Interesting patent

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Interesting patent

Post by telecom »

Found this patent, does it actually make sense? ... 2006001686
(EN)The invention relates to a torque multiplier consisting of two parts which take the form of crosses comprising four arms disposed at 90° in relation to one another and which are mounted in pairs, aligned, separated and positioned in parallel with a hole at the centre, in which a shaft is fixed in order to serve as the axis of rotation of the assembly. In addition, four rectangular parts are fixed in the 90° spaces defined by the four arms of the cross-shaped parts, such that, when the assembly rotates, said rectangular parts produce a centrifugal force. In this way, the rectangular parts create a lever effect, with a support point on the axis of rotation, by applying the centrifugal force on the paired, parallel arms of the cross-shaped parts to which they are fixed, in the same direction of rotation, such as to increase the torque.
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