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Re: re: Gravity

Post by Fcdriver »

Johndoe2 wrote:Another question I have is that with modern technology and magnetic bearings and super conductors they have the ability to make virtually frictionless bearings and yet no perpetual motion. What gives ? Friction is a negative you still need excess energy .
Then you mimic it,,
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re: Gravity

Post by agor95 »

I believe the point that there is no pull only push forces.

When you push water in hydraulics the force can be great.

However after pulling [removing] all the water out of the hydraulics
you have no force, as there is nothing there, except the water trying to
push back into the pipe.

If that is because of atmospheric or weight then the effect is limited.

Again pull is an effect seen put does not have an existence.

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Re: Gravity

Post by Zhyyra »

killemaces wrote:Which way does gravity work?

Best regards Rune
Rune, it works its way, whence it came.
Toward the central region of the space displaced by the mass.

best regards, Zhy
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re: Gravity

Post by AldenPark »

Johndoe2 wrote:
So if you have the answers why not build it yourself?
Building the Orffyrean roller bearing can be dangerous and difficult. It is not something that is lightly entered into. To asymmetrically grow the tiny-finest-steel lobes, while digging out the tiny-finest-steel lobe-holes, according to my decoding of Bessler’s little book requires very finely ground ferromagnetic materials, fine ignition gunpowder balls, and mercury. Bessler exhibited external evidence that he suffered from the Mad Hatter’s disease, which I think was caused by too much exposure to vapor containing mercury because of his growing of his bearing surfaces. It would now likely require the use of robots to build the Orffyrean roller bearings in a controlled environment that doesn’t expose people to mercury. Small initial test Orffyrean roller bearings might, with adequate protection from the mercury vapor, be built with great difficulty. There may be others who, assuming that they pretty-much agree with my decoding in Bessler's Little Book Decoded (BLBD) of Bessler’s little book, might now be in a better position to build the Orffyrean roller bearing. The world needs the Orffyrean roller bearing now, even if it will mean that I made some other people extremely rich.
Building the Sweet Sixteen family of cylinders would require massive low-air friction cylinders that were previously not rotated much. Using stainless steel for the cylinders would be best but is quite expensive. Leedskalnin used for his cylinders dirt-cheap previously-non-rotated limestone-rock that he obtained from underground. Forming the massive cylinders out of reinforced concrete might be an initial approach. The Sweet Sixteen family of cylinders would require many magnets (to construct the three magnetically-repulsive sprocket wheels), roller bearings suitable for trucks, and housing frames. It also would be a lot of work. I am not prepared to do such right now. Maybe next year I could help out with projects, if others would like help from me. I can provide free consulting for projects, if people think that they need my help. It is not very clear that anyone needs my help, since I have already provided freely-available decoded-details in my two decoded little books, BLBD & BEHD, and in my over-arching book, GWU. There may be others who, assuming that they pretty-much agree with my decoding in A Book in Every Home Decoded (BEHD) of A Book in Every Home, might be in a better position to now build the Sweet Sixteen family of cylinders. The world needs the Sweet Sixteen family of cylinders now, even if it will mean that I made some other people quite rich. I provided an alternate less-compact non-symmetric design in my over-arching book, Gravity-Wheel Unveiled, ( GWU ) that would allow more massive complete cylinders, so it should produce more power than Leedskalnin’s split-ends-cylinders compact-symmetric design that I show in my little decoded book, BEHD, or in Appendix D of my over-arching book, GWU. I think Ed kept his compact machine hidden under his trailer frame, on top of which he placed his items for moving to his new Rock Gate Park. That way he always had access to his perpetual motion machine, at both locations during his move.
You can think of my efforts as theoretical but my efforts are much more than theoretical because of the much evidence of such things, as I will touch upon below.

Johndoe2 wrote:
I can understand making the knowledge available after proving it but why take the time and expense of figuring out besslers code and then writing and publishing a book without any supporting evidence.
I will attempt to touch upon the much supporting evidence indicated in my book. I, AldenPark, wrote:
Bessler Principle. Because of that there is an increase in rotational kinetic energy for any wheel (of any size) rotating about a horizontal axis, though nearly-ubiquitous friction almost always removes the acquired kinetic energy. See Chapter 3 “BESSLER’S PRINCIPLE� of my book. I provide much evidence in my book for the Bessler principle. The many evidences for the Bessler principle suggest that we have come upon the correct explanation for what gravity is and how it works.
I specifically listed on p. 21 of my book, Gravity-Wheel Unveiled, these evidences in my book, according to the shown beginning pages of my book for their discussion (which book you may download for free).
Some Evidences of Bessler Principle
76 Bessler's Many Wheels
77 Cars Somewhat Constant Miles per Gallon
81 Railroad Freight Phenomenal Transportation Efficiencies
82 Sun Temperatures Incompatible with Hot Fusion Source
85 Huge Solar Corona Temperatures
88 Earth not Frozen Ice Ball
90 Jupiter Excess Energy Production
93 Cloud Thermals
94 Ball Lightning
95 Origin of Snowflakes
96 Jet Engine Roar
101 Tornado Formation Conditions
101 Tornado Freight Train Sound
103 Rotating Kilns about Horizontal Axes
138 Satellites Tumbling
200 Many Cold Fusion Anomalies
210 Leakage Currents in Magnetic Bottles
224 Sunspots Cooler than Photosphere
Here are some additional evidences of the Bessler principle from my book that I didn’t specifically put in that list of evidences: the McKinley low friction demonstration (pp. 139-142-147), cold fusion initiation (pp. 199-204), explanation of GEET reactors (pp. 176-198), explanation of Papp engines (pp. 159-174), Saturn's Warm South Pole Vortex (p. 91), Saturn's Excess Radiation (p. 91), Venus Not Frozen (pp. 91-92), Mar’s slight atmosphere neither frozen nor liquid (p. 92), Mercury is not frozen even though its average surrounding temperature over all directions is 3 degrees Kelvin (p. 92), Excess Meteor Energy (p. 93), Airglow (pp. 95-96), Jet Engine Partial Power (p. 96), Turbulence Dependent on Attitude (pp. 96-97), Ranque Tube Temperatures Dependent on Attitude (pp. 97-100), Wind Shear (pp. 100-101), BEC Avoidance of Bessler Principle (p. 101), Sonoluminescence (pp. 403-404), Walls of Water (pp. 404-405), and the magnetic motor by Muammer Yildiz (pp. 429-430 and see my words below about it).
If one doesn’t admit that these evidences are due to the Bessler principle, then the full weight of coming up with alternative explanations for these evidences rests upon any doubter who casts out a Bessler principle explanation for all these things.
If you want more evidences, then consider the following. Because I maintain that the Bessler principle is a general principle for rotation of matter about horizontal axes, I think that if you look closely enough at the energy picture for any such rotation of matter about horizontal axes, then you will find evidence of the Bessler principle in every such situation in which matter rotates about horizontal axes. The list of evidences for the Bessler principle is virtually unlimited but you must look very carefully at the data and not toss the data out. You must not ignore the complete data.
On pp. 21-22 I list 40 tests under “Some Tests of Bessler Principle�. One can do these further tests. Some of the tests effectively refer to many tests that may be done.

We may not need to replicate the McKinley low friction demonstration (which I was a witness of) because of the magnetic motor example below. It is a specific example of a patented perpetual motion device that continually produces power for rotations at low friction about horizontal axes.
Johndoe2 wrote:
Another question I have is that with modern technology and magnetic bearings and super conductors they have the ability to make virtually frictionless bearings and yet no perpetual motion. What gives ? Friction is a negative you still need excess energy .
You can study modern situations and I think you will be surprised by your findings, as we approach virtually frictionless conditions for rotations about horizontal axes. The 1968 McKinley low friction demonstration (pp. 139-147 of my over-arching book, GWU) is a classic case (for ultra-low friction for rotations about horizontal axes caused by superconducting lead excluding all magnetic fields coming from the axle) but for reasons of greater practicality and availability I will defer to another case of perpetual motion (pp. 429-430 of my over-arching book, GWU). Below is that particular case, in point, where we do now have perpetual motion (powered by the two-part gravitons).
Existing Perpetual Motion Device using Magnetic Bearings. I think that the so-called magnetic motor built by Muammer Yildiz is effectively a very low-friction digital magnetic bearing that allows its rotor to rotate about a horizontal axis. When its angular speed is sufficiently large, the rotor acquires rotational kinetic energy from the Bessler principle. I think that it is a perpetual motion device powered by two-part gravitons. For example, it can perpetually blow air by turning a fan. It provides further evidence of the Bessler principle. See the video at URL, “Motor powered with neodymium rare earth magnets� (20 Apr 2010, 7 Aug 2012) for a demonstration of the motor rotating about a horizontal axis. Also see the URL, “Free Energy Generator, Working Patent! Muammer Yildiz Magnet Motor, Detail design!!!� (4 Jun 2017) for more details. I can explain how the magnet motor built by Yildiz obtains its excess energy, by using the Bessler principle. Can you explain how this perpetual motion device obtains its excess energy, without using the Bessler principle?
I think that they would need to increase the mass of its rotor to make it a more powerful “motor�. Though the Yildiz Magnet Motor is quite valuable as a proof of principle demonstration showing much sustained excess energy production, I think that the perpetual motion solutions of Bessler and Leedskalnin will be much more cost effective (more MW/$) in the long run for obtaining energy from energetic gravity but someone or some people will need to pay the great price and build them to see the specific proof.
I think that the magnetic motors could produce more power if they increase their angular speed (say by adjusting the pitch angle of the fan blades), but there is a caution to taking that route. If they increase their angular speed too much, then the lattice connections with the rotating nuclear-ground-states will be greatly hampered if not destroyed. Edward Leedskilnin calls that situation loss of sweetness. There is another caution associated with adjusting the pitch of the fan blades. If it begins producing more power than can be removed by the fan blades, then one can have a runaway situation, with it having extremely large angular speeds. It may be difficult to stop or it could explode or if it is somehow stopped, then the next time it might not work very well due to prior loss of sweetness in the rotor. One then would need to build a new rotor so that it would work again.
There are more references/examples on the Internet to the magnetic motor built/patented by Yildiz.

What gives? The two-part gravitons are a weak source of internal rotational power because of the separate times and locations of the two pull-downs from each graviton. The lower elevation pull down almost always occurs first. The higher elevation mass point moves further around the circle between the times of the lower elevation mass point being pulled down and the higher elevation mass point being pulled down. See in my book Fig. 25, Fig. 26, and Fig. 27 on pp. 69-70. That is what causes the internal rotational power source but for normal situations friction removes that extra obtained power and more. For zero angular speed there is no source of extra rotational power. The excess power source increases as angular speed increases but for wheels rotating at very large angular speeds, the especially rapidly rotating nuclear-ground-states (at extremely high temperatures) destroy their surrounding rotational lattice connection bonds, between the wheel and the nuclei. These power productive things are the Bessler principle and some constraints on using it to produce mechanical power. AEP – 17 Apr 2019
Alden E. Park, for free .pdf books: Gravity-Wheel Unveiled (GWU), Bessler's Little Book Decoded (BLBD), and A Book in Every Home Decoded (BEHD). Also see
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Re: Gravity

Post by silent »

I think removing KeithRix from the forum would help put a stop to this spam. It's getting old.
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Re: Gravity

Post by Robinhood46 »

You only posted that in case Agor starts shooting members who don't post every fifteen minutes.
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Re: Gravity

Post by silent »

That is an incorrect conclusion. I'm getting tired of seeing the KeithRix account spamming the forum. If you have to keep chasing down spam posts, then it serves that account right to be removed. Wherever this idea got started from of removing inactive accounts I don't know, but it's not my idea. It seems to be a natural reaction that when an account is associated with spam, you remove the spam AND the account.

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Re: Gravity

Post by Robinhood46 »

I'm glad to hear that Agor has no plans of shooting inactive members. I was getting a bit worried with the overzealous methods proposed.
I think removing Keithrix is a wonderful idea. That's the sort of scumbag i was referring to.
For the inactive members, maybe no pudding for a whole week would be more appropriate.
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Re: Gravity

Post by agor95 »

:-) Just call me trigger.

There are two types of spammers bots and cheap humans.
They are paid to gain registration status then the bots take over the posting.

So you need to improve the difficulty or the poor [Deleter] will start asking why the system is lacking.

One way to slow the process is not to have a standard registration main page.
The other is an introduction area as suggested. That is were a potential new member introduces themselves.
That will allow some filtering and then expectation setting.

So 'Hey I am a Bessler Quester for many years and would like to communicate'. Then gain access and do nothing or spam. Well there goes the trigger aimed at deception.

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Re: Gravity

Post by vlmmoa55 »

Last edited by vlmmoa55 on Thu Sep 30, 2021 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gravity

Post by agor95 »

vlmmoa55 wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 4:36 am stop @KeithRix please

thank you mister administrator
Me thinks it is Wack-a-mole season.
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Re: Gravity

Post by gravitationallychallenged »

Me thinks it is Wack-a-mole season.
I concur with your diagnosis.
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Re: Gravity

Post by agor95 »

gravitationallychallenged wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:09 pm
Me thinks it is Wack-a-mole season.
I concur with your diagnosis.
Hoo I think he needs a Pill.
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Re: Gravity

Post by vlmmoa55 »

Last edited by vlmmoa55 on Thu Sep 30, 2021 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gravity

Post by agor95 »

vlmmoa55 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:54 am he had posted a lot of links on several occasions (drugs, etc.) ( ( KeithRix ) ( 3 times in a row )
The 'Pill Pusher' above is not registered on the site [Hail to the Deleter and the sites re-design :reception area]

Anthony is the only wack-a-mole left. However he/she or it has a status of not 'Newly Registered User'.
The same status as all the respected members.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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