Harvesting Precession Kinetic Energy

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Post by Senax »

ME wrote:Your pendulum does not have a constant energy input as the Stirling...
Agreed. The important thing is that it does have Precession Kinetic Energy available for conversion to Rotational Kinetic Energy.

Funnily enough it was you who gave me the idea of using the term Precession Kinetic Energy when you used the term "Rotational Kinetic Energy". I think you also improved upon my Linear Kinetic Energy by calling it "Translational Kinetic Energy". :-)
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re: Harvesting Precession Kinetic Energy

Post by ME »

You're welcome, but why is that funny?

Perhaps I'm on your toes sometimes when you fire off a new 'truths' or come up with unconventional terminology without providing any basis or reference.
We always have to guess. No one has or wants (or shouldn't want!) access to everyone's brain. And that's why glossaries exist. Just point at it. Otherwise just explain in a separate topic and point to that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_physics

I understand it seems extremely negative.
I, and I guess (and hope for you) the rest of the world, would just like to understand your methods once you found a working system, or fire some suggestions at it...
That's all, it's meant as a positive.
Marchello E.
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Post by Senax »

I forgot, English isn't your first language. "That's funny" is an idiom.

That's funny. That is strange or peculiar.

Bill: Tom just called from Detroit and says he's coming back tomorrow.
Mary: That's funny. He's not supposed to.

Sue: The sky is turning very gray.
Mary: That's funny. There's no bad weather forecast.
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re: Harvesting Precession Kinetic Energy

Post by ME »

Senax wrote:I forgot, English isn't your first language. "That's funny" is an idiom.

That's funny. That is strange or peculiar.

Bill: Tom just called from Detroit and says he's coming back tomorrow.
Mary: That's funny. He's not supposed to.

Sue: The sky is turning very gray.
Mary: That's funny. There's no bad weather forecast.
True, sometimes I make terrible mistakes. My apologies,
Weirdly, I imagined your "funnily" to be closer to "ironically".
Thanks for your clarification.

Unfortunately, it's enough to distract you from what I tried to convey:
Let me return the favor and summarize the key messages:

Your derivatives: Look into Taylor series.
The Taylor series: It likely has a hidden trigonometric function.
Your nonscientific words: they are meaningless.
Meaningless words: They should be explained.
Unexplained words: Not many will understand you (Mary agrees).
My take: To help you, and the rest of the world, with clarifications.
Otherwise: You may be marooned on an Island with your ideas.
Why I'm trying: Don't know, it must be funny.
Marchello E.
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re: Harvesting Precession Kinetic Energy

Post by sleepy »

Your concept only works if the pendulums stay out of sync. As soon as you join them with a bellows,or any other device,they will no longer be out of phase.They will also become more difficult to compress.You will never harvest enough energy from this small interaction to power the wheel.
Trying to turn the spinning in my brain into something useful before moving on to the next life.
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re: Harvesting Precession Kinetic Energy

Post by Senax »

Reposted below for Off Topic Forum
Senax wrote:I can now see that the claim the scientific establishment makes that you can't get energy of the gravitational field is correct up to a point.

Can you get energy out of a catalyst?

Yes and no. Yes to the extent that without it the reaction would not take place.
No in so far as the energy of the catalyst is the same at the end of the cycle as at the beginning.

With the wheel the cycling of the gravitational potential between high and low is an essential part of the energy generation. It facilitates the generation of energy from the stress cycling of the material components of the wheel.

An analogous situation occurs in the Carnot Cycle where the temperature variation, the internal motion of the atoms, is the catalyst and the pressure, the external motion of the atoms is the energy generating variable.

So in one respect Jim was right in recognising that CF was the important variable. Unfortunately he failed to see that Newtonian gravity was an essential component.

You can't get energy from the NG field but you can from EG field, from the pressure that holds materials together; from the environmental voltage.

In our case of two pendulums slightly out of phase, what are the stress components?

They are the shafts of the two pendulums.

The shafts are under compression at their apogees and under tension at their nadirs.
Because the resulting strains are well below the threshold of perception the existence of these changing stresses is often overlooked.

The generation of precession kinetic energy by the pendulums is brought about by the changing stress regime of the pendulum shafts.

The pendulum bob masses are under the regime of two independent accelerative forces.

1. The acceleration force due to gravity, constant in magnitude and direction, and

2. The acceleration force due to the pendulum shaft varying in magnitude and acting through the centre in direction so varying in direction.

By manipulating these forces it will be possible to transduce 3rd derivative to 2nd derivative energy.
In our case of two pendulums slightly out of phase, what are the stress components?

They are the shafts of the two pendulums.

The shafts are under compression at their apogees and under tension at their nadirs.
Because the resulting strains are well below the threshold of perception the existence of these changing stresses is often overlooked.

The generation of precession kinetic energy by the pendulums is brought about by the changing stress regime of the pendulum shafts.

The pendulum bob masses are under the regime of two independent accelerative forces.

1. The acceleration force due to gravity, constant in magnitude and direction, and

2. The acceleration force due to the pendulum shaft varying in magnitude and acting through the centre in direction so varying in direction. ...
More importantly the strains are overlooked.

Because the strain displacements of the centrifugal/centripetal (Ersatz Gravity) acceleration forces are so small compared to the much larger displacements of the Newtonian gravity acceleration forces they are hierarchically independent variables.

A good example of hierarchical independence is given by a calculation procedure I used with a Munroematic electromechanical calculator in the late 1950s.

Calculation of regressions involves the calculation of three quantities, x², y² and 2xy.
This can be achieved in one step which is illustrated below. with the MS calculator.

Let x = 11 and y =12.
These are put at each end of a very large number as shown below.


The number is then squared see the answer below.


It will be seen that the square of x, 121, appears at one end and the square of y, 144, at the other.
Twice the product, 2xy, 264, appears in the middle.

For pendulum shafts with a very low modulus the ensuring large strains will be confounded with the Newtonian Gravity "strains" and make it harder to recognise the presence of jerk, the rate of change of acceleration, the 3rd derivative of position with respect to time.

In other words, it will have made it more difficult to recognise the presence of precession kinetic energy.[/quote]
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re: Harvesting Precession Kinetic Energy

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Senax,
well observation, but you don't need also the movment on the 6 o'clock position.
If it turns to the left the movment can stay in the 2. Quadrant.
If it turns to the right the movment can stay in the 1. Quadrant.

You have to start with a top heavy pendulum and extract the energy when it was fallen after 90 degrees so that it can reswing.
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re: Harvesting Precession Kinetic Energy

Post by Senax »


Since you're an experimenter you should put your idea to the test. If it works you will be the first person to demonstrate transducing energy from PKE to RKE. :-)

Once one can show RKE energy can be obtained from PKE then "the rest is simply engineering".

Unfortunately that "rest" is far beyond my paygrade though I won't be able to resist tinkering.

Judging from your website you are a brilliant engineer.

You should have a go.
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re: Harvesting Precession Kinetic Energy

Post by Senax »

Sounds as though Sjack Abeling has come through with a device based on harnessing PKE in the way Edwin suggested in the first post of this thread. I doubt if he understands why his device works or where the energy comes from.

It will be interesting to see the reaction of the scientific establishment to his device when they finally have to accept it works - assuming it does. :-)

Sjack has come a long way from his original wooden wheels. It looks as though he must have found a sponsor judging from all that metal which must have cost a pretty penny.


Newsletter January 2018

Back in 1996 we got interested in the process of transforming the energy/power of gravity on objects into kinetic energy, ultimately resulting in a continuously driving force.
Patiently and motivated we continued working on the solution for more than 10 years, despite all external opposition and negativity (always blindly referring to the laws of conservation of energy).
More than 750 days ago we had a major breakthrough with a new invention. And last month we achieved our goal: We can transform gravity into a driving force; 100% kinetic energy, generated from the quadratic acceleration of weights in our “AirGravityMill�, driving a generator.

With the special invention of the M.D.S. system, a primary active flywheel (that we call the “AirGravityMill�) can drive a secondary generator.
The special weight-lifting capabilities of the invention generate 800% more energy than the energy that is needed to generate and control the free fall of weights in the “AirGravityMill�.

With the help of intermediaries, external companies and the growing interest of investors we now aim at producing 50 machines with a 250 KW to 1 MW capacity by the end of 2019.
We want to install and operate “energy islands� for the regional industry, producing and supplying our “Mooie Energie� (beautiful energy) where needed.
We estimate the “AirGravityMill� could ultimately drive 24 MW generators.

Towards the end of January our system will be introduced in The Hague and Brussels (the political capitals of The Netherlands and the European Union respectively).

Product information
The “AirGravityMill� is a 100% closed pneumatic/hydraulic system and therefore does not require special permits. Depending on the capacity of the generator local authorities may have to be notified, or the system can be operated using the business license of the host of the “energy island�. The system can be installed in a barn, warehouse etc.

Only air and gravity are required. Therefore the system can be installed stand-alone. The only limitation is the accessibility of the location to install the system.

Of course there is no danger for surroundings or environment. Our energy production method is cheap, local and completely independent. The energy island can generate energy on a small footprint.

Characteristics of the “AirGravityMill�
100% constant capacity
Can be linked to own or existing (public) infrastructure.
Can be installed almost everywhere
Low energy price for (power) consumer.
Quiet and safe.
Can be easily switched off and restarted.
Very small footprint compared to other systems.
Remote control and monitoring.
From mid-2018 we will first power our upcoming production facility with an “AirGravityMill�. We will then slowly expand and provide beautiful and affordable energy to surrounding regions.

We will help to:

Provide cleaner air to breath.
Reduce “horizon pollution� and reduce nuisance for surroundings.
Increase safety.
Return the huge footprint of solar plants to agriculture, nature etc.
Our challenge
In the next 30 years we want to become one of the largest energy suppliers and install our systems around the world.
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Re: Sjack Abeling Gravity Wheel and the Worlds first Weight Power Plant
« Reply #2357 on: January 23, 2018, 07:28:03 PM »
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Offline a_user
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Re: Sjack Abeling Gravity Wheel and the Worlds first Weight Power Plant
« Reply #2358 on: February 10, 2018, 12:13:29 PM »
Even more news:

We understand that the news about our AirGravityMill raises a lot of questions. You will understand that we are careful when providing information about our intellectual property. Nevertheless we will try to answer the most important question.

Question: How is it possible that, with just a minimal amount of external energy, the mill can drive a secondary system with 100% gravity?

Answer: The AirGravityMill is equipped with at least two “MDS� systems, one per mass. The working masses in the mill are set in motion with a small amount of external energy, activating the MDS systems. The ‘law of conservation of energy’ will make sure that approximately the same amount of energy remains in the mill for the next rotation. But the motion of the wheel and thus activation of the MDS systems has additional consequences that do not take energy from the rotation.

The MDS systems in the AirGravityMill will shift the masses to a height exceeding their starting positions by several meters. The “Inertia attachment points�* of the working masses (weighing 1000 to 15000 kilograms) are lifted to a higher position, generating potential kinetic energy.

One of the phenomena is that each mass wants to move up to 40 degrees of arc above the top of the AirGravityMill. Of course the mill will guide the mass along a fixed trajectory, so it can use the energy that is released in the free fall (quadratic acceleration). The energy is used to compensate the resistance on the side of the mill that is moving upwards. The remaining energy is used to drive a secondary system.

*The inertia attachment point is the position (anchor-point) where a mass would settle if the mill was stopped. Several anchor-points are used during the rotation.
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Re: re: Harvesting Precession Kinetic Energy

Post by Senax »

Senax wrote:Reposted below from Off Topic Forum
Senax wrote:I can now see that the claim the scientific establishment makes that you can't get energy of the gravitational field is correct up to a point.

Can you get energy out of a catalyst?

Yes and no. Yes to the extent that without it the reaction would not take place.
No in so far as the energy of the catalyst is the same at the end of the cycle as at the beginning.

With the wheel the cycling of the gravitational potential between high and low is an essential part of the energy generation. It facilitates the generation of energy from the stress cycling of the material components of the wheel.

An analogous situation occurs in the Carnot Cycle where the temperature variation, the internal motion of the atoms, is the catalyst and the pressure, the external motion of the atoms is the energy generating variable.

So in one respect Jim was right in recognising that CF was the important variable. Unfortunately he failed to see that Newtonian gravity was an essential component.

You can't get energy from the NG field but you can from EG field, from the pressure that holds materials together; from the environmental voltage.

In our case of two pendulums slightly out of phase, what are the stress components?

They are the shafts of the two pendulums.

The shafts are under compression at their apogees and under tension at their nadirs.
Because the resulting strains are well below the threshold of perception the existence of these changing stresses is often overlooked.

The generation of precession kinetic energy by the pendulums is brought about by the changing stress regime of the pendulum shafts.

The pendulum bob masses are under the regime of two independent accelerative forces.

1. The acceleration force due to gravity, constant in magnitude and direction, and

2. The acceleration force due to the pendulum shaft varying in magnitude and acting through the centre in direction so varying in direction.

By manipulating these forces it will be possible to transduce 3rd derivative to 2nd derivative energy.
In our case of two pendulums slightly out of phase, what are the stress components?

They are the shafts of the two pendulums.

The shafts are under compression at their apogees and under tension at their nadirs.
Because the resulting strains are well below the threshold of perception the existence of these changing stresses is often overlooked.

The generation of precession kinetic energy by the pendulums is brought about by the changing stress regime of the pendulum shafts.

The pendulum bob masses are under the regime of two independent accelerative forces.

1. The acceleration force due to gravity, constant in magnitude and direction, and

2. The acceleration force due to the pendulum shaft varying in magnitude and acting through the centre in direction so varying in direction. ...
More importantly the strains are overlooked.

Because the strain displacements of the centrifugal/centripetal (Ersatz Gravity) acceleration forces are so small compared to the much larger displacements of the Newtonian gravity acceleration forces they are hierarchically independent variables.

A good example of hierarchical independence is given by a calculation procedure I used with a Munroematic electromechanical calculator in the late 1950s.

Calculation of regressions involves the calculation of three quantities, x², y² and 2xy.
This can be achieved in one step which is illustrated below. with the MS calculator.

Let x = 11 and y =12.
These are put at each end of a very large number as shown below.


The number is then squared see the answer below.


It will be seen that the square of x, 121, appears at one end and the square of y, 144, at the other.
Twice the product, 2xy, 264, appears in the middle.

An interesting thing arises from that Monroe calculator trick.

The interaction term is affected just a much by a percentage change in the small term as it is by the same percentage change in the last term.

I can see that strains at axle end of the pendulum are just as important as the strains at the bob end of the pendulum.

Now in the case of the Stirling engine for example the "axle is not a simple straight through axle is it? If it were no energy would be developed by the engine.

What is it?

It's a cranked axle.

So what would happen if we had a 5°-355° pendulum or even a couple of such pendulums acting on a cranked axle?

It would have to act in conjunction with a wheel to act as a flywheel as in the case of the Stirling.

Another point to bear in mind is that an accompanying wheel is always leading a pendulum in the top half of its travel and lagging behind in the bottom half of its travel. It should be possible to harness this difference.
AVE MARIA, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.
Ô Marie, conçue sans péché, priez pour nous qui avons recours à vous.
Georg Künstler
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re: Harvesting Precession Kinetic Energy

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Senax,
If I find some free time in the weekend I will explain the swinging and reswinging of a top heavy pendulum. Maybe you can make then a gif animation of it. It is the easiest way harvesting the energy, but it is not a wheel construction. The construction will work with the perpetual change of the length of the lever arms.
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Post by Senax »

Sounds interesting Georg.
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Re: re: Harvesting Precession Kinetic Energy

Post by Senax »

Senax wrote:Sounds as though Sjack Abeling has come through with a device based on harnessing PKE in the way Edwin suggested in the first post of this thread. I doubt if he understands why his device works or where the energy comes from.

It will be interesting to see the reaction of the scientific establishment to his device when they finally have to accept it works - assuming it does. :-)

Sjack has come a long way from his original wooden wheels. It looks as though he must have found a sponsor judging from all that metal which must have cost a pretty penny.


Newsletter January 2018

Back in 1996 we got interested in the process of transforming the energy/power of gravity on objects into kinetic energy, ultimately resulting in a continuously driving force.
Patiently and motivated we continued working on the solution for more than 10 years, despite all external opposition and negativity (always blindly referring to the laws of conservation of energy).
More than 750 days ago we had a major breakthrough with a new invention. And last month we achieved our goal: We can transform gravity into a driving force; 100% kinetic energy, generated from the quadratic acceleration of weights in our “AirGravityMill�, driving a generator.

With the special invention of the M.D.S. system, a primary active flywheel (that we call the “AirGravityMill�) can drive a secondary generator.
The special weight-lifting capabilities of the invention generate 800% more energy than the energy that is needed to generate and control the free fall of weights in the “AirGravityMill�.

With the help of intermediaries, external companies and the growing interest of investors we now aim at producing 50 machines with a 250 KW to 1 MW capacity by the end of 2019.
We want to install and operate “energy islands� for the regional industry, producing and supplying our “Mooie Energie� (beautiful energy) where needed.
We estimate the “AirGravityMill� could ultimately drive 24 MW generators.

Towards the end of January our system will be introduced in The Hague and Brussels (the political capitals of The Netherlands and the European Union respectively).

Product information
The “AirGravityMill� is a 100% closed pneumatic/hydraulic system and therefore does not require special permits. Depending on the capacity of the generator local authorities may have to be notified, or the system can be operated using the business license of the host of the “energy island�. The system can be installed in a barn, warehouse etc.

Only air and gravity are required. Therefore the system can be installed stand-alone. The only limitation is the accessibility of the location to install the system.

Of course there is no danger for surroundings or environment. Our energy production method is cheap, local and completely independent. The energy island can generate energy on a small footprint.

Characteristics of the “AirGravityMill�
100% constant capacity
Can be linked to own or existing (public) infrastructure.
Can be installed almost everywhere
Low energy price for (power) consumer.
Quiet and safe.
Can be easily switched off and restarted.
Very small footprint compared to other systems.
Remote control and monitoring.
From mid-2018 we will first power our upcoming production facility with an “AirGravityMill�. We will then slowly expand and provide beautiful and affordable energy to surrounding regions.

We will help to:

Provide cleaner air to breath.
Reduce “horizon pollution� and reduce nuisance for surroundings.
Increase safety.
Return the huge footprint of solar plants to agriculture, nature etc.
Our challenge
In the next 30 years we want to become one of the largest energy suppliers and install our systems around the world.
Free Energy | searching for free energy and discussing free energy

Re: Sjack Abeling Gravity Wheel and the Worlds first Weight Power Plant
« Reply #2357 on: January 23, 2018, 07:28:03 PM »
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Offline a_user
Posts: 6

Re: Sjack Abeling Gravity Wheel and the Worlds first Weight Power Plant
« Reply #2358 on: February 10, 2018, 12:13:29 PM »
Even more news:

We understand that the news about our AirGravityMill raises a lot of questions. You will understand that we are careful when providing information about our intellectual property. Nevertheless we will try to answer the most important question.

Question: How is it possible that, with just a minimal amount of external energy, the mill can drive a secondary system with 100% gravity?

Answer: The AirGravityMill is equipped with at least two “MDS� systems, one per mass. The working masses in the mill are set in motion with a small amount of external energy, activating the MDS systems. The ‘law of conservation of energy’ will make sure that approximately the same amount of energy remains in the mill for the next rotation. But the motion of the wheel and thus activation of the MDS systems has additional consequences that do not take energy from the rotation.

The MDS systems in the AirGravityMill will shift the masses to a height exceeding their starting positions by several meters. The “Inertia attachment points�* of the working masses (weighing 1000 to 15000 kilograms) are lifted to a higher position, generating potential kinetic energy.

One of the phenomena is that each mass wants to move up to 40 degrees of arc above the top of the AirGravityMill. Of course the mill will guide the mass along a fixed trajectory, so it can use the energy that is released in the free fall (quadratic acceleration). The energy is used to compensate the resistance on the side of the mill that is moving upwards. The remaining energy is used to drive a secondary system.

*The inertia attachment point is the position (anchor-point) where a mass would settle if the mill was stopped. Several anchor-points are used during the rotation.
Offline sm0ky2
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I'm transferring this topic to the Sjack Abeling Gravity Wheel on the Community Buzz Forum.

Sorry about that lurkers :-)
If you're sufficiently interested you'll just have to join up.

It's free. :-)
AVE MARIA, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.
Ô Marie, conçue sans péché, priez pour nous qui avons recours à vous.
Georg Künstler
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re: Harvesting Precession Kinetic Energy

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Senax,
from picture 1 to 3 the torque and the energy is equalized.

From picture 4 on we have a system where the energy is sitting above the axle.

The bicycle wheel has a ratchet function so that the wheel can only turn in one direction.
When going down the gravity turns it in one direction, free run.

The falling energy must be absorbed. This will take place when the bicycle wheel is falling inside on an resistance, as shown.

Falling on the resistance, the lever arm is shortened by the radius of the bicycle wheel.
Is is like catch the fall.
Because be have a ratched function in the bicycle wheel it is looked.

The lever arm is shortened on the left side, torque on the right side will now turning back the top heavy weight to the start position.
Overweight and overweighted.

And the cycle can start again.

Hope that the explanation is good enough that you understand it.
swinging and reswinging
swinging and reswinging
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Post by silent »

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