's 'Orbit' around the Galactic nucleus is, and what effect if any does the magnetic susceptibility of the Satellite that contained the experiment have on the readings . What guarantees are there that some high energy cosmic radiation impingement on the gyroscopes didn't occur .- etc , etc ,etc until you just have to finally say that one swallow does not make a summer even if it's Einstein thats involved .

Can "100 PhD's , several hundred Graduates and 55 High School students" be wrong ? . Maybe not if everybody was using the same Imperial or Metric measuring system and assumptions in their calculations ! : )

I think I am stuck with the conclusion that this experiment indicates that space time distortion is a possibility , but only that ! , - until this experiment is duplicated and confirmed by other experiments there still is not a lot there !

Wanting to believe and proving the belief are different processes even for 100 PhD's over 47 years


Disclaimer : I do not believe that the existance of Black Holes and Higgs Bosuns or the theory that everything was created out of nothing in the Big Bang ( and that we went through a rapid system of inflation after said event) has been adequately demonstrated by experiment either !

But I do believe some members of this forum believe they know Besslers secret ! .

All I need to see is the results of some of their high precision Experiments and I might be able to remove at least one theorem off my list of unbelievable theorems ! : )
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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Post by eccentrically1 »

The story behind the instrument: ... r_gpbtech/

Award winning animations of the experiment near the bottom of the page: ... -news.html
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