Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

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re: Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

Post by t »

Yes Art,thank you for sharing the link as I had been looking for the original webpage that had been made previously.I wasn't aware they had also shared it on the forum.
This was the first time K.Waenga tried to reach out and show the world what he had stumbled across,but as stated in previous posts he was extremely paranoid and this was also the time his health took a turn for the worst.

Please if you have any questions feel free to ask as he is here with me now and I can communicate via this forum for him.
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re: Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

Post by WaltzCee »

Please if you have any questions feel free to ask as he is here with me now and I can communicate via this forum for him.
What's your point? How do you intend to proceed? What's the plan? How can any here help you with that?

I have no end of questions.
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Re: re: Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

Post by t »

What's your point? How do you intend to proceed? What's the plan? How can any here help you with that?

I have no end of questions.[/quote]

My point of that question was in the sentence.... if you have any questions about how the wheel works mechanically,we would answer questions (obviously without giving too much away).
We will be looking into a patent and hopefully build a new prototype if Mr Waenga is mentally and physically up to it.
Maybe look into some avenues here in New Zealand regarding investors.
If there are any engineers in New Zealand that are willing to help/donate their time, that would be much appreciated.(hopefully someone stumbles across this forum).

I will keep updating forum as we make progress.
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re: Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

Post by WaltzCee »

At the risk of offending the lap dog of a future Nobel Laurette; I just don't believe you. I'll make my case.
Maybe look into some avenues here in New Zealand regarding investors.
See how easy it is to quote something? Yet you don't seem to be able to manage it. It is impossible for any living soul to have stumbled on to the answer to this mystery, and then choose you for their front man. Not possible.

But to your question. It appears, since you're only looking for investors in New Zealand, you've never heard of Google. This is so damn lame. I don't know why I bother. I suspect boredom.

T, mon ami, have you ever heard of It could easily be worth $20 million USD to write a proposal with an accompanying demonstration of something what would address this Grand Challenge:
  • Nearly 2 billion people throughout the world live off-grid. Access to energy plays an integral role in improving economic productivity and the dissemination of health, education, and communication services. The goal of the Renewable Energy Storage and Distribution XPRIZE is to provide power to the millions living off-grid by achieving close to grid parity in the price and distribution of off-grid solar installations.
He is a very simple man with no degrees nor does he understand fancy scientific lingo. He has no idea how to use technology (not even a cell phone) Bessler's Wheel to him at first was a fascination that has turned into his life over the past 10 years.
Well, but do you understand fancy scientific lingo? Can you call home? There's a serious disconnect here. I'll admit I might not have put it in the best terms, yet I'm sure some get the point.
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re: Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

Post by t »


Your are entiltled to your opinion.

I hope find what your looking for on this forum.
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re: Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

Post by WaltzCee »

Your are entiltled to your opinion.
Thank you and I'm glad you're not taking it personally. I was groping for a word last night and it just wouldn't come to me.

Contrived. That's what I was trying to think of.
I hope find what your looking for on this forum.
Speaking of my opinion, I'm of the opinion if there is an answer to this puzzle it's going to be found by someone looking for it. There are a lot of people like that here. If someone actually finds it this is going to be one of the first places that news breaks.

I'm "looking" to be one of the first to know.

Also, if I figure it out I intend to say so here. Believe me if I tell you I have an answer I'm not whistling Dixie. You can take it to the bank.
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re: Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi t, if a man has built a work gravity wheel already, surly you yourself could fund a rebuild, for as little as two hundred pounds, like it's been said it is so simple. So fund the man yourself would be the answer, make a video and you tube it with adds. Money back in no time, you and the invented would rock the world! So what are you waiting for! Don't expect us here to get onboard when you yourself are hanging back. You should be taking this by the horns and take this gravity wheel to the masses, do you not know how important this invention is?
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re: Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

Post by Tarsier79 »


Why did MR Waenga's name change from the old web site to the new one? Why do you only give one letter of your name?

I agree with "ME" on the first page:
- trust no-one, dump the phone ASAP and forget that wheel ever happened;
- trust only you (T), and transfer the IP so you'll be able to recreate that idea and think things through at a slower pace;
- trust all, and leave as little room as possible for oppression:-- recreate all drawings and tuning-tips then dump it all over the internet for all to see (probably only in that case it will be called the "Waenga-drive");
But I would add: Sell to an investor so it is their problem.

For anyone to beleive you, you need a physical working model sitting in front of them, or to have already proven the fact beyond reasonable doubt.

If you wanted to collaborate, I don't know of anyone in NZ. But there are well respected trustworthy people here if you know how to find them, and you can contact them with the "Private mesages" link at the top. One of my top choices, and a widely respected forum member is "Fletcher".

IMO. Anwering any questions providing they don't reveal the mechanism is sort of a waste of everyones time, including yourselves. Take a moment, make a plan, implement. If you are genuine, I hope to see you guys on the news sipping champagne. Good luck!
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re: Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

Post by Andyb »

Hi T,do the weights in this design move upwards and outwards on the fall side and upward and in ward on the lift side ,all the best Andyb.
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Post by MrVibrating »

@T, Mr Waenga:

I'm unsure of your intentions when you say you will answer questions about the mechanism - i appreciate the intention to protect IP, and the desire for local engineering assistance, rather than getting bogged down in a frustrating round of guessing games.. Mr Waenga presumably wishes to offer convincing evidence of his claim, without compromising it..

The folks here can offer practical assistance with maths, simulations and animations, test rigs and replications etc., but obviously that means revealing at least part of the IP..

Some of the questions that keep me awake however are these:

1) Is the "ice skater effect" important (speeding up by pulling mass inwards, or likewise, slowing down by extending mass outwards)?

2) In the earlier one-way wheels, which were under static torque when tied-off stationary, it seems most likely that this static torque was produced by a weight resting against the over-balanced side of the wheel, such that rotation allowed it to get lower - is this conclusion correct?

3) If (2) is correct, and the weights operated in pairs as Bessler says, then where was this 'other' weight when the wheel was tied off stationary, with the overbalancing weight resting against the descending side? Was it already lifted, or else resting below, waiting to be lifted?

4) From the details already given, it seems Mr Waenga believes the source of excess energy to be gravitational, however given that gravity and mass are constant, and that any weights must travel equal distance up as down, no gravitational energy appears to be available - what are Mr Waenga's thoughts on this apparent paradox?

5) What are Mr Waenga's thoughts on the prospects of replacing gravity's role here with other forces - such as magnetism, or just inertia - ie., would his mechanism still work aboard a spaceship in zero-G, if it maintained a steady 1G of acceleration?

6) Which of Bessler's illustrations does Mr Waenga find most interesting - either from his published works, or Machinen Tractate?

Any answers to any of these, in no particular order, and with as much or as little elaboration as he likes, could make for stimulating discussion, if that was at least part of his intentions here..

Of course any reluctance to discuss anything is wholly respected, and i'm sure all of us are crossing all digits for his success..
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re: Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

Post by Dorothy »

Hello t ,

From reading your posts and web site and the replies and inputs from the forum I am still hopeful that you are not responding , not as acceptance that you are not genuine , but that you have been discouraged by the reception of your case .

Based on my reading of some of the many threads on the forum , one should expect that most members are very skeptical of claims made by unknown (and known) members due to the large number of faked attempts previously .

This is unfortunate for those who do have a genuine conviction that they have something of value to offer and who may be expecting to receive immediate constructive advise or assistance but are put off by the skepticism .

Please don't be put off . The most skeptical are sometimes the most genuine in helping those that satisfactorily answer the basic questions that must be answered to gain trust .

Kia Waimarie ,

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re: Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

Post by Tarsier79 »

Just letting you all know I offered to help Mr Waenga with the mechanics, sending a message on the website his relative made for him. I didn't receive any response whatsoever. Although this is not entirely unexpected, I suspect they are hoping for someone to throw money at the Waenga device.

On the website, it mentions gliding and impact. What makes the energy gain? not gliding as far as I know. Nor impact. With weights gliding, I imagine them changing positions efficiently, and with an impact, it could be efficient. So does Mr Waenga just have something that "nearly" runs, something that runs for a long time but eventually winds down. "If I just add more crossbeams or weights...", you know the story.

That is my gut feeling anyway.
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Post by MrVibrating »

For us kinds of nutters especially, we're partly compelled by the ever-winding grip this mortal coil - we think we're OK cos we're in it for the long game, and for each of us there's a calming sense of fate - just as for Bessler, that such a gift cannot have been bestowed on ones' shoulders by sheer luck, that such odds convey an implicit purpose, defying blind improvidence, yet however we like to think things are supposed to play out, we're only making the gods laugh..

My callsign at work is Delta five five - picked at random by office bods long before i knew about Bessler, yet "55" is me, as foretold in the prophesies, lol ? One of the reasons i log every dubious 'breakthrough' here is that my job's dangerous - i could permanently log out any time, when i least expect it..

But i've noticed a pattern, in myself as much as others around these wards, of wanting to hand off on a lifetime's work - that there has to be some kind of vindicating value in it, to be bequeathed in some sense, if not posthumously, even though it might not yet have realised its full, though undeniable, potential..

Not to suggest such matters are a waste of time - there's always more lessons to be learned, and negative results can be as informative as positive ones..

That said, Mr Waenga is explicitly claiming auto-acceleration, indefinitely-sustained, and stopped by an input of counter-work, from what i gather, so, in a word, unambiguous 'success'.

The clues he's mentioned as being particularly informative are the same ones i've picked up on here - his claims, and the few details he's given, are highly consistent with the kinds of fundamental principles that could, conceivably, produce OU (free energy and momentum from an effective N3 violation makes mathematical sense in a way that prospective gravitational asymmetries do not). So he's talking the right talk. But if there's a lesson of history here it's that the 'right walk' isn't so easily divined, and it's rarely whatever one thinks it should be..

I'll never understand how someone can just sit on it though.. just on moral, ethical grounds.. this heaven-sent tech's been denied to us by human cynicism. If it was ever 'bestowed', then it was upon the wrong individual; mankind's greatest potential moonshot, squandered. We're left picking through the indecipherable tatters of the last great 'cunning plan' to disseminate this species-changing paradigm shift / precious intellectual property.

If he really had it, why tease us here? Why not just sell it to an energy company or something..?

These types of distractions are a detrimental influence, since they leave others trying to cross-reference their own research with these unsubstantiated claims - which may or may not be as dubious as they are earnest.

All we can rely on is the first-hand Bessler records as furnished by JC, and whatever physics and ingenuity we're able to throw at the problem.

If he does have it, but is keeping it secret, then unless fate squishes me first, i'm barking up the same tree and remain confident something's got to fall out sooner or later..
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re: Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

Post by Tarsier79 »

If he had success, why would he want engineers? All of the clues he gives can be extrapolated from besslers writing. There are others who have claimed success, beleiving they have it, but without a finished and working wheel. He may have calculated rpm and potential power by measuring an apparent torque.

Theere are too many variables. Too many people want success so much they delude themselves. There are some people that are just scammers. I personally thing Mr Waenga is genuine, but probably hasn't got an actual "working" wheel.

But there is the same odds as me winning lotto that he actually has the answer.
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re: Intresting read, thoughts? copy url

Post by Tarsier79 »

Update. I did get a reply from Mr Waenga. I didnt glean any new information, but I am sure he is certain his design works. He said he would keep me updated, but I sort of get the same feel8ng you get at a job interview when you are told " we'll call you", and as you leave the room your resume is crumpled up and tossed into the wastepaper bin with the corner with the basketball hoop mounted above it. Swoosh.
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