A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater than 1

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A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater than

Post by George1 »

Dear colleagues,
My name is George Sen. I am a member of a team of inventors-enthusiasts. Please have a look at the link
https://mypicxbg.files.wordpress.com/20 ... es_1-6.pdf
The link above describes a simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater than 1.
What do you think about this electric heater? What is your opinion?
Looking forward to your answer.
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re: A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater t

Post by George1 »

Any comments related to the "Simple electric heater which has efficiency greater than 1"? Please send to us your opinions.
Looking forward to your answer.
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re: A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater t

Post by m2x »

To summarize, the heat generated by a resistor is = 1, but heat generated by burning hydrogen exacted by electrolysis of water plus the heat generated by that process is > 1?
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re: A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater t

Post by George1 »

To m2x.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Yes, that's it. Firstly, the heat generated by the resistor is = 1. Secondly, the heat generated by the burning of hydrogen is > 0. And the sum of these two is always bigger than one.
Looking forward to your answer.
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Georg Künstler
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re: A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater t

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi George1,
the separation from water to Hydrogen and Oxygen needs energy.

The energy to separate this is depending on the pressure.

A low pressure will allow you to separate water in Hydrogen and Oxygen nearly for free.

The Crux is the surrounding.
To store the hydrogen in some tubes, drums you need additional energy to generate pressure.

So this is not the way to solve it. No gain.
I have an other way, based on the fuel cell.
The fuel cell work in both directions.
This can produce energy for the whole mankind, for free.
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re: A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater t

Post by George1 »

To Georg Kunstler.
Hi Georg.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Actually I did not understand much of your words. Would you be so polite to give some more additional explanations?
Because our main conclusion is based on 5 experimentally proved equations.
Looking forward to your answer.
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Georg Künstler
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re: A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater t

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi George1,
The electrolysis of water is pressure-dependent.

With the same amount of Input energy you can produce more or less hydrogen, oxygen depending on the pressure.

You can make an Experiment in 1000 Meter deep water (high pressure).
you Need more anergy
then you make the same Experiment nearly under vacuum conditions (low pressure), then you need less energy to seperate the water in the two elements.

The electrolysis of water does not heat up the water, the energy is only seperating the water in the two Elements.
if the water will heat up, then you will generate steam, which is not the case in the fuel cell.

have a look to

But as i said, there is an other way to harvest the energy for free.
It is a cycle process with unlimited energy, as long as the sun and the earth exists.
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re: A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater t

Post by agor95 »

Elctrolysis of water DC or AC current?

If we consider the covalent electric bounds in water to be like springs.

Then using AC current to resonate with those bounds should break then
with less energy.
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re: A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater t

Post by George1 »

To Georg Kunstler.
Hi Georg,
1) I don't argue that electrolysis is pressure-dependent. Actually you give here a good idea to increase the rate of hydrogen generation by increasing pressure. It's worth to think over it.
2) The electrolysis of water SERIOUSLY HEATS UP the water, my friend! Even at atmospheric pressure conditions. You have to be absolutely sure about this EXPERIMENTAL fact.
Looking forward to your answer.
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re: A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater t

Post by George1 »

To agor 95.
Hi agor 95.
You give here a really interesting idea. But I need some time to read some more electrochemistry theory and see what is this covalent electric bounds resonance, which is related to AC current as you say. Would you be so polite to give some more information related to this topic?
Looking forward to your answer.
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re: A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater t

Post by agor95 »

Hi No problem

Hydrogen has 1 electron and that can be shared with an Oxygen atom.
The Oxygen atom needs two electrons.

So the Oxygen does the same with another Hydrogen atom [H2O].

As the electron is passed from the Hydrogen and Oxygen the static [ion] change
attracts the together to create the bond.

Microwave ovens use a frequency to vibrate molecules like water.
This increase the movement [temperature].

So the correct frequency could break the bond by vibration.

DC brute forces the bonds apart.

P.S. I have always wondered what would happen if a LASER of that frequency was used on a block of ice. Naturally watching with a large telescope. Some distance away.

Note. Water made using different isotopes of Hydrogen tasted different.
An isotope of Hydrogen is Deuterium. There is a Neutron with the Proton and that
makes it vibrate at a different frequency.
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re: A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater t

Post by George1 »

To agor 95.
Hi agor 95.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
1) Your last post is very, very interesting! I need some time however in order to understand properly and assimilate all you have written. Besides I would like to read a little more theory related to electrolysis.
2) Could you be so polite to let us know where in industry AC electrolysis is used? And in which industry? Could you give us some examples?
Looking forward to your answer.
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Georg Künstler
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re: A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater t

Post by Georg Künstler »

HI George1,
the reason for the above is not only the resonance.
The geometry is also importent, as well as the distance of each tube.

It is a Ring, cycle oscillator. that we doing also in the Bessler Wheel.

The product is not only hydrogen it is also Oxygen.
The product is high explosiv, it is a mix.

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re: A simple electric heater, which has efficiency greater t

Post by George1 »

To agor 95.
Hi agor 95.
Anything interesting related to AC electrolysis? It seems to me quite complex and sophisticated.
Looking forward to your answer.
Best regards,
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