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re: WM2D

Post by ME »

eeman wrote:Hello Gentlemen

I am a newcomer to this forum and haven't even begun to read all of the many threads and topics. I have been contemplating the Bessler wheel for about 20 years and dabbled in a few construction attempts. I am not a physics guru or trained mechanical engineer, but have built many mechanical and electronic devices over the past 40 years as chief engineer for a small electronics company.

Not being trained in the nuances of writing scripts or doing complex computations on moving bodies, I am using a very simple approach with WM2D to vet wheel designs that would probably be useful especially to beginning users of WM2D. If this method is of interest, I can outline it here or start a new topic as I don't want to derail this thread.

What I am doing in the way of simple vetting of wheel designs using what I think is a unique approach, may have already been explored here, and I have not yet found it in a search.

Your input on which direction to go with this approach would be appreciated, but so far as a newcomer, I'm a bit disappointed at the lack of a single reply.

Kind regards

Hello & welcome.

As this old topic is about WM2D and its quirks, it's likely your added method would become as hard to find as those other methods.

Please feel free to create a new topic about testing wheels.

(we're sometimes a wee bit slow with our replies)
Marchello E.
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re: WM2D

Post by eeman »

Hi Marchello

Thanks for your kind reply.

I have a few questions about file sizes and file extensions for attachments but could not find anything on the FAQ listing.

I am interested in posting small video files of exported WM2D runs for those who do not have WM2d. The files would typically be typically less than 1 MByte per post and will usually be accompanied by the .WM2d file for those that have the program. I might also include a small .jpg file for a quick visual.

I will start a new topic for the method of testing I am proposing, once I come up with a reasonably good name for it.

I hope one of the moderators or someone could point me to where allowable file size and type info is located.

Thanks in advance for help on this.


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Post by Gregory »

I have a few questions about file sizes and file extensions for attachments but could not find anything on the FAQ listing.

I am interested in posting small video files of exported WM2D runs for those who do not have WM2d. The files would typically be typically less than 1 MByte per post and will usually be accompanied by the .WM2d file for those that have the program. I might also include a small .jpg file for a quick visual.

I will start a new topic for the method of testing I am proposing, once I come up with a reasonably good name for it.

I hope one of the moderators or someone could point me to where allowable file size and type info is located.
Hi eeman,

You can find information about the attachments and sizes here:
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re: WM2D

Post by eeman »

Hi Gregory

Thanks for that information, it is exactly what I needed. I will begin posting some stuff that falls under the limits and observes the rules.

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