How Many Are There?

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re: How Many Are There?

Post by primemignonite »

(Sorry, I've not been following my own thread here for a while.)

Andyb, it was that quote of Morgan's that really got me. If such a person as the most successful Gilded Age banker like him used the stars for guidance to billions, well, that constitutes proof enough for me that it is SOLID with significance. Bankers are the most pragmatic of all business types.

Also, there is the fact of the Federal Reserve building's gorgeous astrological decor. (That does it! )

- James
Last edited by primemignonite on Tue May 05, 2015 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: How Many Are There?

Post by primemignonite »

"Do you James see astrological signs, symbolism, codes or references in Bessler’s works as he was an astrologist?" - daxwc

No, I can't say I do. My newly-born interest in matters astrological is due to discovering that a childhood friend of mine was born a Scorpio w. Virgo rising (which I did not know until 53 years later) and further, realizing that he in all ways carried such undoubtable characteristics with him all through his life. This served to make clear the reason for all his observed and experienced scorpic tendencies. At such a realization of obviously true influence, I became delighted and am-still.

So, long-story-short, no tie-in's about Bessler. (Will have to leave that to others far more knowledgeable.

- James
Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: How Many Are There?

Post by primemignonite »

John, you mentioned and I forgot to respond, about the birthday of Bessler's wheel being
within the range of Gemini, as you had made clear. (You see, I go over old stuff in order to
complete things, which otherwise would remain as not?)

Well, OF COURSE it would be, for there Mercury rules and aides the wondrous Creatures'
swift and marvelous motions - AS IF turned forever by the hands of the gods themselves!

How might ANY find this as surprise???

The great German Richard Wagner had written in his stars his magnificent ETERNAL FAME,
he being a Taurus/Gemini born on the same date as I, myself.

(Well, he got the genius and fame but for these . . . I await still!)

Just thought I'd add all that for completeness' sake, John?


PS However . . . now that I think about it . . . we do share one thing commonly: we are both
insufferable egoists and perfected SOB's, and are as sure as sure could EVER POSSIBLY
of our RECTITUDE and eventual, fated TRIUMPH!. (And, remember well here, that place
where Great Excalibur resides - not far spiritually from Gernamia!)

Such would be two Taurus/Geminis of this date of Fate. (Mark-this-well.)
Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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