Collins/Parks Missing Information

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Collins/Parks Missing

Collins/Parks Missing Information

Post by Collins/Parks Missing »

For those interested I have compiled a digital book from John Collins and Alden Parks books. You get all the images available plus missing writings and drawings that have been left out by Collins that should have been included with his book.
The cost is only $1.00 US and is available by sending an email to
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re: Collins/Parks Missing Information

Post by ovyyus »

Why are you attempting to charge money for informatiion that is already made available for free? Sounds like a scam to me.

If you have something of interest then post it? Smells fishy - poor show!
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re: Collins/Parks Missing Information

Post by Patrick »

I sent an email to the posted address asking how one would order such a book but no reply. I don't know why anyone would be so upset with John Collins to make such an acerbic post?
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John Collins
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re: Collins/Parks Missing Information

Post by John Collins »

I'm mystified by this post for several reasons. Firstly as far as I'm aware I have not omitted any drawings from my book other than those from MT which only I and Ovvyus have permission from the holding museum to publish, other than for reasons of research. There are of course many drawings not yet published but which have no bearing on our search for a solution to JB's wheel. These consist, for instance, of designs for a morrocan leather factory and other such items which JB was involved with during his life.

Secondly the drawings in Alden park's book are speculations in his own mind and do not come from JB.

I should perhaps ad here that Alden wrote to me several times over a number of months before requesting that I, along with a number of more eminent people, evaluate his work and produce a written report on it, which I did. Briefly, I recommended that he divorce the religious sentiments expressed frequently throughout his work, from his thesis that a number of chiastic levels hidden within Apologia might reveal his secret. I did not even know what chiastics were until Alden's book appeared and personally I doubt their existence and I have in my own mind dismissed his book as being of help in this research.

It does seem to me that there may be a copyright issue here with regard to both the drawings in my book for which I had to obtain permission to publish and those of Alden's, who may or may not have granted his permission for publication.

EDIT I took this sentence straight from Alden's web site ""Some Thoughts on a Simple Explanation of Bessler's Wheel" 24 July 2001 - Alden E. Park (Copyright owner) - Complete copies of my paper along with its associated front figure may be made for incidental or noncommercial use" Note that last bit "noncommercial use".

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re: Collins/Parks Missing Information

Post by AldenPark »

I don't think that anyone should be charging for my long paper (now or in the foreseeable future). I have not given permission to anyone to sell or charge for my copyright certified paper. They can see it for free on the Internet or make their own copy for incidental or noncommercial use. AEP - 13 March 2004
Alden E. Park, for free .pdf books: Gravity-Wheel Unveiled (GWU), Bessler's Little Book Decoded (BLBD), and A Book in Every Home Decoded (BEHD). Also see
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