Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

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re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by Fletcher »

ECC1 wrote:Don't you think if Karl had known about Drebbel's inventions - which as you say, he probably did given his interests - he couldn't have mentioned them in reference to Bessler's wheels without 1) giving away the secret, or 2) connecting Bessler to Drebbel's reputation as a sorceror/magician? Karl was limited to what he could say.

The other witnesses statements don't reference Drebbel because they didn't see the secret. How could they know whether or not that was how they worked? They testified it was true PM, right, but again, that definition included Drebbel's method.

That there didn't seem to be any comparison "in the flesh" because of say, how fast his wheels turned, still doesn't rule out that method. In fact, it could have been the very thing that fooled the witnesses. Bessler could have taken the method and improved on it. Remember they both shared similar interests, traits and personalities.

Here is a book written about Drebbel's demonstrations of refrigeration and submarine: ... -zero.html
Thanks for the link - I've book marked it for future reference - thoroughly enjoyed reading the context of Drebbel et al that other sources don't always impress upon you.

I've read your reply and some thoughts come to mind. I won't address each point separately but sort of combine into what I hopes not an entrenched rant.

First off, none of us can ever prove a negative or provide negative proof. So without positive proof we are reduced to perhaps informed speculation. I'm as guilty as the next guy but I do it in the interests of establishing a likely balance of probabilities i.e. likelihood that something is logical or should be reasonably expected.

Karl was limited in what he could say. He said 4 things. It was so simple he was surprised others had not thought of it. A carpenters apprentice could build it. It ran of its own innate momentum, until the parts wore out or it broke. It deserved to rightly be called true PM.

Some witnesses testified that it earned the title true PM, including Karl, who did see how it worked. Some witnesses were more circumspect and said the internal motive force was as yet unidentifiable with certainty, but there must be one, and so it may or may not be true PM i.e. it might run down over time or suffer a mechanical failure. This tells us that there was not exactly a unified narrative on just what constituted true PM. I've seen Cox's much later autonomous clock described as having met the threshold for true PM (by those commentators of that time), and I guess by inference that would include Drebbel's clock in retrospect for those same later commentators.

My point about being blown away when looking at a Bessler wheel in operation, so much so that thoughts of bladders, bellows, or slow moving pistons etc being moved by changes in ambient air pressure or diurnal temperature is purged from your mind still holds. First you have to assume they knew about Drebbel and how his clock worked. If they did not, no foul. If they did then you have to apply your rationale, that the slow responding ambient force effect is boosted by mechanics to allow a fast turning wheel that could also do recorded work on loads. And this is where it all falls apart imo. Up till then it looks like its plausible. [On that note so is the 'fire' option but that would need a conspiracy to defraud with it very likely it would be later found out on sale.] Back to the 'Drebbel effect'. No one, even today, has been able to harness these well known forces to output anything remotely close to Bessler's wheel performances. Not even with today's computing power and materials and resources. Why didn't the genius Drebbel himself make a PM wheel, by upscaling (or boosting) his method ? Because he couldn't, just as we can't.

If you doubt the inventiveness and skills of those scientists and craftsmen, take a look at the resume of a few. I'll give you a case in point. John Rowley. You can read about him in chapter 9 of John Collins book PM-AAMS ? Rowley went to Kassel and saw JB's wheel. He was enthralled by it. He could not explain it. He spent the rest of his life in London trying to duplicate it, without success. He was perhaps the most eminent scientific and mathematical instrument maker for his king of the time in England. He perhaps read about Drebbel before embarking on his quest to discover how Bessler did it, and after his trip to Kassel. It is well worth reading JC's book in its entirety for context and cogent thoughts, but for brevity I'll include a relevant excerpt to give some background. ... ABGTQ7l0T8
John Collins Page 137 wrote:.. The reason for including this information about Rowley's visits to the library is that they only began after his return from Kassel, and then he made three visits in a short space of time. There were books on the very subject that Rowley wished to know about. One of the books in the Harleian Library was the Marquis of Worcester's Century of Inventions (1655), which included his description of a perpetual motion machine which he is said to have exhibited before King Charles I. Another book in Harley's library was written by Thomas Tymme, a Professor of Divinity. It consists of an account of the invention by Cornelius Drebble (1572-1634), engineer to King James I, which I described earlier. A third book might have been Mathematical Magic (1648) by Bishop John Wilkins in which the author describes attempts at perpetual motion machines. Many other books in the library contained references to perpetual motion machines. These books could have been consulted by Rowley on his return from Kassel, and it was, I suggest, for the express purpose of trying to discover Orffyreus' secret that he went to the Harleian library.
So, the upshot being that accounts of Drebbel's inventions and patents were available in Bessler's time, in London at very least. Yet not even the educated native Englishmen witnesses thought to give a mention to Drebbel when speculating on Bessler's wheels to their masters or contemporaries, yet they, or at least some by probability and connections, were acquainted with Drebbel and his story. Either they didn't consider Drebbel's method as true PM or it just wasn't in the frame for performance reasons, IMO.

So we can bat the ball back and forth forever on what's plausible or not. In this quest to solve the impossible scenario it is difficult to find a thermal and rise above our education that PM from gravity is impossible. Very difficult but not impossible to suspend our disbelief. Then perhaps difficult but not impossible to solve.
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re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by raj »

@ Georg and Sam,

Could it be that the 5 toys you are looking for are NOT 5 different concepts TOYS BUT 5 of SAME TOY.

Then all you have to do is to find that Single Toy, that Bessler may have been referring to.

Keep learning till the end.
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re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Raj,
I must not search any longer for the toy, I already have found it.
What i will do now, is that I will verify the function in a working device.
Best regards

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re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by Sam Peppiatt »


Yes, you may be right. But what toy could it be?


Good luck with your project. Even if it doesn't work, it can lead your mind to some thing better; some thing that will work.


A repeated falling weight will turn the wheel. Then they have to be lifted back up; right? It's a simple mechanical problem. Maybe the biggest clue of all, is in John Collins book page 89. Johann burckhard Mencke stated; '"The weights were pierced in the middle and attached by, (to), connecting springs", (some how).
This has given me an idea; what if instead of trying to lift the weights back up, lift or slide a spring up. Then the spring would do the lifting / resetting!

It's a solvable problem----------------------Sam Peppiatt
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re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by raj »

Hello Georg,

Like you, I have also found my wheel. Getting bits and pieces ready to have my wheel built, this year.

I have found 100s of wheel concepts in my 30+ years search. My current concept seems to me the BEST of ALl,, except maybe, one concept in my MAYDAY thread, that Path-Finder was to partner with me to build.

I now don't think that I would ever find any new concept. I am at the end of MY mental TETHER.

The only Bessler's clue that I have been using in all my wheel search is "TETHERED".

Keep learning till the end.
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re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by raj »

@ Sam,

Weights TETHERED on springs/cords/strings can be made to swing in controlled motion around the axle, as the wheel/s rotate/s.

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Re: re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by Senax »

Georg Künstler wrote:Hi Raj,
I must not search any longer for the toy, I already have found it.
What i will do now, is that I will verify the function in a working device.
Good for you. 👏

What is it?
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Sam Peppiatt
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re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by Sam Peppiatt »


It sounds good; what the hell, go for it--------------------Sam

Maybe it has nothing to do with the toys at all but, something not so obvious, such as the pivots / fulcrums-----------------------isn't it a possibility?

They are common to all 5 of them. It was Hans's idea, not mine.

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re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by nebollinger »

Today I made a rapid prototype of Kerry Waenga's drawing with 5 weights.
I wanted to see if and where the weight kick is and then the pull on the string.
And as expected when the spring over powers the weight near 11 o'clock the weight is snapped and then stopped by the string. I only made 1 with a weight balance on the opposite side. Springs are very hard to match with the weight and leverage so I used strips of milk jug so I could add or subtract till I got the right match up. It has taken me about 10 days to test this simple concept.
So I am hopeful.
And I noticed that without the snap the weight goes to about 5 o'clock but with
the snap it goes to 6 o'clock. So there is something there.
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re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by DrWhat »

Has anyone actually seen the original signed attestation by Karl?
Or could Bessler just be making it up in his writings?
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re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by Art »

Welcome Back Dr What . I thought we had lost you ! . Glad to see we havn't .


Quote "..original signed attestation by Karl?"

I think the reports from some of the other independent witnesses ( S'Gravesand , Fischer etc ) pretty well takes the doubt away that Bessler was making false claims about the Test Karl "supervised" , so he wouldn't have been doing his case any good if he made any false claims in Karl's name .

As Sir Humphrey from 'Yes Minister ' would probably say -- "That would have been very brave of him ! "
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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Post by DrWhat »

Thanks Art, I'm glad to be back with optimism in my heart. Or at least just somewhere to vent my Bessler build frustrations!

I've been busy making and feeding two amazing kids.
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re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by Art »

That's Good ! -

You havn't been wasting your time then -- Dr What , Mrs What and the two Question marks !

Now you're going to find out what life's all about ! : )
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by nebollinger »

I took a look at Kerry's drawing again and noticed that the radius of the
weights is not all the same and thus the balance of the wheel would be affected by that depending on how you made it. I scratched my head and finally made a mockup to see where the balance would be and sure enough it matched Kerry's drawing.

You can see my crude ptototype in the attached photo that shows what I

This hub design demonstrates that 3 washers on right ....
with a shorter radius and 2 on the left with a longer radius
are balanced and the wheel does not rotate.
The arm at 6 o'clock is not real clear to see the arc
but it has a short radius like the others on the right.
The 2 arms on the left are straight out from the axle
but the ones on the right are angled to the right and make
the radius shorter.
So if the wheel is balanced then its not "off balance" that makes
it run?

Sorry the photo came out 90 degrees to the left. rotate it to the
right 90 degrees.

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re: Kenneth W. Behrendt's Latest Opus

Post by ovaron »

Three days ago I bought the ebook. Torturing myself through the first chapter. I won't read it any further. Bessler's story/biography is full of mistakes. Too much the author fantasizes without sticking to real facts. He should have better written a novel with Bessler as main character. Although I haven't read the construction of his wheel, I can't imagine that his descriptions can help.
For me the $10 for the ebook was a very clear bad investment.
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