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Georg Künstler
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re: Gravityconverter

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Ovyyus,
no reason for a personal attack, if your documents are not complete.

You can go yourself to the actors of Bad Karlslhafen.
They showed me this additional documents.

I don't know from where they have this documents,
maybe Christian Schäfer from the antique shop in Bad Karlhafen, has passed the documents to them to prepare their show.
I only can say that this actors were really well prepared.

I was only thinking about the function that something was bound on the cylinder,
and came up with that this is a ratchet function.
It is my interpretation.
The ratchet function you can find on several Bessler drawings even on the child's page in the right lower corner.
I thought it is helpful to show this function.

Maybe your interpretation is different.
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re: Gravityconverter

Post by ovyyus »

Promoting false eyewitness reports in order to support your personal belief serves no good.
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re: Gravityconverter

Post by Georg Künstler »

I got back my wheel from Bad Karlshafen, but unfortunately they cut it in 2 pieces, so I must let it repair from the carpenter.

But anyway, the carpenter has to rebuild the internal carrier wheel.
As he requires an exact measurement of the carrier Wheel we prepared the drawing. Here I have to thank Silent.

the first picture is the picture and the measurements for the Carpenter to rebuild the carrier wheel

in the second picture I have drawn where the rolling cylinders with the blocking device are located in the carrier Wheel.

in the third picture I have drawn the position of the cylinders after the first Impact.
Position of the weights after the first impact
Position of the weights after the first impact
Position of the rolling cylinders with blocking device
Position of the rolling cylinders with blocking device
this is the plan for the Carpenter to rebuild the internal carrier wheel
this is the plan for the Carpenter to rebuild the internal carrier wheel
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re: Gravityconverter

Post by Georg Künstler »

Some parts are ready
New carrier wheel
New carrier wheel
New carrier wheel
New carrier wheel
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re: Gravityconverter

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi ME,

the Wheel is balanced at the beginning ... 2&start=15

The weights are 2 kg each, with this blocking mechanism.

The hole in which the cylinders are swinging is ca. 38 cm in Diameter.
Look at the drawing.

What I don't know up to now is the friction between the clressed hole and the rolling cylinder.
The cylinders are blocked for reswing, you see it also in the other tread how this is managed.

The construction includes a Hamster Cage which has a Diameter of 2m.
And the carrier Wheel which is in Diameter 1,60 m.

The carrier Wheel carries the 8 rolling, swinging cylinders blocked in one direction.

When the Hamster Cage is turned, the carrier Wheel will swing, because the carrier Wheel is running on the dowels.
It is like someone is stumbling.

The Impact on the down going side of the carrier Wheel will not stop the moving of the cylinders.
They swing all to one direction, as shown in the drawing to the left and up.
The Impact is arranging the weights !!

The weights are now shifted by 10 cm. Each of the weights has a different Position.
The bottom weight has nearly no effect, no Lever.
Therefore the upper weights get an additional Lever.

The complete carrier Wheel is out of Balance, and can turn the Hamster Cage. Ready for the next impact.

But we will see, the real build is nearly ready.
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re: Gravityconverter

Post by WaltzCee »

But we will see, the real build is nearly ready.
Days away? :) Good luck with it.
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Re: re: Gravityconverter

Post by agor95 »

Georg Künstler wrote:
The weights are 2 kg each, with this blocking mechanism.
Good luck with your tests.

Keep in mind a spring loaded ratchet that keys into a saw shaped ridges on the
inside of the holes.

The principle being the cylinders will rollover the ridges, but the finer ratchet will lock down into them. The spring will help to prevent damage to the ridges.

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re: Gravityconverter

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi agor95,

the construction does not need any spring and not any ratchet as you normally think.

I tried ratches before, but ratches have a Center Point.

I use only the rolling cylinders with a handle behind it as shown in the Pictures before.
This is a ratchet function, but a special one.
The cylinders can free move, they are not bound.

The cylinder can therefore only roll, swing in one direction, forward.

The cylinder will stop his movement on the highest point and also at the length Lever arm.
This will generate the torque needed to turn the carrier Wheel.
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re: Gravityconverter

Post by agor95 »

Thank you for your reply.

The design is good and I look forward to it's completion.

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re: Gravityconverter

Post by ME »

The working principle in my own words:
The carrier wheel (that's the octagon, right? I just take it as an octagon) drops 1/16th when the carrier wheel (+cylinders) is on the ascending side.
As it falls the cylinders lag behind, yet will be accelerated by this carrier-wheel, until it falls flat on one of its eight sides, while in the mean-time the Hamster-wheel keeps rotating; so it still lands on the ascending side.
By inertia the cylinders rushes in their tracks passes their zenits and rush upwards.
While the Hamster-wheel keeps rotating, the cylinders will hopefully have reached at least 1/16th (+plus extra because of Hamster-wheel motion and other stuff) of a rotation in each their own container when they stop and stay.
Now the cylinders cause a solid overbalance in the carrier-wheel, only to find local rest when they lower their GPE in their container by pushing the carrier wheel 1/16th up again by moving the Hamster-wheel...
Then it should repeat.

About right?
agor95 wrote:I look forward to it's completion.
Should at least be an awesome sight.
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re: Gravityconverter

Post by raj »

Dear Georg,

I am posting here with a bit of apprehension, some may accuse me of highjacking your thread.

I sincerely believe you are on the RIGHT tract with your wheel concept.

I am showing you a simulation drawing of a concept I had in 2008, posted on this forum.

I hope that you can find something useful in this drawing and short video:

Never fear, JUST continue regardless

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Georg Künstler
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re: Gravityconverter

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Raj,
you idea from 2008 is good, but as always you start with your construction bottom heavy.
It is always the same question, from where do you get the start energy for the first movement.

And in addition the balls are swinging back and forth so that the torque is destroyed.
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Georg Künstler
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re: Gravityconverter

Post by Georg Künstler »

Compression oft the parts which are used in the gravity converter.
The Gravity Converter consists of an Hamster cage, a carrier wheel and in my construction 8 rolling cylinders which are blocked to roll backwards.
From the drawings oft he original Bessler wheel I have counted the dowels which he has used, it were 80.
The carrier wheel therefore does not roll in the Hamster cage, it is swinging in the Hamster cage.
It is swinging from dowel to dowel.
The eyewitnesses have counted 8 impacts per turn oft he wheel.
Therefore I have constructed the carrier wheel as an octagon, but it can also be round, because the swinging is automatically done because we have the dowels on outer Hamster cage.
The carrier wheel consists in my construction of 8 holes where the cylinders can swing in one direction.
The build is symmetrically, only the blocking mechanism is different, is on one side oft the cylinders.
To start the wheel, it has to be turned out of position until the octagon will fall forward.
Doing this, we get an impact on the down going side.
The cylinders in the holes are not stopped, they continue their move.
A part oft the cylinders will swing to the rim, the other part will swing to the center.
This I have described as a movable lever length arm. We have 8 levers.
The cylinders are stopped in the highest possible position.
As the cylinders swing on a curved board up, against gravity, acceleration against gravity, their force on the curved board is higher than the weight.
Redirected force.
Now the carrier wheel has torque, torque enough to turn the outer Hamster cage.
We have created an continuous tilt swinging.
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Georg Künstler
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re: Gravityconverter

Post by Georg Künstler »

The Carpenter has repaired the outer wheel, and in addition he has completed the inner construction.

The carpenter was not able to make it like my first construction, where the rolling surface was from wood.
He therefore take PVC tube, look at the pictures.

The function which was requested was that the cylinders are blocked from reswing, rolling backwards.

in the PVC tubes this is not the case. the surface is not rough enough.

I will put something like sandpaper in the PVC tubes so that the reswing will be blocked, maybe next weekend.
Detail of the blocking device
Detail of the blocking device
tubes with swinging cylinders
tubes with swinging cylinders
wheel with tubes
wheel with tubes
wheel with tubes
wheel with tubes
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Georg Künstler
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re: Gravityconverter

Post by Georg Künstler »

as described the surface in the holes are too smooth.
I think the surface Bessler has used was rough leather.
I changed the surface with sandpaper so that the cylinders have now grip.

Now the cylinders can stop in an offset position and transfer the torque which is needed to power the wheel.
You can see the measured offset in the attached picture.
I have blocked the reswing of the cylinder as you can also see.
In the 8 holes the blocking will be all in one direction.

I do not like the blocking wire yet, I'll replace it with a wedge, maybe a half-moon.
This will allow a further swinging of the cylinders.
measuring the offset1 jpg.jpg
measuring the offset 2 jpg.jpg
Best regards

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