Should we disallow anonymous posts?

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Should we disallow anonymous posting? (Please vote!)

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Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by scott »

Hi all,
I know that many of you have recommended for a long time that we disallow anonymous posts on this board, and I have always understood the rationale. At the same time, though, I've been torn about it. In principle, I believe that a public forum should be just that (open to the public), and anonymous posters from time to time have contributed positively to the discussion.

However, it seems that lately, people have been hiding behind the "Guest" account in order to post rude and offensive remarks that they might not have posted otherwise.

On the other hand, at least one user commented that the recent "soap opera"-like activity has been entertaining!

So what do you all think? Is it time to disallow guest posts?

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re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by John Collins »

I think it would be a mistake to ban anonymous posting. A lot of people prefer to lurk and perhaps add their penny's worth occasionally and who knows if something might come of it. At the same time the anonymous postings under all kinds of different guises really bugs me and I can't understand why anyone would want to adopt such peculiar behaviour, especially when they are already members of the forum.

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re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by Patrick »

I don't think it would help much since people will always find a way to create an anonymous identity if they really want to; but I am for it. I would be in favor of anything that helps to reduce/restrict unsavory postings.
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re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by ovyyus »

Hi Scott,

IMO, posting to this board should be limited to members only. While I agree with John that it would be good to keep all channels open, I doubt that a simple registation process would deter someone who is genuinely interested in sharing information and partaking in discussion.

I feel that all the nonsense and trouble caused by the various mystery guest posters is a waiste of time and space, and simply a distraction. In my experience I've found that if someone will not stand by their comments or actions then they usually have some personal agenda - religious, ego, theft, insane, etc. Why cater to that?
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Re: re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by scott »

ovyyus wrote:...all the nonsense and trouble caused by the various mystery guest posters is a waste of time and space, and simply a distraction.
Hi Bill,

Yes, I am starting to see things this way. Especially lately, it seems that the small positive contribution of anonymous posters is being outweighed by an overabundance of childish inanity...

I look forward to more comments from users both for and against this proposal.

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re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by jim_mich »

I think being required to register before posting would be good. It helps prevent childish posts that waste time and computer memory. Some boards require registration before viewing, just as the 'Community Buzz' section here. I believe 'Public Forum' should be just that, viewable by the public. But to prevent abuse and deter childish behavior, a poster should be required to register before posting.
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re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by Jonathan »

I voted yes too.
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re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by TommyK »

Yes. If it prevents users from clogging up the board with he's not he and he is he.
If someone has deceived someone then take the matter with them in private thru email or other means. It doesn't matter who is who so long as they are not bashing one another and are contributing in a positive way.
I was very new to this board and mentioned that I had something. From there I got bashed with childish comments then accused of being many other people. I admitted to posting as guest on occasion and even admitted to creating a certain topic. But it was not to bash and slander.
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re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by Stewart »

I was originally of the opinion that anonymous posting was a good idea for the reasons that John and Scott have mentioned. However, the recent behaviour of some guest posters is very distracting and has really started to annoy me. This behaviour is ruining an otherwise superb website and discussion board. I realise people could still abuse the board as members and have false/multiple identities, but at least preventing anonymous posting will help reduce this. It is not as if the board would no longer be public, and I'm sure anyone who is genuinely interested in the subject and who has good intentions will have no qualms about registering as a member.

All the best

re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by PIMAN »

Certainly, anyone researching perpetual motion, discussing physics, kinetics, gravity, geometry, spin theory, translating and re-translating foreign historical texts, constructing original designs, debating the metaphorical verse of a mad genius, and ultimately seeking to change the course of humanity..... certainly, you cannot be that easily influenced by a few lonely gremlins obviously in need of attention. I say rise above it. Genius is usually accompanied by madness. It is the way.
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re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by Michael »

I'd say yes too. One of the reasons I haven't been on here lately. I am tired of all the sillyness.

regards to the sincere,

meChANical Man.
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re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by Jeff L. »

I would also like to have anonymous posts disallowed. The lack of accountability that goes along with anonymity seems to bring out the worst in some of the "guests", or "pests", who do nothing but detract from our purpose at hand. All the side issues that have come up recently are a waste of everyone's time and we could remain more focused with only registered posting allowed.

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re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by ovyyus »


Nice try anonymous guest.

Certainly there's an enormous gulf between 'mad genius' and 'plain stupid'. It's not really all that hard to tell the difference, unless you're plain stupid :)

Sorry, just couldn't resist!
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re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by scott »

Nice, Bill! I agree, but you just can't stay out of the fray, can you? ;-)
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re: Should we disallow anonymous posts?

Post by jim_mich »

Many time genius is genetic, it runs in families. (The same can be said of idiocy.) Many geniuses have trouble coping in life. But if you were a genius and had to put up with all the really stupid people in the world, would you not become a little irritated with them? The stupid ones make smart ass remarks thinking it makes them look real smart and cool (or whatever term is used now days) not realising how really really dumb their words sound to others. It would be a blessing to not read all the stupid remarks from those few posters that insist on showing the whole world just how few brain cells they have.

Just My Opinion.
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