Quotes and Unquotes

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AB Hammer
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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by AB Hammer »

Greetings Art

They have separate principles by design of approach. After several builds I took a long break from wheel work. Then I looked back at some of my old builds and payed attention to their problems. One of the wheels is an older wheel that just needed a little more to deal with timing. It had already showed very good overbalance capability despite of what normally kills wheels. I started playing with the different mechanisms of other wheels of mine as well. I watched very closely to how they move and a better understanding came into play. One movement just blew me away in its action which took all fear of any negative in another wheel I had already designed but this made a new tweak to it and now it is time. Soon IMO this quest will be on a hole new level.

"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by Art »


Good to see you back in the builders race again Alan ! .

Your horse (“Overbalance �?) appears to be neck and neck with South African Trevor’s “Pendulum Utilization� and edging ahead of RAR Energia’s “Whopping Great Crank � .

Half way down the field there is a muddle of horses going every which way .

But look out ! My favourite “Force � hasn’t even left the starting stall yet ! But he’s looking good if the jockey can just get that saddle on , he’s a lean looking animal (the horse I mean ) and he seems to be everywhere all at once . If the jockey would learn to keep the friction to a minimum that horse might accept the saddle . And then he’ll be off : )

Where is the best place in the world to crack open the Champaign ?
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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Post by AB Hammer »

Careful Art

Until the finish line is reached don't shake up the bottle. LOL

As horse races go, it seems more like a cross country style of race. Lots of stops along the way, not to mention city ordinances, speed traps, food stations to find, and most hotels don't allow pets. LOL

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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by Art »

"In ainm De` agus St Padraig"

-Traditional Irish Greeting

means "In the name of God and St. Patrick"


March 17th is St. Patricks day as every Irishman and most people with Irish ancestory know . And they also would know that St Patricks Coup De Grace was banishing all the snakes from Ireland ( well he may have missed one or two but I think they emigrated later to America , Australia ,England,Europe ,Russia etc along with a large part of the population who went because of the potato famine and not St Patrick )


Because of "Synchronicity" I'm feeling pretty good today !

This morning (March 17th) I woke up exhausted after a very frustrating dream which seemed to have gone on for hours (and had nothing to do with wheels) . It involved me trying to complete a task which was pushing me to my limit and required me to put out a lot of constant effort.When I finally managed to get my eyes open I think I had just about completed the task and I think thats what allowed me to wake up . Its been a long time since I felt so tired after waking up after a full nights sleep .

I got myself a mug of tea and climbed back into bed to try and regain some equilibrium and started to try and push my latest month's Bessler effort along.

For the past 3 days I've been trying to work out how to build a test for the latest theorem which still had a bit of a hole in it and seemed to require a "split axle " build.
And I know from experience that split axle builds are messy , heavy ,rickety ,hard to work with structures that hamper you enormously because you can't easily work "face on" with it but have to manipulate your mechanisms between the sandwich of two disks from the rims. And even then you can't easily see whats going on !

Anyway , my exhausted state of mind after the dream just didn't want to contemplate a split axle design so I thought I'd relook at the theory . And Bingo , a simple modification to one small aspect of it filled the missing hole that I hadn't answered and a design without a split axle just flowed .

And here is the synchronous part - the design that flowed as a natural consequence of the minor change prompted by the exhausting dream , involves a very snakey / multi helix aspect to the prime mover connections. And that reminded me that this was St Patricks day !

I think I'm just going to luxuriate all day in beer and theory . It feels like this is it !

Happy St Patricks day everybody ! : )
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by Art »


" You can't out-think someone who is not thinking ! "

..........................................................Jim Stirrup , Canada ,1968

No point in even trying !
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by Art »

Testing Photo Attachment :-

My Grandson ( about 7yrs old ) spotted this caterpillar on a Eucalypt tree when we were camping in Tasmania about three months ago . It wasn't Ovyyeus to me until I got to within about a foot of it .

Its hard to imagine how this type of camouflage occurs as a result of evolutionary selection !
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Last edited by Art on Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by Art »

Quote "And here is the synchronous part - the design that flowed as a natural consequence of the minor change prompted by the exhausting dream , involves a very snakey / multi helix aspect to the prime mover connections. And that reminded me that this was St Patricks day !
I think I'm just going to luxuriate all day in beer and theory . It feels like this is it ! "


Well it wasn't it !

Actually the idea split into two builds along the way and neither one of them was it .

The original "St Patrick" idea involved having two flywheels mounted on the same axle . Flywheel one was a 5mm thick , one meter diam Opaque perspex disc weighing 3.5kg and "Flywheel" two was a 3mm thick 600mm diam black perspex disc equipped with four equidistant lead weights on its perimeter and weghing total 1.95kg.

Both disks were mounted on a common axle (1/2 inch threaded steel) 800mm long . Disk one was mounted directly on the axle but disk two was mounted onto two rollers [ neoprene(?) skateboard wheels which were mounted directly on the axle ] . These 58mm outside diam skateboard wheels rode on the inside of an ABS plastic pipe with an internal diam of 65mm . This plastic pipe was mounted through the centre of disc two .

When the disks were rotating Disk one turns about a quarter revolution more than Disk two (because of the gearing ratio between the 65mm diam pipe and the outside of the skateboard wheel rollers )

This means that disk two constantly lags behind disk one while the whole shebang revolves . And this is where "St Patrick" and his snakes come in !

Eight chords attach disk one to disk two through the axle so that as disk one leads disk two in revolutions the chords get tensioned and the hope was that the tensioned chords would twist disk two around the circumferance of the neoprene skateboard wheel rollers and exert the weight of disk two (1.95kg) on the rollers at about the 2 to 3 O clock position .

This is in fact what actually did happen but not with the efficiency hoped for !

What "St Patrick" led me to hope for was more than 38 revolutions (when driven by 285g dropping one meter) ie overunity ,but what I got was only 14/38 or only 37% - not very good at all , as a matter of fact - crap !

In build one above , disc two was being "driven" by disk one resulting in (it was hoped) for disk two to overbalance and act as the prime mover .
In build two (not shown ) it was built so that Disc one revolved slower than disk two allowing the tensioning chords to (hopefully) overbalance disk one
by moving some of the weight of Disk two onto the descending side of Disk one.

This again was what did happen but again not as well as expected . More than 30 revolutions with this build would have given overunity but what I got was 33% , worse but not much worse than build number one .

But never mind , come again next year St Patrick !

P.S. I think I got another inspiration when I was building those two ! : )
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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by Art »

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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by Art »

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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by Art »

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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by Art »

"I made an entertaining misstep when I once tried to enlist the help of a machine shop to build a 'perpetual motion machine'."

Kevin T.Kilty


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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by WaltzCee »

The quote:
The wheel can't be solved with the same arithmetic used to prove it impossible.
& unquote:
As far as arithmetic refers to the wheel, it is not certain, and as far as it is certain, it does not refer to the wheel.
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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by WaltzCee »

The quote (a lost verse from the Niemöller poem):
Then they came for the stupid ones, and I did not speak out—
Because I was no stupid one
& unquote:
Better to be silent and thought a stupid one
Than to speak and remove all doubt.
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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by Art »

The link below was sent to me by one of our non posting members (I don't know why he doesn't post -I guess he is one of these shy members who must be afraid of getting savaged ! : ) )

I got a good quote out of it from Sir Isaac Newton (with his pants down ! : ) and an unquote from John Harrison - the guy that did it to him !.

It made it a little more clear why Harrison very nearly didn't get his reward (since Newton was on the board to choose the winner of the Longitude Prize !


Quote : Sir Isaac Newton - "I have told the world oftener than once, that longitude is not to be found by watch makers , but by the ablest astronomers . I am unwilling to meddle with any other method than the right one ! "

Unquote : John Harrison - "I speak from strictly due experience which is the best proof of usefullness notwithstanding what University men may write or do ."

It's a 50 minute video well worth watching IMO.

"NOVA: Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude"

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re: Quotes and Unquotes

Post by WaltzCee »

The quote:
Look before you leap.
& unquote:
He who hesitates is lost.
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Advocate of God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and redeemer of my soul.
Walter Clarkson
© 2023 Walter W. Clarkson, LLC
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