For John CollinsMy Build

a. the intentional perversion of truth; b. an act of deceiving or misrepresenting

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For John CollinsMy Build

Post by John.Smith4 »

I thought I'd show you what I've been working on. What John doesn't understand IMO is that a more meaningful discussion isn't possible. The attached images shows why. There is what AB Hammer built and then there is what I am building. If you notice his build is rather small and isn't designed to attempt perpetual motion.
And AB Hammer, Wagner did get Bessler arrested by calling him a fraud. And I get banned because when you call me a fraud people support you. I have to remember this last part.

If anyone searches perpetual motion on facebook they'll find my page. Since engineering can't be discussed in here I can test 2 different things. And if I am successful it will become known that AB Hammer was able to keep me from working with people friendly towards me for over 10 years.
And AB Hammer, there is nothing that requires me to answer to you except for some reason forum owners and moderators think I should answer to you when you are nothing to me but a nuisance. After all, how many people can attack a cancer patient and the cancer patient looks bad ?
That speaks poorly of the forums that allow such bullying to take place. And if you watch the news people are getting tired of bullies.
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re: For John CollinsMy Build

Post by justsomeone »

What does it take to get rid of this guy???
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:46 pm

Post by John.Smith4 »

Merely letting those interested in my work know where to find me. After all, wasn''t it you thought that ladysilverrose was actually AB Hammer ? Now you're his friend. That does remind me of a funny story. On The Orville last week the episode was based on if people were given green dots or red dots. The show basically made fun of it.

and justsomeone, my being the bad person for showing my work is strange. I think it's funny that that is what I am faulted for. Either that or not doing what AB Hammer tells me to do. :-) It is good being Norwegian !

Au revoir mon ami.
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