Hi Daan
Daan wrote:
Hi Stewart ,
Hierdie is nie n versoek nie , dit is n uitdaging , aanvaar jy did nie , sal ek later daar op reageer . Ek glo nie iemand sal dit lees behalwe jy nie , maar net soos in johann se werk is hier ook n versteekte bootskap , vir een van die forum lede , so kom ons noem hom sam , wat ook sy naam is , ek dink hy is niks anders as n puisie op n pommy se poephol nie , en maak hy self n seksuele skuif . Ek dink jy weet wie is die puisie , en wie is die poephol . Ek het geen behoefte om jou werk af te kraak nie , maar maak beswaar dat jy ander se werk verkleineer , wat dalk net so lank as jy met die vertaling van die stuk besig was . Hulle het die vondasie gele vir almal wat na hulle gekom het .
Ja , hierin mag ook spelfoute wees , want die verdomde spel chekker bly alles wat ek skryf verander om dit in engels the vertaal .
Yes I've also read Bessler's ship document. Your summary isn't bad and as Tarsier says there are no interesting details about it and it holds no clues, at least on the surface (pun intended). Are you asking me to provide my own translation?
I'm disappointed that instead of rising above Sam's rude comment, you decided to descend to his level and rudely and personally insult me too. I hoped I'd made it clear that I didn't approve of Sam's comment to you. I even invited you in to my private forum when I realised you weren't already a member. I expect you'll dismiss everything in there, but at least you're seeing more up-to-date translations and information there rather than years old posts.
You say you "don't want to belittle my work", but you still do. You say you object to me belittling the work of others, but over the years I've repeatedly acknowledged the good work of John's translator Mike, and have only sought to help improve the accuracy of certain parts that I can prove are wrong, and others have since also. I'm not doing it out of any malice or spite, but just to try and help get to the truth. Anyway, see my last post to Fletcher which has more detail on this.
Daan wrote:The post also had nothing to do with Bessler wheel , or a long shot at a solution, I just feel , that Stewart is someone without any proof of academic training as a translater , so the things he spills here is his own opinion of Bessler work .
He claims to have spent many hours doing the translations , but so has the other people whom he now debunk , and calls their work incorrect . Stewart then gives his opinion as to whether I understand or has any comprehension of English , but I can assure all , that although I do not communicate in English frequently , there is very little I have to google to understand anything that he has to offer here.
And there it is. Daan assumes that because I don't have academic qualifications that I have no business doing what I'm doing, despite the fact that I've produced more accurate translations (as proved) than those people that do have certain qualifications. The reason for this is probably only because they have not studied in detail areas of science and mechanics from the time period, or have not had the time to agonise over difficult areas of the text. They also don't necessarily have an interest in the subject matter and are carrying out the translation on behalf of someone else. They also don't have the benefit of cross referencing many Bessler texts while they focus on one document at a time. I don't think you're actually aware of the circumstances in which the other translations came about. Anyway, did Champollion have a qualification in translating Egyptian hieroglyphs? No, just a reasonable intellect that allowed him to do the job where others had failed and to become the expert.
You say you understand everything written here in English, and yet your own written English is poor (although much better than my written Dutch, so its not a criticism). I'm just left wondering where the problem is, as my translations have been backed up over the years by various German forum members. You seem to be the only person who thinks we're all wrong, other than jim_mich who was just desperate to make Bessler's words fit his theories at all costs. I'm left thinking you either have a grudge and are deliberately being obstreperous, or the language used by Bessler is significantly different from that which you speak. I wonder if we'll ever get to the pimply arse of it. ;-)
All the best