The puzzle has been solved

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The puzzle has been solved

Post by unstable »

I open this official thread in which I will tell the development of the design and construction of my wheel.
As I already wrote in another thread, after a certain period of reasoning and intuition, I finally understood the working principle of the Bessler wheel. Perpetual (motion) rotation is obtained thanks to a special type of multi-stage lift.
What had escaped everyone (myself included, for a certain time) was the result of the difference between an arched movement and a straight line movement in relation to the force of gravity. The multi-stage lift I designed is based on the principle of conversion of the two different motions. It is a cascade leverage system in which the lower mechanism lifts the above mechanisms in a concatenated manner. Even the falling weights are concatenated in such a way as to exert the force of their weight towards the lowest weights. Thanks to this system it is possible to exploit the force of gravity to obtain an elevation of the center of mass, something that actually sounds very strange, it would seem irrational and instead it is precisely what happens. Bessler, after many tests and reasoning had found this peculiar solution that allowed him to get the perpetual motion.
I claim only the intellectual property of the RE-discovery of this lifting mechanism. The original discovery is to be attributed to the brilliant mind of the late Johann Ernst Elias Bessler. Without the clues Bessler left us, I probably would never have succeeded.
Many users are still hesitant about what I have shown. But I'm 100% sure that it's the solution that Bessler also adopted. I feel in the condition of certainty even if I have not yet built the wheel and performed the different tests. I find it patently obvious that that kind of mechanism allows to get the continuous rotation, I do not need a test to affirm it. Of course I will start to build my wheel but, in a certain sense, it is as if I had already built it and it worked perfectly. During the design / construction I will only have to find some technical stratagems to maximize efficiency and make the operation as stable as possible.
The functioning of the wheel is based (as was told by Bessler) only on weights, gravity and springs. The funny thing is that lately I was led to suppose that the wheel of Bessler was a well-designed fraud, fortunately I realized in time that I was wrong and that instead his wheel was absolutely authentic. Understanding and simulating the type of mechanism that I have achieved and explained, gave me the certainty that Bessler had not lied and that it was not a fraud. It is really possible to do what Bessler did, therefore, current physics theories are probably missing some details to add / correct.
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re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by ovyyus »

unstable wrote:I'm 100% sure that it's the solution...
That's a big call Claudio. I'm 100% sure you love roller coaster rides :7)
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re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by unstable »

Analyze the mechanism and you'll be 100% sure too :-)
Or show me an other system of weights and levers that, without springs, raise its COM :-). What was missing was only the method of raising the center of mass by the same force of gravity. Bessler had discovered it and I have rediscovered it.

To all: I know you are skeptical, I would be too. You have the design and the simulation. Try them, think about it and you will see that I'm not mistaken. The force of gravity, through that mechanism becomes motive power of the (continuous) rotation of the wheel.
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Re: re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by Senax »

ovyyus wrote:
unstable wrote:I'm 100% sure that it's the solution...
That's a big call Claudio. I'm 100% sure you love roller coaster rides :7)
A classic example of manic depression.
It affects many of us,though not, thank heavens,
as severely as in Claudio's case. :-)

Of course this doesn't necessarily mean that he is wrong.
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re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by unstable »

Senax, tu non riusciresti a riconoscere il principio di funzionamento di una ruota di Bessler scoperta e davanti a te :-))
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re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by ovyyus »

Well Frank, based on your track record of realisations, Claudio should feel safe :D
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re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by unstable »

It works, I have no doubt. If I were not so convinced I would be the first to doubt the operation. What WM2D has shown is undoubted. I'm sorry you do not believe it. The most cunning are already building the same mechanisms to put in their perpetual motion wheel. :D
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re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by cloud camper »

OK Claudio - you say the system COM raises "a little".

That seems quite a bit restrained from an earlier statement that the raising of the COM was "very, very, very evident".

I do not have a current software license so can't look at anything but how much is "a little"?

While any raising of the COM is truly significant and needs to be explored further (of course), it doesn't sound like this is anywhere near Bessler's claimed 4/1 lift ratio.

What gives??
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re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by sleepy »

Here's my prediction.
Pages 1-5. Unstable will continue to claim success even though no further testing has been done.
Pages 6-8. Others will eventually run sims of this idea and inform Unstable that it does not work. During this same time,Unstable will come to realize that there is no way to reset the mechanism without having it stop the wheel.
Pages 9-12. Unstable will blame forum members for his failure, and will once again state that Bessler was a fraud, ( which I do not believe), and that no one will ever solve the wheel.
Trying to turn the spinning in my brain into something useful before moving on to the next life.
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Re: re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by Senax »

ovyyus wrote:Well Frank, based on your track record of realisations, Claudio should feel safe :D
LOL - Very true, Bill, very true. :-)
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Re: re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by Silvertiger »

unstable wrote:It works, I have no doubt. If I were not so convinced I would be the first to doubt the operation. What WM2D has shown is undoubted. I'm sorry you do not believe it. The most cunning are already building the same mechanisms to put in their perpetual motion wheel. :D
You're doing it backwards. You should doubt it UNTIL it works. That way you don't get disappointed when it doesn't.
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re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by unstable »

Hi Cloud camper, I ask you a serious question: have you ever seen a system, without springs, able to lift up its global COM a little ? I had not seen it before two or three days ago. :-)

"That seems quite a bit restrained from an earlier statement that the raising of the COM was "very, very, very evident"."
You and I have problems with mutual understanding :-) What I wrote was not directly related to the amount of COM movement. "Very very very evident" was referred to what is able to do that kind of mechanism. Until a few days ago I did not believe that it was possible to raise the global COM of a system of weights and levers only thanks to the force of gravity. It sounds rather irrational, but it's possible.

"While any raising of the COM is truly significant and needs to be explored further (of course), it doesn't sound like this is anywhere near Bessler's claimed 4/1 lift ratio. "
I believe you misunderstood what Bessler meant. It is certainly impossible to obtain such a lifting ratio. To me, what he meant is exactly what he did and I replicate: a single mechanism manages to lift (in a certain sense) four mechanisms.
remember his sentence: "greed is an evil root" :-)

Silvertiger, you're right, I should do that.

To the others who wrote I answer this:
I managed to crack your magic toy/game of unrealizable dreams. I can imagine the bitterness derived from this. I'm sorry but my intuition was stronger than me. :D
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re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by cloud camper »

Bravo Claudio - you are now indisputably the 359th forum member to discover Bessler's secret!

What are you going to do with your 15 minutes of fame and glory?

Seriously though I won't be able to analyze your mech for now so it's up to others to share with you.

Good luck!
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re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by Silvertiger »

Unstable, I downloaded your file and brought the mechanism to its point of rest, at which point, when started, nothing happens. The CoM remains motionless along with the rest of the mech. It is at rest at its lowest point. You had many initial velocities going on (as well as a starting position with a net GPE greater than zero). I helped it along by getting rid of them. It was taking too long for diminishing returns to bring it to a standstill as I am impatient when it comes to WM2D. (Btw, Look up something called a "vector diagram." It will remove errant guesswork once learned and applied.) :)

Here's the vid:
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re: The puzzle has been solved

Post by cloud camper »

Oops - I guess now it's time for the weekly "Bessler was a fraud and since I can't figure it out neither will anyone else" rant!
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