Generating more meaningful debate

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Sam Peppiatt
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by Sam Peppiatt »


I'm afraid I don't understand your concept. When a slider moves out, (which ever way it moves), won't centrifugal force just hold it out?

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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by agor95 »


Good question your greenie button has been hit :-)

You are on a roundabout with a ball tied to a bungee chord and you hold the other end.

Through it away does it come back?
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Post by eccentrically1 »

The ball comes back, but has the roundabout been affected?
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by ME »

You're on a bridge strapped to a bungee cord (and the cord to the bridge). You jump off... will the bridge be affected?
Marchello E.
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by rlortie »

Yes! the bridge will be effected, typically referred to as moment or moment joint. ... ion_method
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by agor95 »


Another good question.

If you throw the ball radially then when it pulls back that slows the merry-go-round slightly.

If you throw the ball forward in relation to the rotation then the ball will
slow the merry-go-round slightly. Hopefully the ball comes back radially.

The moral of the story; do not through a ball on a wheel it only slows it down ;-)

Thank you all - edited the text
Last edited by agor95 on Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sam Peppiatt
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

@ argor95,

I must be the dumbest guy on this forum, I don't have a clue what you are talking about------------------------

But then I'm only a farm boy, Sam
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by rlortie »

Stupid me! I forgot that "Roundabout" is a British term for merry-go-round.

Throw the ball forward at the same tangent that Cf is pulling you outward, the ball will radial return as you pass it ending up behind you.

Throwing the ball forward of your motion creates back torque and then dragging or pulling it adds to the load or resistance of the roundabout.
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Re: re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by ME »

rlortie wrote:Yes! the bridge will be effected, typically referred to as moment or moment joint.
Ralph, nice one and thanks for the info :-)
Hopefully the person's weight is negligible compared to the bridge (probably a couple of thousand tons) and no resonance builds up.
I meant to indicate that centrifugal force acts like gravity, and its effect on the structure depends on relative mass.

But you can't throw a ball radially because although the wheel goes a certain angular velocity it still has a changing (tangent) linear velocity depending on the distance from the center: IOW, you can't throw in a straight line (in a rotated view).
It lags behind and we blame Coriolis.
But in general I agree with Agor: any added linear momentum to this ball robs angular momentum of the wheel...
...until its given back when returned (I guess that's what eccentrically indicated)
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by agor95 »


We are all trying to get ideas out there to members.
Some are better at that than others.

Throw a ball at the ground it bounces back.
Place the ball on the ground it is pinned.

Throw a ball at the inside wall of a large rotating drum.
It will bounce and place it next to the wall it is pinned.

P.S. We would not be around without farming.
Food comes first before The Quest.

I presented the two end massed bar, dumb bell, so I would not have to look at this point again.

Can you look at the wheel1g example?

Can you see a way to cause the dumb bell to be biased to the right side?
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by eccentrically1 »

me wrote:But in general I agree with Agor: any added linear momentum to this ball robs angular momentum of the wheel...
...until its given back when returned (I guess that's what eccentrically indicated)
Me for the win!

The related question, and perhaps the most important one for us is, has the roundabout had any work done on it by you or the ball?
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by Sam Peppiatt »


Yes, a cam on a fixed shaft, at the center, with cam followers / rollers on each slider would do it, or a way to shift the springs every half revolution. (which I've been trying to figure out). would be another way.

I don't think the sliders would bounce. They are spring loaded to the center, so as the wheel comes up to speed, one spring or the other would stretch out slowly until the slider reaches the wall of the drum.

This may be a dumb question, Is the bounce important?

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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by agor95 »

Is the bounce important?
The wall bounce happens in wheel1g

The first stage is self turning and that is the change from
horizontal to vertical illustration.

The process start in wheel1h with a rotation to wheel1v

The link shows details of a baton being rotated with sticks.

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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by Sam Peppiatt »


I must admit, your concept is far beyond my level of understanding. Anyway, thanks for trying to enlighten me.
Perhaps a better way to bias the slider would be with a weighted bell crank.

Good luck with it,

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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by agor95 »


We all started on this journey from the same place.

Wheel 1k has been created.

The is the first physical symmetry break an internal hub ratchet.

The ratchet is active only at selected rod angles.
Also it does not lock for small rod movements.

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[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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