john.smith wrote:AB Hammer,
No one can discredit you but yourself. Am curious, is this what you consider being dogged by someone ? When I had cancer and had asked you to leave me alone you didn't. You have posted in here that you will not allow a person to use cancer as an excuse not to do what you want. You need to quit playing the victim. You are a grown man, maybe it's time you grew up ? After all, you are blaming things on other people. Do you always hold other people responsible ? It does seem to be a habit of yours.
After all, you say I used cancer as an excuse. You did not explain that you meant not to do what you wanted me to do as the My Current Build thread IMO demonstrates. I think this is funny because a part of your credibility is based on attacking someone when they had cancer. I am not sure how you do that Alan. You know, make someone with cancer look bad for not doing what you want.
By the way, you also said that I have nothing to offer yet others will say that I build and reference Bessler's drawings. I think only people who misrepresent themselves have to be concerned about their credibility.
And with me AB Hammer, I don't think you want people considering the possibility that you've been trying to keep Bessler's wheel from being realized. That is unless YOU get credit for it. That's my opinion and the 1st Amendment in the Bill of Rights allows me to voice my opinion while you might not. ... edqB2iPLIU
K.waengaAB Hammer wrote:k.waenga
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was not talking about you in that post to silvertiger. It was about someone who has dogged me for years. As far as I know you are new here and await the evidence needed for your claim.please mr hammer i did not mean to offend you , i have no doubt that we can become good friends .. regards k.waenga.
See what I mean.