Sorry Walter, you fail to make any sense to me.
I think you Should have started at the beginning.
My "Fair and square?" remark:
It would be nice to literally credit "preoccupied" from the beginning; (reason: respect)
It would be nice not to "take" preoccupied's idea for whichever reason or excuse; (reason: don't steal or "borrow")
You can't patent gravity; (reason: it's not patentable)
In all language "vagaries": "square" was obvious, "fair" probably not.
Nothing one way or the other about my client.
But my dear Walter, it is all about your supposed Client. Not my idea, you are the one who mentions. Continuously.
You may pick any other arbitrary expression as example, but in the context of all "vagaries" of your own language:
You simply don't put your own Client on sale.
And for all the words in the English curriculum, why "money" again? Why? It is precisely Not those things you mention it is, but a handy virtual substitute. If used uncarefully it leads to the exact opposite result and meaning of those words "ownership" and "resource".
If you hadn't mentioned your "Client" to paint your background all of this would indeed just be a "matter of speak"; It's about your own "deliberate" choice of words being put together- Thereby creating a major contradiction in the process of choosing the precise things already flagged by your Client. Flags perhaps worth considering.
It is not my Client, it's you who claims it's yours. As with all claims, also as like with supposed claims of perpetual devices for example:
Who claims, who proofs and defends..
By the nature of things known by anyone, consciously or subconsciously, and indifferent of how it may be called: When you externalize your Client a bit off, then your Client will be equally off internally. Ye can't go left and right at the same time.
I hope I conveyed my "confusion" a bit better now. It was never my intention to put you in some corner, but I don't know about yours. It would just be nice to get some slight hint of the direction you're going.
Perhaps we could restart the whole thing:
Preoccupied's Wheel design
preoccupied wrote:I shared Bessler's Wheel.
Now I will explain it to you again in words that you can understand.
The square that I drew drops levers at the corners and this evenly distributes four weights downward through the entire swing.
this lifts weights that will rotate the square.
The weights that will be lifted on one side will be the bottom two levers in the corner of the square which will sit near the center of the square sitting together.
The top two levers in the corner will sit opposite of each other near the center of the square and this will be balanced during the rotation of the square.
The famous peacocks tail discussed here that Bessler gave as clue as to his wheel is how you can distribute the weight being lifted that will rotate the square.
If you lift weights facing on a lever downward all of the way up to a vertical position facing upwards then you can using a faster gear ratio and place and store already lifted weights vertically at the top while more weights are being lifted at the bottom.
This can be done by lifting one weight every 90 degrees and always leaving one weight 90's to one side sticking out. If you have an 8:2 gear ratio then you can lift 3 weights up to the vertical position and the lifted weights would always be one weight short of a full load.
If the square is balanced with the weights its lifting there would be a 1:2 gear ratio where the weights being lifted have to be lifted twice as far as the four levers in the corner of the square are falling.
This may not be used to produce work for people to use because it will be used to hurt gravity and gravity is used to keep our rotation around the sun.
The sun's heat is more valuable than free electricity and our orbit around the sun could be sustaining all life on Earth which means that if we change the orbit of the planet that we are on we will kill all life on Earth.
source: ... 967#148967