Generating more meaningful debate

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Post by WaltzCee »

john.smith wrote:. . . If I am successful then it will show that my having taken the time to learn physics and building is what my success will be based on. . . .

. . . And with me Ralph, I think this is where finishing my build is important to me. Like you and AB Hammer I have medical problems but then I did build when I had cancer and was being treated for it. It seems neither of you are willing to show any work. This could be why I have Bessler's wheel, I've been about seeing his work realized and then I can have the surgery I need.
Having the wheel before the success is quite an accomplishment. We are not worthy.
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by john.smith »

Having the wheel is what leads to the success. Ask AB Hammer and rlortie what they have. I like this capture I did while building with cancer. AB hammer was playing his usual mind games and was attacking me. I had to limit how much food I ate because I had both cancer and a job I went to where I walked 10 - 12 miles a day.
And if you notice what AB Hammer's friend said, the last part is this;
Why not get back to the research and leave personal attacks out of it? After all, it is the research and experimentation that will prevail in the end, not words and certainly not hateful words.

AB Hammer in my opinion had been trying to take control of my build and was hoping I would let him have control because of the problems I had dealing with cancer. The 2nd image shows a small discussion we had. To date I have seen none of his builds that he alluded to.
And Walt, just because I post in a forum at no time obligates me to work with AB Hammer. He has always maintained that he is a private builder and does not share information. IMO this is why he dislikes me, I work openly and build. I know of few people who can say this in this forum. So I think it si nice that I am sharing my work in this forum despite repeated attacks over the years my a few select individuals.
And Walt, I really, really do have it :-)

This is funny, the drawing is what I was working on then. The retraction method is different because I've incorporated Bessler's disc around the axle. Who knows, maybe AB Hammer has been the hold up all these years. I say this because IMO he and others he worked with did not support open source building because they were private builders. And Alan, it looks like I was close back in 2009 but you had to keep justifying why I should accept your opinion which was an opinion about nothing but why IMO you mattered.
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by justsomeone »

You DON'T have Bessler's wheel.
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by WaltzCee »

And Walt, I really, really do have it :-)
That's amazing. My Client does it the same way. Here's an example:
Therefore my Client himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
That was some 700 years before the fact.

You sure are a rare find, Mr. Smith. You declare a thing and it is so. Would you kindly give my ideas your blessings? I'd tell you what they are but you most likely already know.
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by john.smith »

When you say >>
That's amazing. My Client does it the same way. Here's an example:
Therefore my Client himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
That was some 700 years before the fact. <<

What you're saying is that your client is really God, right ?
That's funny. AB Hammer told me that he was a prophet and I acknowledge that he is one. He told me I didn't want to pursue Bessler's wheel because I would suffer greatly for it. How could he have known that I would have such severe complications from the treatment for cancer ? There is no way he could have unless he is a real prophet.
But what I was thinking of saying is that as soon as I switched to BA Hammer as a way of saying I do not like AB Hammer, he posted nicely to me and made my work new. Christians have always told me that Jesus can make things new as well.
I think in a way though that AB Hammer was merely pursuing opportunity for himself and thought that since I had cancer I would be an easy mark.
But I like what you say about him better. He is God. And yet what did he post earlier in this thread ? That he wanted Bessler's wheel too much ? If that is true then did his desire drive him to work with others in a meaningful way ? If not then he had no desire to see Bessler's wheel realized.
As for me, I can always say that I worked on faith as Bessler placed 3 crosses in this drawing;
can you spot them ?

@rlortie, it is sad that after all these years that you do not understand conservation of angular momentum. Simply put, when a weight is pulled inward it's KE increases. This increases that weight's velocity. If a weight's radius is reduced by 1/2 then it's velocity doubles. Then if you consider torque, that remains the same. But with Bessler's wheel relative mass would be more important because it costs the descending weight work to lift the ascending weight. That's the primary relationship in a gravity powered wheel but for some reason people want to discuss something other than that relationship which is defined by the law conservation of angular momentum.
@Walt, think maybe you can help him out with this ? I have medical problems and can't work. :-)
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by preoccupied »

I think you guys are too quick to judge rlortie as not understanding. I think he is saying Velocity increases, but you are saying energy increases for some reason. what if energy doesn't increase, like anywhere, at all? Why won't you believe that velocity can increase without increasing energy? In my drawing I said that the weight of the flywheel can be increased. Is that an increase in energy though? It's only true for more than one frame of reference if it is. The first sliding weights are an even trade but the second sliding weights makes it heavier and the third and so on. It's the previous weights position that moved further from the axle moving again that has a new mechanical advantage in the form of a heavier flywheel. What kind of energy is that? It's not. It's gravity. The heavy flywheel steals from the energy required to keep it in position so that it can be a flywheel. So while my drawing might work and maybe it's the same as Jim_Mich always wanted to share but couldn't because he was protective of his idea, it's not free energy. It's gravity. And if you had some energy holding you in space like from a space ship, this heavy flywheel would take from that energy. It would be even with it. Even Steven. And that means rlortie is correct and you guys are living in fantasy land.
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by rlortie »


"@rlortie, it is sad that after all these years that you do not understand conservation of angular momentum."

Yes it is sad! I have yet to find an ice skater, (the one always used as an example) to agree climbing into my wheel and making it PM!

Why should I care to philosophize over conservation of Am, when it is what I wish to ignore? It is inside the box, my intuition tells me to think outside the box.

I commend you on your own designs and work, but I have yet to see any mechanical design that assures me you have beat the:"Height for width syndrome".

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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by WaltzCee »

The point is you act like my Client or a mouthpiece of his when you say you have Bessler's wheel before you even build it.

That just touches the surface. You couch so many things with the phrase "in my opinion" with no apparent basis in reality. Also a major theme I see is you assigning your failures to others.

Finally, your words seem to have no meaning whatsoever. On the 5th you said: I will stick with my build and discuss nothing with no one. ... 218#154218

Was that suppose to mean you'd discuss everything/anything with everyone/anyone?
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by rlortie »


You wrote: "Simply put, when a weight is pulled inward it's KE increases."

If this is so, why did the Counterweight trebuchets powered by gravity replace the catapult as an advanced and more powerful weapon? I believe it is because making the lever longer plus the sling and throw increases kinetic energy. The inward or shorter catapult lacked this KE.

You need to pay more heed to what Iacob Alex has to say about this!

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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by AB Hammer »

@ all

I'm not going to waste my time answering to "john.smith" better known as "James Lindgaard". Old story and needs to be flushed to where it belongs. No personal stabs and just talk wheel keeps strings clean.
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Re: re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by john.smith »

rlortie wrote:john.smith

You wrote: "Simply put, when a weight is pulled inward it's KE increases."

If this is so, why did the Counterweight trebuchets powered by gravity replace the catapult as an advanced and more powerful weapon? I believe it is because making the lever longer plus the sling and throw increases kinetic energy. The inward or shorter catapult lacked this KE.

You need to pay more heed to what Iacob Alex has to say about this!

One reason why I suggested someone try a demonstration is because it would help people in here to understand conservation of angular momentum.
As for Jacob Alex I probably know a lot more than he does. Building and studying physics is why. I can understand why a decrease in radius increases velocity.
When I say KE = {1/2mv^2} = 3/2KT I know what it's about. The linear velocity of a gas increases or decreases depending on temperature in kelvins changing.

Linear velocity is a part of KE and increases when the radius decreases. I did post a link where an MIT graduate with a Ph.D. said the same thing. Again why I think someone should try a demonstration.

@All, I'll probably finish my work offline. Even ME I think it was also tried explaining conservation of angular momentum to Ralph. Yet he continues to reject it because a figure skater isn't in his perpetual motion wheel. That's too childish for me.
Last edited by john.smith on Sun Oct 08, 2017 12:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by justsomeone »

Ralph, does this video answer your questions.
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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Re: re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by john.smith »

AB Hammer wrote:@ all

I'm not going to waste my time answering to "john.smith" better known as "James Lindgaard". Old story and needs to be flushed to where it belongs. No personal stabs and just talk wheel keeps strings clean.

Not happy about my showing where I was supposed to feel sorry for you when I had cancer ? That's no stab, just showing how well you've been supported. You should be glad to have friends who stand up for you like that.
It did seem odd to me how you were trying to explain to me how I had a "new" build when it was the same build I had been working on.
And Alan, why is it when someone has serious medical issues you won't leave them alone when they ask you to ? All you have is what you just posted and everyone can see 8 years ago I tried being civil with you and even with this build I did give you an invitation to be a part of it which you did not accept multiple times. They know now that it hasn't been me.

Maybe Ralph disagrees with you because you're not an American ? He knows my father immigrated from Norway.
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by preoccupied »

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Re: re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by ME »

justsomeone wrote:Ralph, does this video answer your questions.
Good & funny.

J.Smith: Please follow your own advice.
Let me worry about who disagrees with me or not.
As far as I'm concerned there's no disagreement.
Perhaps a difference in perspective: which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned.
Also, Ralph can handle himself perfectly.
And also...*sigh* ... we ALL know your father is from Norway, but that doesn't proof any dramatized thing or excuse.

In case you forgot, here are your own advises to generate more meaningful debates:
john.smith wrote:I am tired of all of the crap which is unnecessary. ... 225#154225
john.smith wrote:Why not get back to the research and leave personal attacks out of it? After all, it is the research and experimentation that will prevail in the end, not words and certainly not hateful words. ... 256#154256
Marchello E.
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
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