OK folks, getting back to this project after a several year break.
The idea here is to perform the Gravesande CF experiment with and without a delay before the reaction occurs.
Still have to complete calculations but if we apply a 200 in-lb torque to both wheels equally for 4 seconds we can compare the results.
With the standard Gravesande test the lifted weight stabilizes quite quickly
at 60 inches height gained. Slight initial oscillation to 67 inches.
Everyone knows this result is completely conservative with steady state conditions occurring. Outside energy is input with the lifted weight assuming a height that exactly agrees with COE calculations (also accounting for the residual RKE in the wheel).
However if we delay release of the swing weight until the wheel has achieved maximum rpm we get a noticeably different result, the lifted weight then achieving 233 inches height gained, approx 3.5/1 gain over the steady state COE version on the left.
The idea then is to use a equal amount of GPE to spin up each wheel then note the height gained by the lifted weights.
The standard experiment on the left achieves a lower rpm since the swing weight is allowed to swing immediately raising the MOI of the wheel where
the delayed experiment achieves a much higher rpm as the MOI is kept small until the swing weight is released at 4 sec.
A RESONANT condition is then created on the lifted weight of the delayed version that oscillates both above and below the steady state COE height gained by the standard Gravesande experiment.
If we wait for the resonant condition to stabilize, as there is no further excitation of the lifted weight, we note that the weight eventually assumes the same height and rpm shown by the standard experiment.
So we know the initial and final energy states are identical for both experiments.
Of course we want to catch the lifted weight at it's highest point,
then storing our gain. This is done on the first bounce.
In the physical test rig, there is no actual lifted weight rather we use an arm such
that the shock impulse is then applied against a ratcheting escapement spring, preserving our gain.
The trick then is to close loop the process, which hopefully the device will accomplish but with a potential 3.5/1 gain the energy should be sufficient with
enough to make up for frictional losses and possibly do a small amount of external work.
Is this a claim to PM? Not in any way. But the gain hypothesis is presented for analysis.
We input the same torque for the same 4 seconds into both wheels, creating a RESONANT EXCITATION in the lifted weight that oscillates substantially above and below the steady state COE condition,
then trap the GPE attained at the highest point.
Have we created energy?
We can argue completely correctly that no, we have NOT created energy since the AVERAGE (mean) energy is exactly the same as the standard steady state experiment at all times.
We have only created an oscillation of energy, a phenomenon as common as dirt.
But on the other hand, there is nothing to stop us from trapping the lifted weight at any time we choose during it's vertical oscillation.
We have then converted a transient, unstable, not quite real vibration energy into fixed GPE by the simple process of catching the weight!
So it doesn't really matter how you would like to argue as long as we trap the lifted weight at maximum amplitude.
Results are the same either way one would choose to argue the point. So no one is wrong, everyone wins!
We have violated no conservation laws yet we lock in a hypothetical 3.5/1 gain!
Did Bessler use Jerk Energy???
Definite maybe!
But now we have a legitimate physical mechanism that can cause a weight to rise suddenly while requiring no extra input energy.
How many more physical mechanisms that cause a weight to rise suddenly are we likely to find?
Don't we have an expert on 3rd derivative energy around here somewhere?
Who was that guy??
Provisional Patent applied for.