Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

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re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by Oystein »

I didn't say how many upside down numbers or letters there are in MT!

I say that not only Bessler used the method.

Upside down....or mirrored..

Also, here applied by Albrecht Durer, 200 years backwards in time!

I suggest the 3 -5 switcharoo in 1(3) 1(5) has to to with the method being used backwards in time.

That is why I am always trying to make forum readers to take a look at stuff that is related to general history, not only in Bessler's books. He used the tools available too him. And by that also making his code case more stable. The proof of his methods is out there..

And it even could point backwards to a mixup uf 13 and 15, where the Elements I showed you had 15 books, but the true version has only 13 books attributed to Euclid himself. Here represented with a now known formula..
Durer upside down 3 5.png
Bessler Mirror- Is it 3 or is it 5.jpg
Euclid 13 and 15.jpg
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Re: re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by Nobody »

We don't know if Bessler was a personal Christian.....

Hello Oystein,

of course we know that, all his books (GB, AP, DT, MT etc.) have clear and
authoritative evidence, they leave no doubt about that question.

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re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by Oystein »

You may call it evidence, or even proof.

I wrote that he appears as a christian, through his writings,(but maybe he does not act as one, when keeping his wheel a secret, by greed for money, or mammon as the Bible name it.)

Do you think da Vinci was a personal christian and a catholic, because he painted all that glorious christian and catholic art? Is that evidence?? Or did he put a secondary message, containing his personal belief shine through?

da Vinci:
"Along with the scholars, they (read: theologians) despise the mathematical sciences, which are the only true sources of information about those things which they claim to know so much about. Instead they talk about miracles and write about things that nobody could ever know, things that cannot be proven by any evidence in nature."

It really does not matter to me, if Bessler was a personal christian, using the "evil" codes of science to honour them, or to disrespect them and put them down! It doesn't matter for my work anyway..
It will be up to anybody, by studying my work, to decide for themselves what the different artists personal reason and meaning behind it was.

Bessler could have warned the elite': Don't f....with me or I expose your codes...I know them you see.

He could have honoured matth. and science, and supporting the Protestant revolution.

He could have despised the codes he applied...or he could have loved them... Seeking the truth about Nature.. and at the same time being a christian protestant..

This uncertainty becomes kind of a "plot" in the code story... why?? pro/con?

We must conclude from the bible that telling lies is unchristian? Thus of evil?

So if we ask Masons, or Jesuits..or Bessler..

Do you know a code of matth. geometry and or science applied in christian works? The answer is no, and that is a lie. Masonry is about lying about the true nature of this. It is written, that the worthy must tell untruth to mislead the unworthy seekers!. Ref Albert Pike.

If Bessler knew the sun was at the center of the then know "universe" (Our solar system) and the catholic church banned it as evil claims. What does that make Bessler? I need your answer to that! It forces a dual nature of communication.. Who's evil? Bessler, da Vinci? or the catholic church?
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Re: re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by MrVibrating »

Fletcher wrote:
Oystein wrote:Yes MT 13 is interesting, but MT 15 no less..

If I am right, about the doodle..attached, 5 can shapeshift to 3, so 15 is "allowed" to shapeshift to 13, so they could relate..

We know they are "the same", both obviously tampered to go "the wrong way". MT 15 would behave as MT 13 if the inner heavy pendulum was transferred to MT 15..


If we look at the wheel as clocks...why should 15 and 13 go backwards in time? This where it becomes more than interesting to go back to AP.

So yes the AP code works in parallel in MT.
@Oystein & dax ..

There are no other explicit examples of upside down numbering that I can recall at the moment dax. Some symmetrical lettering can be upside down. And some letters represent numbers.

But IMO I don't think upside down is his explicit meaning there. Just to look at things in an unintuitive way.

Taking 24 - 42 and combining that with the reversal of shading in the same Kassel pics is also pointing us in some direction, literally, IMO.

So to give my answer to Oystein's question about the clock analogy running backwards in time and what could it mean ? I'd say that one possibility is that JB is hinting strongly at an unintuitive answer (reversed logic) to his wheels operation.

Just about everyone has tried levers that fall and are raised again within the wheel. And we always run into the H4W conundrum that we all know too well. i.e. weights are allowed to fall further from the axle on the descending side of the axle thus creating torque when they have arrived at their destination. At the same time we try to lift weights on the ascending side closer to the axle to reduce torque on that side of the axle. We hope that this provides enough Net torque to give a positive momentum excess to the wheel after shifting has occurred. This seems a logical approach. But it never does (I'm sure ME could run the math again to show that the NET torque (turning force over distance) exactly equals the NET GPE change. Zero sum game and proof of the WEEP.

We easily recognize these wheel attempts as commonplace and nothing extraordinary to write home about (a bit like regular MT13 and 15 attempts). We also just about always use the STATIC analysis (the snap shots, as above) thinking it sufficient. Yet a self sustaining wheel would be a DYNAMIC environment. And we tend to forget about what happens when weights are falling and raising again. Yet most of us know that for any falling internal weight its torque contribution goes MIA which is extremely counter-productive. The opposite must be true for the raising of weights. There we would like its torque to temporarily disappear while transitioning but what happens is we get an even more pronounced negative torquing effect, which is also very counter-productive. A doubling up of unwanted torque trying to lift if you will. The NET result of weights moving down and out and up and in as described above is that there is no accumulated Momentum and everything zero sums as said earlier.

I think JB suggests come up with an OOB design that reverses the above logic and mechanical negative torquing effects outlined above and your stars may be correctly aligned for success.

Just as an afterthought for upside down numbers etc - here in NZ as a youngster we had a saying. If a problem seemed to hard "try turning it on its head" (i.e. look at it upside down) to find a solution. IOW's look at it a different way than you had been. Don't know if a similar saying existed in old Germany but who knows.
My guess on the Kassel engraving 24/42 would simply be 'reversal of negative torque' - ie. locking it to the ground applies an obvious braking torque, and an N3 exploit reverses the sign of that torque.

Alternatively it could be indicating a kind of diode effect to ground, permitting momentum in (via inertial suspension of a weighted angular inertia such as the pendula), and not letting it back out (ie. the statorless requirement). Basically hinting at what we call rectification.

I think the common theme of all three Kassel / Weisenstein engravings is interaction between weighted vs unweighted angular and linear momenta... The raw materials for generating an N3 break and accumulating momentum.

Or else it's purely coincidence that the components shown can be applied to produce the only possible solution to mechanical OU...
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re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by daxwc »

I know I keep defaulting to MT. It's because it intrigues me. In there I guess he also uses the 'look at this thing upside down' pointer.

MT47 with the second upside down 47 is an example.
The number 47 in my opinion is a direct link to 47th problem of Euclid. But why are we to look at it rotated 180 degrees upside down?
Which is an illustrated A^2 + B^2 = C^2

Or is it just to get out attention?
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re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by sleepy »

In that picture you posted titled "durer upside down",it looks like there is the number 6,pointing up and down sharing the loop,right behind the clearer figures. My imagination?
Trying to turn the spinning in my brain into something useful before moving on to the next life.
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re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by Oystein »

Yes, we can see it this way:

3 and 5 (Evclid XV iV 16) makes 15. Then also 6+9 = 15

This is one of the secret formulas of old Masonry... written in codes.. (as an "amputated 5") Bessler show us even another way in his "Orffyreus 3-5" Logo/signature...

Again...look at my hat! (It is a default Masonic figure. It's the AP Wheel drawn by some masonic artist. The AP Wheel was not Bessler's own invention, but yet another way to say 3 and 5 and point to the Euclid formula, as others did, ref. Albrecht Durer and some mason..)

This "5" you can see is written upside down. Why? So it could look almost ok, without the tail! The 69 tell us that when you turn 69 upside down you get?? You are correct... 69. So turning around and seeing the 5 without the tail is also "correct". Then both becomes 15.

So turn it around, it's the same still.
69 Albrecht Durer.jpg
Durer upside down 5 and 69 is still 69.jpg
Last edited by Oystein on Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by daanopperman »

It seems to me am the on!y sober person coming to the party ,
Øystein , I turned my monitor upside down but I cannot see any 5 in your hat .
Apart from the triangle and the pentagram to make up the ap wheel on your tophat and the argitech with the capstone just above your forehead , when last did you look if your hat is the right way up .
I am now only waiting to see how you remove the bunny .

BUT , I have worked out the Devil's name , and it is the R.R.
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re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by Oystein »

Why would you like to look for 5 in my hat, upside down?

It must be you that are drunk..not the other way around.. :-)

Don't you see that my hat is a classic masonic illustration, showing you the "AP wheel"? The illustration was never Bessler's own invention, it was and is a known way to hide the classical 3 5 formula of Euclid.
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re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by daanopperman »

I was trying to find the " amputated 5 "

" Again ..... look at my hat ."

Then you wrote

" This " 5 " you can see is written upside down "
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re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by Oystein »

The "amputated 5" of Albrecht Durer attached again:

When I say "Look at my hat" I assume everybody see that the hat contains "The AP Wheel" and thus is a default masonic secret. The picture is not of me, but a Masonic baby, drawn by some masonic artist :-) And the baby must be a symbol of how simple this is. 3 and 5 and so forth, this is such simple stuff..That is why there are many baby in diapers building pyramids or showing masonic figures..
Durer upside down 5 and 69 is still 69.jpg
Last edited by Oystein on Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by daxwc »

Don't you see that my hat is a classic masonic illustration, showing you the "AP wheel"? The illustration was never Bessler's own invention
That part is true. Things do not happen in a vacuum. I highly doubt if the society robbed it off of Bessler's work.

How did Bessler in the end want it to be viewed is more of the question.
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re: The Philosopher's Stoned

Post by WaltzCee »

It isn't good reasoning to equate my client with religion.
His boy was constantly explaining to the leaders of his
day they were of their father the devil. He had a very
low opinion of them and their ideas. Straining at gnats
and swallowing camels, etc.

Considering how things usually devolve and also given
we were told there would be wolves coming in to the
flock in sheep's clothing no one should be too surprised
at the state of things.
  • quote:
    Besslers invention (if true) is possibly among the most important discoveries of all times.
Truer words seldom spoken.
Last edited by WaltzCee on Wed Nov 08, 2017 8:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by Oystein »

That part is true. Things do not happen in a vacuum. I highly doubt if the society robbed it off of Bessler's work. How did Bessler in the end want it to be viewed is more of the question.
Yes you are right. We know too little of the internal codex of the societies of the time, or any other codes at the time, to know who, how trained, how many was able, how fast could they detect it and how deep could they follow (if at all) when Bessler left the standard protocol.

That is why I have stressed the importance of the study of other artists and codes, to understand what was the tools of the time, and what was Bessler's own variations from this. Where does it become special? Certainly a default code can't mean that it by itself is Bessler's mechanical secret, but it must then be viewed as his "tools", rather than all machine angles and length of arms etc.

Besslers invention (if true) is possibly among the most important discoveries of all times. And we have even seen and proved that Bessler wrote in some kind of secret code. To not pursue this to the end, would be pure madness. Possibly (history tell us) this may be the only chance we have to be guided in the right direction. And on the way we could even discover other secrets... For me the choice and priority is a "no brainer"..
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re: Cracking Apologia "Wheel Page"

Post by rlortie »


If there is supposed to be the number "5" in your avatar, it is in the hand holding the cigar, turn 90 degrees clockwise: The smoke, cigar, wrist, arm to elbow, add a little imagination and it becomes clear.
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