You might gain 15 to 35-percent better economy from the use of acetone. Sometimes even more.
Add in tiny amounts from about one part per 5000 to one part per 3000, depending on the vehicle -- just a few ounces per ten gallons of gas.
In a 10-gallon tank of gasoline, use one to three ounces of pure acetone to obtain excellent mileage improvements.
Keep acetone away from painted surfaces, such as the paint on your car under the gas tank opening. Acetone is the key ingredient in paint remover.

Figure 1:
Percentage MILEAGE GAIN when a tiny amount of acetone is added
to fuel. The curves A B C show the effect on three different cars using
different gasolines. Some engines respond better than others to
acetone. The D curve is for diesel fuel. Too much acetone decreases
mileage slightly due to adding too much octane to the fuel. Too much
additive would upset the mixture ratio because acetone (like alcohol)
is a light molecule and tends to lean the mixture.
by Louis LaPointe, Source
I bought a can of acetone yesterday. I need to find a way to measure and pour into the gas tank without spilling. I'm looking for a squeeze bottle with a flexable tubing spout.

PS. The ratio numbers in this article don't look right? 1 oz per 10 gallons is 1 part acetone per 1280 parts gasoline, while 3 oz per 10 gallon is a 1 to 427 ratio. Maybe the ratios are by weight (is acetone much lighter than gasoline) or the gallons might be Imperial gallons? Hmmmm... maybe the author just made a mistake?
1/15 of one-percent is 0.0006667 or 1 part per 1500Add in tiny amounts from about one part per 5000 to one part per 3000, depending on the vehicle -- just a few ounces per ten gallons of gas. This comes to between 0.0003 % to 0.0025 % acetone maximum or approximately 1/15th of one-percent. Note that is around .78 cc per liter or one ounce per 10 gallons. Not more than three oz. per 10 gallons.
0.0003% is 0.000003 or 1 part per 333333
0.0025% is 0.000025 or 1 part per 40000
I found a number of Internet articles concerning using acetone as an additive. All were positive and had nothing neagative to say except it might damage paint. Most articles said results may vary with different cars, brand of fuel and amount of acetone used. Most recomend about 2 to 3 oz per 10 gallons.