Okay, I was testing myself to see if I could still remember pi to 151 digits today, and I could rattle the numbers off so fast that I impressed myself! I can remember them about as fast I can speak them.I added another 50 digits today, so I now know pi to 151 significant figures. My head hurt all day, too, so today's batch wasn't as easy as the first 101 digits. ...and for part of the day it seemed like some of those were dropping out to make room for the new ones.
I think that makes three times in a row that I've gotten all 151 right, so it's time to quit this nonsense! ...sorry.
I then looked online to see what the record was since it looks like I may be good at this, but then I saw that the record was in the tens of thousands of digits! So, I don't plan to ever be that good. I may have some natural ability to remember numbers, but I don't have that sort of dedication.
I did add another 100 digits to my memory this evening, however. So, I'm at least up to 250 (after the decimal point).
I'm not yet too fast with the last 100.
...oops... When I just tested myself I left out a digit (I went back and added it to the above). I guess I'll do a quick refresher tomorrow and firm it up. Trying to add a 100 in an evening was a little much, I guess.