A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

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Post by Allen_T »

This is the message I sent to Scott.

Don't worry about it. No one in here is really interested in Bessler's work.
Who knows, once I finish my build, maybe they'll be less tolerant of AB Hammer's ways. After all, until something is shown, I wouldn't expect for anyone to take building seriously.


It's your obsession with me. And in this thread, I have asked you to discuss engineering which you declined to do.
Also, if I let people know where I live so they can see a finished build, this would not be considered an invitation to you.
And since you did know that I was posting in a wood working forum, you also knew I was trying to avoid you as well. I should not have to restrict showing my work because making it known does not constitute an invitation to you to participate.
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AB Hammer
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Re: re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of moment

Post by AB Hammer »

AB Hammer wrote:Curiosity does not make a stalker. Did I attack you in any way. No I watched you blame others of being me. It was funny as hell. You are so blind. Besides you invited us on OU to see what you are doing.

You keep coming back after being banned and banned again and again and attacking me despite myself saying lets just talk wheel. Not to mention other forums you did the same thing on. You James Lindgaard are a real stalker.

Don't forget that your threat to shut me up permanently is on file. So you SOB have given me no choice but to watch my back and I would just rather look you in the eye like a real man. A real man don't turn his back on real danger and you just might be crazy enough to try it.

So leave this forum, for you don't belong here!!


I also wrote Scott and apologized for not writing him sooner. And I recommended that he has some help to police the forum so get rid of Banned people like you to remain banned. I excluded myself for ever holding a help position of that nature.

You are the returning banned person. So leave this forum, for you don't belong here.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Allen_T »

ab hammer,
It is Scott's forum and if my build does work, maybe he might someone who understands the engineering behind Bessler's drawing around who could answer questions as to why they matter ?
You have routinely posted there is little to be gained from his drawings.
I think you have said many times that there are no runners among them.
I am not sure how you could be considered credible when you ignore both what Bessler said about his drawings and ignore his faith as well.
With me, I have no need to start my own forum. Simple reason is, building takes time and effort.
Of course, I might need to go private. After all, if someone doesn't find building in the way Bessler did very interesting, then they'd be as bored by it as you and everyone can see how this thread has gone. Little discussion about building or the engineering.
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Post by Allen_T »

@All & AB Hammer,
One aspect over looked about what I am building if it works, it will be more than just a perpetual motion machine. It will also be an engine or motor. This is because it would be capable of producing work.
With that in mind, there is one formula that is always expressed wrong and that is mv^2/r or inertia. Why it is written wrong is that v^2 misrepresents a mass' velocity.
Velocity should be written as T * a. And example of this is m(T*a)/r. T is represent times in seconds and a represents 9.8m/s which is the acceleration rate of gravity.
Why this matters is most people would assume that if a weight is moving at 0.5m/s, then 0.5^2 = 0.25m/s. Yet if it is 0.051 (Time in seconds)*a = x, x would be 0.5m/s.
And if a counter weighted arm can function perpetually, then this would help to understand how much work such an engine could perform.

This link is something I would need to spend more time studying to have a better understanding of it, but it does seem to describe the science behind perpetual motion as far as inertia is considered.

https://online.uas.alaska.edu/online/po ... havior=UAS;

http://labman.phys.utk.edu/phys135/modu ... rcular.htm

edited to add links and correct some math
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AB Hammer
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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by AB Hammer »

Since we seem to be talking wheel and what I believe about Bessler so I will tell you.

The MTs do not work as they are.

I believe that all you need to know is in the MTs for Bessler said it is where people have looked before and if you have a discerning eye you can see. ( not exact words but the same meaning )

I believe Bessler built running wheels or I wouldn't have been here.

I also know that even if we git a running wheel. There is no way to prove that, that is how Bessler built his wheel. But the belief in Bessler drives us on.

I believe that no one owns Bessler and anyone who does think they do needs help.

I believe that Bessler is an inspiration that should be respected. Not abused.

Now Jim L

The links you have posted seem to be pretty good. You need to look at some of the links that helloha has posted. there is something for everyone.

"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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Post by Allen_T »

AB Hammer,
Your post had nothing to do with the subject at hand. What I find frustrating is that we could have been good friends but there is a problem. You seem to have no interest in learning anything about engineering.
I guess if what I am working on is successful, then engineering and the need to understand it won't matter much. This is because people will accept certain things. Until then, an understanding of how engineering applies to the subject does matter.

And Scott's quote of the day;

"Man won't fly for a thousand years."
- Wilbur Wright, to brother Orville after a disappointing flying experiment (1901)
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AB Hammer
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Re: re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of moment

Post by AB Hammer »

AB Hammer,
Your post had nothing to do with the subject at hand.
Allen_T wrote:ab hammer,

You have routinely posted there is little to be gained from his drawings.
I think you have said many times that there are no runners among them.
I am not sure how you could be considered credible when you ignore both what Bessler said about his drawings and ignore his faith as well.

I was responding to your comment about Bessler and the MTs.

"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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Re: re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of moment

Post by hoppfield »

AB Hammer wrote:James Lindgaard

It is obvious that you can't do the math, so any math you post must of been someone's other than yourself equations and you must be a fraud. Since you have been running away from the simple math, I will let everyone else know what you could never had answered.

There was multiple answers for the cup question and are correct depending which direction you look at it. But the answer that is needed to fulfill the needs of the personnel is the only one that will keep them satisfied for their coffee. As in the Bessler quest you have to know actions and reactions and how weights effect the wheel in all possible directions for even to get close, but without this knowledge your math will be incomplete just as for the simple coffee questions.

This is what I wrote on my private forum.
Answers on the internet will give a small range of possibilities so I will give them as well.

The ounces in a coffee cup is, it will hold 10 ounces. but a serving is 6 ounces. A measuring cup is 8 ounces. Note that I use the statement of personnel which he should be familiar with.

300 personnel would make one think 1 cup per person. This it the part that has to be understood that we must understand our perimeters of what we need to work with. The average personnel will drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning. So we have to supply for 600 cups.

8oz of coffee a measuring cup makes 1 gallon of coffee. So it takes 50 gallons which also means 400 oz. or 50 measuring cups of coffee grounds to make the 50 gallons.

I haven't cooked in the military for over 30 years and it still only took me 5 minutes to figure out.

The beef of this matter is when we build? If we don't understand how things react and why they react that way. How will math be able to solve this problem. There are to many other factors to consider.
ab hammer,
This shows what you know. Yet you call me a fraud for calculating
torque ? And you also call me a fraud for calculating momentum ?
And what does a cup of coffee have to do with perpetual motion ?
And as anyone can see, I build. I know how things react because I considered engineering instead of coffee. And as you say, anyone who works with turbines, generators and other equipment in an engine room doesn't know how to make a pot of coffee. Considering I was in the Navy, we drank a lot of coffee and knew how to make it as well.
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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »


You still wouldn't do the simple math to show you know how. I was angry for I got tired of your crap. Of course you are bringing up you old strings with your many sign ins and I now remember why them to be deleted, to keep this from happening and flooding this fine forum with your smut. Of course he can lock them to do the same. It is Scott's forum and his choice.
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re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Gill Simo »

Simply demonstrating the conservation of momentum in any feud here at BW.com me thinks?
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Re: re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Jake2023 »

AB Hammer wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:07 am
So Lindgaard How many ounces are in a coffee cup?

Now how many gallons of coffee does it take to serve 300 personnel coffee when they all drink coffee?

How much dry coffee does it take to make that amount of coffee?

I am sure you will have to look it up but show us you can do it.

Lindgaard Lindgaard

Again solve this simple set of equations. Stop trying to change the subject.

The clock started at 12:15 and is ticking LOL
Alan, When I move out of the U.S. I will let people know that you know how to "invent" sustainable farming. After all, as a patriotic American
and a devout believer in your savior Jesus Christ you know it takes work to feed a family. And as an American and a Christian you're willing to prove
why America is the greatest country in the world and is a world leader.
Yep, you've always known the answer because like a patriotic American you are a proud Veteran and are willing to use your military training as the Bible
teaches you to do;
Isaiah 2:4
Bible Gateway
And He will judge between the nations, And will mediate for many peoples; And they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning knives.

And since I have been kept from having a family I cannot be expected to support someone else's family. After all, you posted ad nauseum in overunity dot com that when I give you an invention to support your family you'd be teaching me why I do not want a family. And the reality is that is what all Americans say,
they have children and have needs but not the need to do for themself or work with others.
And as I said, you can use what you know for something other than stalking me. With how you and your friends come after me, that is like Newton and his friends attacking Gottfried Leibniz. And I think people will see that parallel. Fraud and plagiarizer are basically the same things. And I did save Bill's post saying it was such a beautiful thing that you were grooming me and we know what that leads to, right? The thing is I'm not a little boy and I don't like you. And I will let you earn your fame with sustainable farming. People are willing to support you and this means you won't have to do much but provide the leadership you're known for but without me involved. And anal, I think KSLA will want to know why you've been sitting at your computer doing nothing when American families are hurting because of rising food prices.
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Re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by JUBAT »

So how's that wheel of yours been spinning James? Let me guess: It doesn't. LOL!
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Re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Jake2023 »

As Alan Bauldree told me, he needs an invention to feed his family. Bessler's Wheel is an invention and can help him to feed his family as well as others. As his Bible states;
Isaiah 25:4 KJV

For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.

Yep, he can be the strength of the poor who have families to feed by using what he knows to allow for sustainable farming. Since I am not allowed to have a family I have no need to feed someone else's family. People who have families need to take responsibility for themselves and not be beggars when they're capable of working.
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Re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by JUBAT »

Get out of here James. You're not missed when you get banned. You spend more time ranting on here than working on your failed wheels.

Be gone you heathen!
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Re: A simple build to demonstrate conservation of momentum

Post by Jake2023 »

As Jesus said;
2 CORINTHIANS 9:7; As every man purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly or out of compulsion; for God loveth the cheerful giver.

Jesus simply does not want someone to do something for his church if they are pressured into serving the church. It would go against scripture
and the teachings of Jesus to do so. With Alan Bauldree's "invention" (both he and Stefan Hartmann of Berlin, Germany among other people claim it is) he will have the invention he desires to feed his family. Since I need surgery it will have served its purpose in my life.
And when Alan Bauldree uses his invention to feed his family he can show that as a Christian he should always have it better
1 Timothy 4:8; For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.

And this will allow Alan Bauldree to witness the Bible and the church. What does 1 Timothy 4:8 mean? And why would he as other Christians have told
me that I need to be somebody they like when that is not what Jesus taught. As a teacher it will be up to Alan Bauldree to teach what he believes the
Bible means. After all, the Bible is just a bunch of words until it is witnessed by a good Christian like Alan Bauldree.

And I have saved his words, since I do not have a working wheel then I can claim no understanding. And he did explain how to get his “invention” to work.
This will parallel a letter Isaac Newton wrote to Leibniz and used Latin to explain how he invented calculus. And like Newton, Alan Bauldree is supported by English speakers from 4 different countries as well as Germans who live in Germany while I alike Leibniz has plagiarized Alan Bauldree’s work on his “invention”.
Last edited by Jake2023 on Mon Oct 02, 2023 5:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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