Generating more meaningful debate

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John Collins
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by John Collins »

I don’t know where better to place this comment.....

I didn’t actually do anything but the quality and quantity of posts on this forum has sky-rocketed after my post about generating more meaningful debate, so congratulations to everyone for taking notice of my post.

Read my blog at

This is the link to Amy’s TikTok page - over 20 million views for one video! Look up amyepohl on google

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Sam Peppiatt
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by Sam Peppiatt »


Didn't you say something about a pendulum that would hang down the front of your wheel and swing back and forth to "nudge" the inner wheel to tip it some how?

What I'm suggesting is; hang the pendulum to one side with a pin sticking out of the center of the small wheel, then when the pendulum tries to hang straight down it would apply some side force to the inner wheel to help tip it.


PS Would love to see your wheel walking along!
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by Robinhood46 »

Quit right, I did. If you look on the photo, you can see a reasonable gap between top of inner wheel and outer rim. At present there is a support fixed to the wall behind holding the bearings for vertical alignment. Within this space I was thinking more of a slider which rolls over inner wheels edge on return stoke of pendulum and pushes on notches of inner wheel on push stroke.
I cant add pins to inner wheel because of the lateral movement of the connecting bars of weights. And i'm rather counting on pushing as high up as possible to gain on leverage to allow a relatively small weight to do the work to keep the cost of reloading as small as possible for the outer wheel.
The pendulum would effectively be slightly to the left.
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by agor95 »


Could your Newton Third-Law analysis be used in MT124?

The ball could have it's rolling motion above the drop converted / increased to rotation KE. Then as it drops that rotational inertia could be used to increase it's drop rate.

That in turn uses your observation to increase the KE at the bottom of the curve. This is then, in turn, is used to get the ball back to the top again.

P.S. For newbies KE Kinetic Energy

[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
Sam Peppiatt
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

John Collins with the help of 5park, has solved the Great craftsman riddle. wiki clue #4. See Collins blog Nov. 13 &14. A quarter being a quarter of a circle and 4 quarters a full circle.

The weight always falls from the 3 O'clock position; then, always comes full circle back to 3 o'clock, ( for CW rotation). Hence 4 quarters.

Apparently Bessler is describing a slider. 5park is exactly right, after the spring has resets the slider, it has to "let go".

FWEIW, wikii clue # 2 also describes a slider. And; if I might remind every one, P. Wolff describes a slider with weights and a spring.

I know no one wants to here it, Sam
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by Fletcher »

On the contrary Sam. Everyone does want to hear it here. But eventually speculation about a PM principle has to morph into something more tangible to get any real traction and interest beyond curiosity i.e. be taken seriously by many rather than a few.

And to do that it needs a development pathway ending in a mechanism that can either be simulated or built in real world. Then this has to be tested to see if it accomplishes what the inventor theorized it could do.

And so far all mechanisms that rely on a change of weight position within a wheel (with sliders or otherwise) to create torque are either able to reset themselves but insufficient torque is created to self sustain motion or enough temporary torque is created but the mechanism can not regain it original GPE and also peters out. And spring force develops linearly so they like gravity are considered conservative because they take away what they give.

So the challenge with any idea or theory is to prove either by build or by math manipulation a convincing case that your mech can do what you theorize it can. Walk the walk rather than talk the talk and people want to hear about it.
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by John Collins »

Careful you don’t make any assumptions Sam - your words are welcome to me and i’m delighted to know of anyone who thinks I might be on the right track - but there are other paths than the one you describe that might still fulfill the description I take from Bessler’s words. Thank you for promoting my interpretation which obviously I strongly support.

Read my blog at

This is the link to Amy’s TikTok page - over 20 million views for one video! Look up amyepohl on google

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Sam Peppiatt
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

Hi Fletcher,

I don't know what to say--------------------I guess it doesn't matter. You seem to think it's all bull shit anyway! But, you are right, it's been a total wast of time and effort. I should stick to building the wheel, and forget about trying to explain how it works.

Alright Fletcher; I'll will do what you suggest-------------------

Sam Peppiatt
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

John Collins,

Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

harry morris
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by harry morris »

Well it's great to here from John Collins and hopefully he will steer these discussions to something more practical than a lot of hot air and theories !
Fletcher is absolutely right ! A phisical wheel is the only answer although some very clever people can calculate everything mathematically.
Not for me ime afraid I have a 4ft diameter wooden wheel running on four main bearings which I've had for a good many years and boy have I maid some large changers over that time, my triangular shaped pendulums were a total disaster, still I learned a lot from that clanger.
Am still not convinced that Bessler had some magic mechanism inside his wheels to miracullasly lift the wieghts back up to the starting position, after all it's now well over 300 years since he invented this, and with our most powerful computers and fantastic mechanical engineers we still have nothing !
Ime not saying he didn't find a way of powering his wheels just can't see it confined to the inside of his wheels and out of sight, those pendulums still contribute a lot to the wheels motion ime sure ! Cheers everyone.
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Re: re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by bhayes40 »

AB Hammer wrote:When people want something so badly to near obsession if not real obsession. They can fool themselves very easily with small successes of an action. But that doesn't make a true runner.

The question is more. Who believes Bessler did it, or believes he did not.
I believe Bessler did it.

I wish I had more time to build but life keeps throwing me a curve ball from one direction or another that keep me in need of more funds to help my family.
Consider what AB Hammer said about his own situation. He can't afford to support his family. His building does not help, his armoring does not help and his constantly attacking me does not help.
Has anyone ever told AB Hammer to "Man Up" or to grow some balls and be a man about it ? They haven't, instead people feel sorry for him.
Maybe someone should tell him to learn how to deal with his problems ? Is there any reason why he keeps having problems ?
This is funny because as he posted, I would have to be a psychopath to want to work with him. The attached image is a recent post of his. And while he doesn't want me talking about him who mentioned him when he posted in my thread ? His name was not mentioned. And then what he posted he said was an invention even though it was known not to work.
The picture is of me and my father. Both my left wrist and left elbow were broken in an accident riding my mountain bike to work. I worked that 2nd shift then went to the hospital. That was on a Friday. Then on the following Monday I talked my employer into letting me do my normal job in the warehouse of a manufacturing company only having my right arm to work with. I never missed one minute of work. Life threw me a curve ball and I hit it. I did not make any excuses by my doctor placing me on light duty with restrictions (no use of the right arm from the shoulder down for 60 days). Yet I am told I need to man up even though I am building and need surgery.
AB Hammer, IMO you chose failure because choosing success requires working through adversity. Why I am building and you are not. I do see opportunity where you see only obstacles.
I think it's time for me to say Good Bye. I think now everyone will know that it wasn't me who was the problem.

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James A. Lindgaard
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re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by AB Hammer »

Lindgaard posting as bhayes40

This string is for Generating more meaningful debate. Not meaningless attacks. We don't need more of your delusional vendetta.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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Post by bhayes40 »

AB Hammer,
I can show I worked through adversity while you routinely called me a fraud. It has already been shown that debate will not realize Bessler's work. Can you show how words build a wheel ? You can't unless you use me as an example. This is because I can show that my words often do become builds. I don't think anyone else can say this.
You do bring up an interesting point though, how does your not being able to build because you can't hit life's curve balls generate or allow for a more meaningful debate ? Please explain your position.
Myself, I believe physics, engineering and design engineering are required to understand how form allows for function. I tend to think those 3 subjects don't lend themselves to a general discussion of idealogies very well because all 3 are science based disciplines. However they are 3 of the 4 things I consider when pursuing my own research. The 4th of course is Bessler's writings.
And AB Hammer, have yourself a very Merry Christmas !
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AB Hammer
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Re: re: Generating more meaningful debate

Post by AB Hammer »

bhayes40 wrote:AB Hammer,
I can show I worked through adversity while you routinely called me a fraud. It has already been shown that debate will not realize Bessler's work. Can you show how words build a wheel ? You can't unless you use me as an example. This is because I can show that my words often do become builds. I don't think anyone else can say this.
You do bring up an interesting point though, how does your not being able to build because you can't hit life's curve balls generate or allow for a more meaningful debate ? Please explain your position.
Myself, I believe physics, engineering and design engineering are required to understand how form allows for function. I tend to think those 3 subjects don't lend themselves to a general discussion of idealogies very well because all 3 are science based disciplines. However they are 3 of the 4 things I consider when pursuing my own research. The 4th of course is Bessler's writings.
And AB Hammer, have yourself a very Merry Christmas !
Merry Christmas to you as well. Note; I don't wish ill will to you. So why do you keep attacking me with ill will. That is not very Christmassy.

You being a fraud has nothing to do with building. It has to do with each time you get banned or restricted you come back playing as someone else all to often (Fraudulent ID). An honest man would not do that, but would request to come back promising not to do what got him banned. Yet an honest man would not get banned in the first place.
AB Hammer wrote:When people want something so badly to near obsession if not real obsession. They can fool themselves very easily with small successes of an action. But that doesn't make a true runner.

The question is more. Who believes Bessler did it, or believes he did not.
I believe Bessler did it.

I wish I had more time to build but life keeps throwing me a curve ball from one direction or another that keep me in need of more funds to help my family.

To clarify from the previous post you posted and quoted me on is simple. I help members of my family that live with me and don't. Wheel time is only for spare time. Family comes first.

PS I will show wheel when I have to time to build so I can show. Again Family comes first.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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Post by bhayes40 »

AB Hammer,
You know IMO that you are autistic. You should try posting in a forum with people who are autistic. Maybe then you might understand your attitude towards me is wrong.
And you know as well as I do that the easiest way to get banned from a forum including this one is to say I know how Bessler's wheel worked. He did make more than one, why his clues confuse people. They can't separate them into different mechanical forms. That's why I can say My Invention/Mt 108 and retraction disc as well as one or 2 other ways.
And AB Hammer, until it can be shown that I tried to deceive someone I'm not a fraud.

With my situation I doubt it was avoidable. Both malpractice and medical negligence were being covered up at my expense. The surgeon who is operating on me thought I was a homosexual. I explained to him that people think I shouldn't be allowed to have a family because of my hearing loss which is significant and is service connected.
As for AB Hammer, he might be the spokesman for overunity and besslerwheel dot coms. I think I am the only person in either forum actually trying to realize a working build.
I believed years ago that linear momentum had to be conserved as angular momentum. This is because a is Newton's d*t in f = m(d*t).
Gravity can accelerate linear momentum but not angular momentum as far as a perpetual wheels goes. And this means that force needs to be turned inward. And I'm probably the only person who understands it.
It was disappointing that no one was willing to discuss Mt 108. I guess it'd look bad if it were found out that I knew what I was doing all along, right ?
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