Hacker Activity Warning!

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AB Hammer
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Hacker Activity Warning!

Post by AB Hammer »

Note to all;

I had just got my computer up again. Some hacker was trying to download my files so I unplugged and removed what I could save (which was most of it). It is going to take some time to understand all the damage. Good thing I don't put my main designs on the computer. It was so bad that I was not even able to type numbers.

Things to look for possible problems.
mouse button opening up several folders at a time.
you can't just click on a single pick.
unwanted deletions.
transferring from one folder to another.
You will not be able to type any numbers at all.
I had to undo and redo my virus and correct/reload my operating system.

You will have to unplug your machine and do back up procedures off line and work on your needed repairs. 2 days down and I have not reloaded any of my folders yet.
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re: Hacker Activity Warning!

Post by rlortie »


My internet provider "CenturyLink" provides me with Norton Antivirus Online. My local computer Geek instals and insists that I subscribe to a malware application called Spy no more http://www.spynomore.com/

With these two programs, I never seem to run into any hacking problems and both are compatible with each other.

I am however experiencing random problems with FireFox plug in for Adobe ShockWave Flash which occasionally freezes up on me.

Suggest you run a free scan using SpyNoMore

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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »

Thanks Ralph
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re: Hacker Activity Warning!

Post by BIBLEAL1 »

Hi Alan,

I asked at Canada Computer, here where I live what they use for virus software. All the teckies said Microsoft Essentials.
I asked my brother who is IT manager for large corporation what he uses ,same answer Microsoft essentials but in his case there is a cost.
It is downloadable for free for individual users using there operating systems from their website. I haven't had any problems since using it.
BIBLEAL , hope this helps, Alan
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re: Hacker Activity Warning!

Post by Oystein »

Microsoft Security essentials is worthless. No of our technicians use Security essentials. It just sucks. As I type I am fixing a machine that was infected with a virus after a couple of days of work-use by a woman, the machine had Microsoft Security Essentials installed and up-to-date.

I would recomend two softwares:

1 for spyware/malware, and one for virus.

Paid version of MalwareBytes is extremely good, and AVG would do a fair job as antivirus. (free or paid).

Avast has an ok free antivirus. Superantispyware is also ok even when free.

The problem is that todays most common viruses isn`t virus but malware.
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re: Hacker Activity Warning!

Post by BIBLEAL1 »

Hi Oystein ;
Thank you for your input. I will try your suggestions. You are quite knowledgeable about virus software for sure. I appreciate your help.
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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »

Back in the older days of computer like Windows 95. I use to know how to track back any hacker and I would ping them back and they would stop. Now days I am out of my league dealing with hackers and now depend on programs. Maybe I will have to take some time when I have some time from down time of my operations to learn more how to fight them again. I am being scheduled for 5 at the VA over the next year.

Thanks Guys for your suggestions.
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