Mt 125

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Post by james.lindgard »

I seem t run into the same problem which is that I am not allowed to respond to my critics.
Jesus did say
Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

I know what I have. If people can not support Bessler, then this is the wrong forum for them to be in.

as for me, it seems some people do not want me making his work known.

edited to add, Walt, I am not slandering AB Hammer. Nothing happens without work being performed. In quantum physics, even a photon performs work. This is why mass is an integral part of any scientific calculation.
If you were to consider mass times velocity, velocity is distance divided by time. Work is required for any physical phenomena to occur.
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Post by james.lindgard »

Can I blow some smoke up everyone as Scientists now consider that a photon has mass even though mass is considered only at no velocity. In physics, this is a major shift in thinking. Something that has Ke @ v also has Ke at 0v. Not something previously considered.
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re: Mt 125

Post by WaltzCee »

||: Has that glue dried yet? :||
Last edited by WaltzCee on Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by james.lindgard »

Walt, read your biblical quotes. No casting stones. At the same time, Jesus said no casting pearls.
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Re: re: Mt 125

Post by WaltzCee »

jms.lindgard wrote:It will probably be tomorrow afternoon at the earliest when I'll be able to fill the bellows and give it a try.
The eta on that would have been Thursday, February 11th.

||: Did you get those bellows filled? :||

Stay with me here, James. I just want to focus on certain claims.
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re: Mt 125

Post by james.lindgard »

I can modify my Mt 125 build to my own invention AB Hammer has shown me that Bessler's work has no commercial value. This simply means that if you have a lot of time and money invested in this, acknowledging Besller is a losing proposition.
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Post by james.lindgard »

you and AB Hammer should stay with quoting the Bible. His example to me is he created Thor. His words.
If anyone claims to have Norse heritage, it is simply that they wish to emulate Thor and Thor's creator. AB Hammer is not a bigot. He knows he is to be emulated. And Waltz, his post is probably still there where he says he is not a bigot for creating Thor.
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Post by james.lindgard »

and if you wonder why I don't like him, as he said, he can teach my Norwegian father. A 1st engineer by USCG status is not supported by AB Hammer. He served in the USCGS and does not support the licensing of the USGCS.

What this means is that AB Hammer does not support the Coast Guard while his claim is that he served in the Coast Guard.
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re: Mt 125

Post by WaltzCee »

I think that might mean no, you didn't get a chance to fill your bellows. What's the hold up?

or maybe this


isn't a working wheel, it's just a piece of yard art.

Which is it, James. Stay focused.
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AB Hammer
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re: Mt 125

Post by AB Hammer »


See what I mean.

james.lindgard posted
I am not slandering AB Hammer.
LMAO on this BS

james.lindgard posted
I can modify my Mt 125 build to my own invention AB Hammer has shown me that Bessler's work has no commercial value. This simply means that if you have a lot of time and money invested in this, acknowledging Besller is a losing proposition.
A BS statement when it come to me.

james.lindgard posted
you and AB Hammer should stay with quoting the Bible. His example to me is he created Thor. His words.
If anyone claims to have Norse heritage, it is simply that they wish to emulate Thor and Thor's creator. AB Hammer is not a bigot. He knows he is to be emulated. And Waltz, his post is probably still there where he says he is not a bigot for creating Thor.
Thor is what I nicknamed one of my first wheels, for it had hammers that looked like small Thor's hammers. I built the first version in 2007 and here is a link where I posted part of the second version. ... er=user_id
Later I posted the first version as it was to start with on my private forum. ... er=user_id

James Lindgaard twist to try to mean something else.
Now for his statement about me.
(He knows he is to be emulated) The meaning (past tense: emulated; past participle: emulated To match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation.
"lesser men trying to emulate his greatness")

Lindgaards attempt at big words with other meaning like over on OU he called himself BAHammer to imitate me I guess or at least to confuse to hurt me somehow.

james.lindgard posted
and if you wonder why I don't like him, as he said, he can teach my Norwegian father. A 1st engineer by USCG status is not supported by AB Hammer. He served in the USCGS and does not support the licensing of the USGCS
Notice how JL switches letters around and adds an extra S to each time when referring to me. Then he lies about what I said about his Father's skills when I said something more like. We could teach each other from our knowledge and skill points.

Ask him to prove I said what he claims and a link to where I supposed to have said it so to keep things in context.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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re: Mt 125

Post by WaltzCee »

I've noticed this spat between you and James yet I never paid much attention to it until recently. Here are my thoughts.

James' thinking is a little impaired and from time to time he seems to lose contact with reality. Quite possibly because of his medical condition (ran over by a freight train or something like that) he has his hands on some psychotropics that are causing this.

I think to some degree it's self inflicted and although a very sad state there's nothing anyone can do, other than James.

You've been given this advice before but I'm going to give it again.

From the Proverbs:
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him
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Walter Clarkson
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re: Mt 125

Post by james.lindgard »

AB Hammer has caused me a lot of problems. I build and show my work.

As for his work, it is all hand powered. I can't consider any of his work directed towards realizing perpetual motion. And it is my opinion that AB Hammer is a bigot because I have not seen him cause anyone else problems like he has me and he knows that my father was an immigrant.
And that is also one reason why he started a thread in this forum calling me the ultimate fraud. I was discussing how bellows move water and he was discussing why I was a fraud because I worked through treatment for cancer

As for the drawing, a simple modification I could make. Since water doesn't compress, when the paddle swings down into the water, it would cause the wheel to rotate.
A little math says that if a board is 4 inches (10 cm's) long and is at an angle of 45°, then it would move into the water 1.4 inches or 3.5 cm's.
A latch would time the release of the levers and paddle. And this means that the water the wheel sits in only needs to be about 1 1/2 inches deep.
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re: Mt 125

Post by james.lindgard »

One reason for my wanting to build a perpetual motion machine is to have an experiment in Atmospheric Chemistry is tried.
This is what I usually send to editors and reporters.

90% of formaldehyde occurs in the upper atmosphere, 10% via photosynthesis. Scientists do not believe that if carbon dioxide and water are placed in a hydraulic cylinder and expanded that formaldehyde and oxygen will occur.
If both formaldehyde and oxygen occur, then a basic tenet of all climate change models will have been shown to be wrong. And that is that co2 in our atmosphere remains unchanged. This would simply mean that co2 is not
warming our planet.

There isn't any chance I could ask a favor of you and
have this published ? Any more, I don't think people
are really concerned about climate change. Myself, I
would say thermal vents on the sea floor around Greenland
are warming the Arctic and our planet.
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re: Mt 125

Post by AB Hammer »

Hi WaltzCee
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him
This is a good statement but doesn't fit that well for it is talking about like competing like drinking challenges or stupid quest like snipe hunts and such. More like If you hang around with fools you will be counted amongst them.

What JL is doing is from insult to lies to vicious attacks and in the day of the bible would have been banished to the desert, stoned to death, or even called possessed by daemons and treated accordingly. ( Though shall not bare false witness. ) A commandment JL loves to break over and over and most likely don't care about any of them according to his constant actions and not following the rules.

Now days in the lands of sheeple they all to often believe what is posted or said. That is why negative adds work in elections despite being total lies. In the lands of vast communications it is a danger we must learn about prepare for.

"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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AB Hammer
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re: Mt 125

Post by AB Hammer »

Yes JL
I started that string for good reason and you keep doing the same thing over and over. What part of Banned do you not understand? People should read it and see it is mostly about all your fraudulent accounts.

First lines
Jim Lindgaard is the subject of the ultimate fraud.

How many sign-in names does he have here? 10, 20, 30, more P-motion, to.late, James.Lindgaard, and many more.

With so many sign-ins he keeps the last red dot for glowing Banned.

All self explanatory. I also learned a few lessons and started my own forum here.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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