Serious Build

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re: Serious Build

Post by agor95 »

I have viewed the you tube videos and your video of your demo.

I can see the line that is retracting the mass towards the centre.

Finding the software to present the concept, maths to support and the build in one place is hard work.

People are skilled, but not in all!

That is rare and I could say text descriptions are also as important.

Remember the readers need respecting by focusing on a clear message.

The message is in the demo and I was looking at the dynamic as a counter clockwise Trebuchet until that point.

The best members should do is to point out what works - positive support.
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re: Serious Build

Post by JAL »

agor, you'll probably need to accept that I am skilled in all. The animation was made using Final Cut Pro X. That's not animation but is used for making videos and movies. The timing of movement was 2 seconds per clip. Then I made a new element out of one series and did a copy and paste to make it longer.
The video link for calculus is because I understand it. It does simplify things. Then if you look at the trebuchet video, they reference some of the same things that were ignored in the calculus video because there is a difference between a constant and an exponential increase in velocity.
You've seen my design drawings and what I'm building.
That's why I wanted to get other people involved. Split the work and share the credit. With where I am at now, I am close to finishing. And it is too much for one person. I've let one woman I know that this is the hobby from Hell. After all is said and done, who knows but it is a lot.
agor, I thought I'd add that with math, every calculation has to be considered one step at a time. And from my experience this is multiple reviews. I can show you recent builds. You'll notice I'm doing things differently this time.

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Re: re: Serious Build

Post by MrTim »

JAL wrote:
With Bessler's wheel, his most talked about one, the ascending weight moves towards the axle as it swings upward. A few things for people to consider. It does take time to consider something. I am hoping that some of you will think about it.
If you want a simpler way to consider it, as a weight swings closer to the axle, it creates less resistance for the weight swinging down.
Way ahead of you... ;-)
The ascending wt can also be used as a leverage multiplier (the wt's mass is "increased" due to the 'drag' (another term I've coined for my own use ;-) of gravity on it's upward motion.) One of the pics I posted here long, long ago shows a mechanism where the wt pulls itself inward as it rises (able to move outward on the descending side, not so much. ;-) Harnessing this potential leverage is often overlooked (it may not even be needed to move it inward.)
There are interesting dynamics that go on in a rotating wheel. I've discovered a few... ;-)
"....the mechanism is so simple that even a wheel may be too small to contain it...."
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Re: re: Serious Build

Post by WaltzCee »

JAL wrote:agor, you'll probably need to accept that I am skilled in all. The animation was made using Final Cut Pro X. That's not animation but is used for making videos and movies. The timing of movement was 2 seconds per clip. Then I made a new element out of one series and did a copy and paste to make it longer.
The video link for calculus is because I understand it. It does simplify things. Then if you look at the trebuchet video, they reference some of the same things that were ignored in the calculus video because there is a difference between a constant and an exponential increase in velocity.
You've seen my design drawings and what I'm building.
That's why I wanted to get other people involved. Split the work and share the credit. With where I am at now, I am close to finishing. And it is too much for one person. I've let one woman I know that this is the hobby from Hell. After all is said and done, who knows but it is a lot.
agor, I thought I'd add that with math, every calculation has to be considered one step at a time. And from my experience this is multiple reviews. I can show you recent builds. You'll notice I'm doing things differently this time.

@silent, you got it 😉

did I mention delusional?
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Re: re: Serious Build

Post by WaltzCee »

Ms. Lingard wrote:I deleted the post. I made a short animation but as agor said, I am the problem. If it works and I get invited to Europe, this forum will become a joke. Simply because I wasn't good enough for you guys. And I guess John Collins never thought about writing a book about Bessler's work being realized. If what I'm working on is right, I won't be a part of his story.
How dare you Mr. Collins.
Sad to say agor all you talked about in your post was me and how I need a better attitude. I shouldn't have to tolerate my work being attacked by people who have nothing to show. That's an abusive situation.
And you, agor, are a big disgrace.
ME stated that math says it won't work. Why can't I disagree with him? Because if I do then I am attacking him while he isn't attacking me. That doesn't work for me. He can show his math. If he isn't willing to then he shouldn't write a long post explaining why I'm wrong.
I am profoundly disappointed.
this is fantasy. This instalment writes Mr. Collins, agor, and Marchelo into the fantasy.
Lucky yous.
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re: Serious Build

Post by agor95 »

The nugget on the Trebuchet video was the use of wheels increased the throw.

So a mass dropping down or up straight is better than a mass following a circle.

That means the projectile was moving faster as the Trebuchet rolled forwards.

This forward movement is lost to ground without the wheels.
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re: Serious Build

Post by AB Hammer »

People need to realize how much energy has to be used to set and reset a trebuchet. A great place to see it is watch pumpkin chunkin. ... in+chunkin
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re: Serious Build

Post by agor95 »

Area 51 3/4 fight against U.A.P. (undefined aerial phenomena)

They will really not know what hit them!
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Moving to Fraud section. James Lindgaard.
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re: Serious Build

Post by justsomeone »

Thank you Scott!
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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