A 60second Enlightenment...the Principle Motion behind Everything?
Moderator: scott
A 60second Enlightenment...the Principle Motion behind Every
Hi all...
Further to my last post `A Time for Giving` here is a belated gift.
It's only six frames sixty degree's apart...so it's pretty choppy but it's sufficient enough to show the motion I've been banging on about & chasing for a very long while now.
As always stated...it's very simple....if you bunch 4 spheres together you form a tetrahedral. Choose any two & rotate them around the remaining two...whilst also, at one & the same time, rotating this second two around the first.
Any two spheres form the smallest possible segment/section of one strand of a double helix...the remaining two form the other strand.
And when you run these two sections against each other it simply results in a tetrahedral, fixed to its centre point & spiraling around it in a 3D motion.
This is perhaps important.....no part of this tetrahedral moves without its trajectory altering in all of the three dimensions...it changes its trajectory constantly/throughout. This I suggest is what might be considered the principle characteristic of what we call a Perpetual Motion?
I am awaiting a professional 3D animation of this in the next day or two. I'm hoping to be able to record a 3D tour of this...although you shouldn't have to look at this rough, choppy, 2D animation for too long to recognize that, as Bessler said...it looks the same from front/back, left/right & top/bottom...please consider the implications in this.
I show two reds/two blues, two strands of a double helix running against each other..but one can choose three combinations of two against two...three ways in which to present two reds vs two blues...and each would present the same.....this tetrahedron/tetrahedral is spiraling, feeding, or being fed by three double helix...one in each of the three dimensional planes.
Really!...if you run the two strands of a double helix against each other, join three such moving helix, one from each dimension, together...it results in a tetrahedron tumbling around on its centre point...an easily proven geometric fact & a very interesting one surely
This tetrahedral runs between two Tri-Lobed Discs....trust me I beg...seek & you shall find.
I will request, if I can afford it, that this tetrahedral be contained within a tetrahedron frame....this will visually make seeing a true tetrahedron spiraling on its centre....and it will also provide the visual of that which is in motion in Bessler's Wheel...a regular tetrahedron.
Then you will have two things to investigate with your imagination....how these spheres, in their shown motion...engage with tri-lobed discs...and how a regular tetrahedron engages with Bessler's wheel engraving.....yes, it requires a good deal of thought on your part but it pails into insignificance compared to the effort, thus far, on my part
As politely as I can put it....get real, get out of your box, get off your backsides...& get yourself and this damn thing moving....please?
I'll attach the six frames should you wish to animate/play with this yourselves.
Further to my last post `A Time for Giving` here is a belated gift.
It's only six frames sixty degree's apart...so it's pretty choppy but it's sufficient enough to show the motion I've been banging on about & chasing for a very long while now.
As always stated...it's very simple....if you bunch 4 spheres together you form a tetrahedral. Choose any two & rotate them around the remaining two...whilst also, at one & the same time, rotating this second two around the first.
Any two spheres form the smallest possible segment/section of one strand of a double helix...the remaining two form the other strand.
And when you run these two sections against each other it simply results in a tetrahedral, fixed to its centre point & spiraling around it in a 3D motion.
This is perhaps important.....no part of this tetrahedral moves without its trajectory altering in all of the three dimensions...it changes its trajectory constantly/throughout. This I suggest is what might be considered the principle characteristic of what we call a Perpetual Motion?
I am awaiting a professional 3D animation of this in the next day or two. I'm hoping to be able to record a 3D tour of this...although you shouldn't have to look at this rough, choppy, 2D animation for too long to recognize that, as Bessler said...it looks the same from front/back, left/right & top/bottom...please consider the implications in this.
I show two reds/two blues, two strands of a double helix running against each other..but one can choose three combinations of two against two...three ways in which to present two reds vs two blues...and each would present the same.....this tetrahedron/tetrahedral is spiraling, feeding, or being fed by three double helix...one in each of the three dimensional planes.
Really!...if you run the two strands of a double helix against each other, join three such moving helix, one from each dimension, together...it results in a tetrahedron tumbling around on its centre point...an easily proven geometric fact & a very interesting one surely
This tetrahedral runs between two Tri-Lobed Discs....trust me I beg...seek & you shall find.
I will request, if I can afford it, that this tetrahedral be contained within a tetrahedron frame....this will visually make seeing a true tetrahedron spiraling on its centre....and it will also provide the visual of that which is in motion in Bessler's Wheel...a regular tetrahedron.
Then you will have two things to investigate with your imagination....how these spheres, in their shown motion...engage with tri-lobed discs...and how a regular tetrahedron engages with Bessler's wheel engraving.....yes, it requires a good deal of thought on your part but it pails into insignificance compared to the effort, thus far, on my part
As politely as I can put it....get real, get out of your box, get off your backsides...& get yourself and this damn thing moving....please?
I'll attach the six frames should you wish to animate/play with this yourselves.
Last edited by Gill Simo on Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Everything you know will always equal the sum of your ignorance"
re: A 60second Enlightenment...the Principle Motion behind E
Last edited by silent on Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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- cloud camper
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re: A 60second Enlightenment...the Principle Motion behind E
Gill, very interesting but the three lower spheres when rotating inside the outside circle all frictionally oppose each other at their contact points with each other.
That is, the "gearing" is backwards among the bottom three spheres and thus fight or resist rotation instead of supporting it.
The upper sphere should rotate OK sitting on the other three but all I see is opposing frictional forces among the bottom three when they try to rotate inside the outer circle.
If some frictional clearance were provided for the bottom three then I could see the four spheres operating something like a planetary gearbox but I don't think thats what you intend.
How do you intend to resolve this issue of opposing frictional forces at the contact points of the bottom three spheres?
As it stands at present, the whole system is "bound up" with opposing forces and cannot even rotate let alone self power itself.
What am I missing?
Sorry Gill, I know you are sincere but I just don't get it!
One idea would be to make the bottom three spheres a bit smaller so they do not contact each other and then add small idler spheres or gears between them. The idlers cannot contact the outside circle or upper sphere. This would at least solve the binding problem.
That is, the "gearing" is backwards among the bottom three spheres and thus fight or resist rotation instead of supporting it.
The upper sphere should rotate OK sitting on the other three but all I see is opposing frictional forces among the bottom three when they try to rotate inside the outer circle.
If some frictional clearance were provided for the bottom three then I could see the four spheres operating something like a planetary gearbox but I don't think thats what you intend.
How do you intend to resolve this issue of opposing frictional forces at the contact points of the bottom three spheres?
As it stands at present, the whole system is "bound up" with opposing forces and cannot even rotate let alone self power itself.
What am I missing?
Sorry Gill, I know you are sincere but I just don't get it!
One idea would be to make the bottom three spheres a bit smaller so they do not contact each other and then add small idler spheres or gears between them. The idlers cannot contact the outside circle or upper sphere. This would at least solve the binding problem.
Last edited by cloud camper on Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
re: A 60second Enlightenment...the Principle Motion behind E
Hello Gill,
Wonderful concept and post! I don't understand how you would defeat the friction involved.It also looks balanced most of the time. I watched the animation and like cloud camper, I'm just not understanding how it will move correctly. One last thing. If it did work,how could you extract any energy from it? I continue to admire your ouside-of-the-box thinking.
Wonderful concept and post! I don't understand how you would defeat the friction involved.It also looks balanced most of the time. I watched the animation and like cloud camper, I'm just not understanding how it will move correctly. One last thing. If it did work,how could you extract any energy from it? I continue to admire your ouside-of-the-box thinking.
Trying to turn the spinning in my brain into something useful before moving on to the next life.
re: A 60second Enlightenment...the Principle Motion behind E
Hi Gill
You have been an inspiration over the years.
So as you have contributed so much please accept this gift.
You have been an inspiration over the years.
So as you have contributed so much please accept this gift.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
re: A 60second Enlightenment...the Principle Motion behind E
Well now!....I'm often well lacking in responding to replies to my own threads.
Never due to ignorance or lack of appreciation...usually ill health but with a good dose of fear/apprehension...I'm a soft/sensitive soul, putting myself `out there` for others to assess is my very idea of hell, so I tend to keep away from my own posts until I feel less of a punch when forced to re-read the drivel I wrote in the first place & the subsequent replies.
However....you've all been perfectly nice to me...thank you!
Firstly...agor95...you would have no idea really as to what a precious gift you've just given me. Dear Lord, I could write a book as to how...that you express me as worthy of it truly humbles me Thank you is not enough...but thank you nonetheless.
Ok...this issue of friction
I have argued, over an age it feels, that something simple yet apparently impossible to find must be something illusionary.. a kinda trick of the mind that the mind can't imagine.
I don't suggest enlightenment in the title of this thread lightly....when the mind does imagine the trick then it is Enlightened...capital E.
There are no spheres moving around other spheres...if folk had done as I'd requested & picked up a few balls & studied them, then it would have been noted, in time, that if you turn any two spheres against the remaining two spheres in a tetrahedral, then no matter how speedily they `attempt` to flow around each other, they flow nowhere...the action simply results in the whole...the tetrahedral....twisting/turning on its centre point....all the faster
No friction....
As I'm currently being somewhat flattered then I'll take a chance at being more forthright in my approach.
Take a bog standard, regular, six straight edged, tetrahedron....fix it at its centre point....set it into a PARTICULAR motion, a PRINCIPLE motion....in the Earth's gravitational field (or under the effect of Electricity/Magnetism anywhere in this entire Realm) & it will continue in that motion indefinitely.
That motion, that twisting/turning of the tetrahedron is the motion that results from `attempting` to turn two spheres against two spheres.
Any two spheres represent one edge of a tetrahedron...so it is just as true to say that it is the twisting/turning tetrahedron that results from attempting to turn one edge of the tetrahedron, using its opposite edge as an axle...whilst at the same time turning that opposite edge around the first, using it as an axle likewise
There's been endless & still unresolved dispute over the true translation of Bessler's statement re `Weights applying themselves at right angles to the axle, which in its turn must also move...many argue that it's vertical...suggesting that `at right angles` means horizontal to them.
At right angle to the axle actually makes little sense....any spoke/rim & therefore weight acting on an axle is at right angles to it.
I suggest that what I refer to above makes sense of both right angle to the axle & axle that moves in its turn?
I'm not a physicist/scientist/mathematician...I've no idea as to how/why the tetrahedron behaves so paradoxically....I can only see that it does, after much looking....& I'll repeat...much looking at both Bessler's engraving & in particular the Tri-Lobed Disc will allow anyone to see how the Principle Motion...the twisting/turning relates to them....regular tetrahedron/engraving....sphere tetrahedral/Disc.
I can also see that the principle behind this motion is simply 3D....every move the tetrahedron makes is made in all three dimensions...its trajectory is permanently spiraling in a loop around its centre point.
Hopefully agor's gift will allow for me to eventually show this Principle Motion far better.
Thanks again/Gill
Never due to ignorance or lack of appreciation...usually ill health but with a good dose of fear/apprehension...I'm a soft/sensitive soul, putting myself `out there` for others to assess is my very idea of hell, so I tend to keep away from my own posts until I feel less of a punch when forced to re-read the drivel I wrote in the first place & the subsequent replies.
However....you've all been perfectly nice to me...thank you!
Firstly...agor95...you would have no idea really as to what a precious gift you've just given me. Dear Lord, I could write a book as to how...that you express me as worthy of it truly humbles me Thank you is not enough...but thank you nonetheless.
Ok...this issue of friction
I have argued, over an age it feels, that something simple yet apparently impossible to find must be something illusionary.. a kinda trick of the mind that the mind can't imagine.
I don't suggest enlightenment in the title of this thread lightly....when the mind does imagine the trick then it is Enlightened...capital E.
There are no spheres moving around other spheres...if folk had done as I'd requested & picked up a few balls & studied them, then it would have been noted, in time, that if you turn any two spheres against the remaining two spheres in a tetrahedral, then no matter how speedily they `attempt` to flow around each other, they flow nowhere...the action simply results in the whole...the tetrahedral....twisting/turning on its centre point....all the faster
No friction....
As I'm currently being somewhat flattered then I'll take a chance at being more forthright in my approach.
Take a bog standard, regular, six straight edged, tetrahedron....fix it at its centre point....set it into a PARTICULAR motion, a PRINCIPLE motion....in the Earth's gravitational field (or under the effect of Electricity/Magnetism anywhere in this entire Realm) & it will continue in that motion indefinitely.
That motion, that twisting/turning of the tetrahedron is the motion that results from `attempting` to turn two spheres against two spheres.
Any two spheres represent one edge of a tetrahedron...so it is just as true to say that it is the twisting/turning tetrahedron that results from attempting to turn one edge of the tetrahedron, using its opposite edge as an axle...whilst at the same time turning that opposite edge around the first, using it as an axle likewise
There's been endless & still unresolved dispute over the true translation of Bessler's statement re `Weights applying themselves at right angles to the axle, which in its turn must also move...many argue that it's vertical...suggesting that `at right angles` means horizontal to them.
At right angle to the axle actually makes little sense....any spoke/rim & therefore weight acting on an axle is at right angles to it.
I suggest that what I refer to above makes sense of both right angle to the axle & axle that moves in its turn?
I'm not a physicist/scientist/mathematician...I've no idea as to how/why the tetrahedron behaves so paradoxically....I can only see that it does, after much looking....& I'll repeat...much looking at both Bessler's engraving & in particular the Tri-Lobed Disc will allow anyone to see how the Principle Motion...the twisting/turning relates to them....regular tetrahedron/engraving....sphere tetrahedral/Disc.
I can also see that the principle behind this motion is simply 3D....every move the tetrahedron makes is made in all three dimensions...its trajectory is permanently spiraling in a loop around its centre point.
Hopefully agor's gift will allow for me to eventually show this Principle Motion far better.
Thanks again/Gill
"Everything you know will always equal the sum of your ignorance"
Agor....I've no idea how on Earth you do this but it strikes me immediately that....
This would of course sit within a sphere....if a circle could be put around your thingy here....representing the diameter of that sphere...difficult to calculate perhaps....but running a mouse pointer around that circle will, less I'm mistaken, turn the whole to the principle motion required.
You presumably know a bit re graphics....perhaps this is viable....to set the correct circle around & instruct your software somehow to turn the whole as per, as if one was dragging a pointer around that circle?
Sorry...hope that makes sense.
This would of course sit within a sphere....if a circle could be put around your thingy here....representing the diameter of that sphere...difficult to calculate perhaps....but running a mouse pointer around that circle will, less I'm mistaken, turn the whole to the principle motion required.
You presumably know a bit re graphics....perhaps this is viable....to set the correct circle around & instruct your software somehow to turn the whole as per, as if one was dragging a pointer around that circle?
Sorry...hope that makes sense.
re: A 60second Enlightenment...the Principle Motion behind E
I should add...speaking of enlightenment...capital E
A regular tetrahedron fits within a sphere...its four points in contact.
Perhaps imagine those four points to be fitted with roller bearings, like a Biro...
Now try to imagine what pattern of grooves would need to be etched on the inside of the sphere in order that the four points run in them, resulting in the principle motion outlined.
Yes, it's beautiful...and you begin to see the significance of ancient symbolism and why Geometry was indeed Sacred back then.
Depending on what you append & how/where you append it to this principle motion...you get a different insight expressed as spirals/mandalas come to life....want to see what the Star of Davis really is...in motion, in 3D?....keep looking!
It gets ever deeper I swear.
A regular tetrahedron fits within a sphere...its four points in contact.
Perhaps imagine those four points to be fitted with roller bearings, like a Biro...
Now try to imagine what pattern of grooves would need to be etched on the inside of the sphere in order that the four points run in them, resulting in the principle motion outlined.
Yes, it's beautiful...and you begin to see the significance of ancient symbolism and why Geometry was indeed Sacred back then.
Depending on what you append & how/where you append it to this principle motion...you get a different insight expressed as spirals/mandalas come to life....want to see what the Star of Davis really is...in motion, in 3D?....keep looking!
It gets ever deeper I swear.
"Everything you know will always equal the sum of your ignorance"
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- Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 2:34 am
- Location: Wisconsin, U.S.A.
re: A 60second Enlightenment...the Principle Motion behind E
simo-bessler tetrahedron conjecture
Those of you who have visited my web site via my profile should know this information.
1. Clicking on the image within the 'Gift' then drag with the left mouse button too rotates the image. It is in 3D and the mouse wheel allows you to zoom in and out.
2. You can take snapshots and then download them if you wish.
3. NEW - view source page and copy the text. Then save the text into a text files using
notepad / text editor. Call it something.html
Clicking on this file will start an internet browser and you now have a local copy.
Note. Chrome work the best but others work.
P.S. Your Enlightenment needs a proper title - see above.
Those of you who have visited my web site via my profile should know this information.
1. Clicking on the image within the 'Gift' then drag with the left mouse button too rotates the image. It is in 3D and the mouse wheel allows you to zoom in and out.
2. You can take snapshots and then download them if you wish.
3. NEW - view source page and copy the text. Then save the text into a text files using
notepad / text editor. Call it something.html
Clicking on this file will start an internet browser and you now have a local copy.
Note. Chrome work the best but others work.
P.S. Your Enlightenment needs a proper title - see above.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
re: A 60second Enlightenment...the Principle Motion behind E
Enlightenment in a hurry?Gill Simo wrote:I am awaiting a professional 3D animation of this in the next day or two.
Here's an animation in the attempt to match those 6 pictures.
- The rotations are not exactly steps of 60 degrees;
- The rotation performs a precession around the axle;
- Likely needs a nutation, because the match is not exact;
- With the added tetrahedron it may look like a birds-eye oblique view, yet only the axle is titled forward in a frontal view (this is just the result of matching the pictures)
I don;t see how a rotating (platonic) solid performs a form of perpetual motion... yet, if it helps you on your path then please accept the animated version.
Agor... support request at http://www.besslerwheel.com/forum/viewt ... 618#164618
Marchello E.
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
re: A 60second Enlightenment...the Principle Motion behind E
Me assistance is given, when asked, for those who learn.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
re: A 60second Enlightenment...the Principle Motion behind E
This is your improved version that has been published on steampunk.
This is your improved version that has been published on steampunk.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed