If you read the last post at the bottom of the page linked, AB Hammer is attacking what was his chain of command in the U.S. Coast Guard.
This also helped to make him credible.
LMAO Discriminated? Try the hell an XO who is an alcoholic (IMO for legal purpose) bent on getting the none drinker's (myself) good conduct medal and all his drinking buddies adding in on the BS spying on me day in and day out looking for me to make a mistake when I had to double duty for we where short an SS (cook) on this duty post. Oh I forgot I went to the Mormon church during that time for my wife was Mormon. Also 24hour duty every 4 days. Stunts like being ordered to give a man CPR that was bloated and in rigamortis, just so he could say I disobeyed and order. But I am still a loyal American. I don't go bashing America because I was treated badly. I also still have my Good conduct medal. Despite all, I still followed the rules. The reason I don't get banned like you do.
by clicking on the <<, <, >, >>'s you can read other deleted pages.
This link http://overunity.com/12597/my-invention/#.WjgefN-nHIU
is to the start of the page on overunity . com and shows how I thought Milkovic's pendulum might work perpetually. And anyone can see at the top that it is only 12 pages long while according to google it was 34 pages long.
And if any of you want to know, Milkovic's son knew I was working at making his father's pendulum perpetual. I had written him about it and we exchanged emails fro a while. As it turned out his father decided it wasn't that important to "close the loop".
I might be better off building off-line.