The Real Johann Bessler's Wheel!

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Post by TheVisitorV »

hot during the day hot during the night...i'm a zombie, barely got a few hours of sleep, but can't do anything...

anyway, i'm 0 ing on the final design, similar to the one above but i'll use 4 bars instead of 2. It will be quite slim in the end. Still need to work some other details but i think this was the hardest...

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Post by TheVisitorV »

I'm burned out, i'll take a break for a few days.

Georg help arrived!
Thank You Georg!

ordered this 3d printer ... id=2000001

Not sure how fast it will get here, in some places said it will take 5 days, in other that it will arrive mid sept, either way, it will get here sooner or later. Hopefully it is a decent printer, read some not great reviews with previous versions others are happy, might need a few changes but nothing major from what i've seen. The good part is it has a decent print area, 33x33cm.

In the past i went to a 3d print business and it is ridiculous how expensive it is. If i had to order the parts even if i had them right the first time around it would have costed at least double this amount.

Anyways, need to regenerate a bit so i will talk to you guys in a few days.
Wish you all well and a great weekend!
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re: The Real Johann Bessler's Wheel!

Post by agor95 »

I appreciate all your efforts in recent times.

There is always a need to balance 'The Bessler's Quest' work with rest.

[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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Post by TheVisitorV »

Thx agor

I was suppose to spend the weekend with a friend, apparently he made some other plans :)), anyways had a beer last evening, got drunk, 1 beer... lol ... i drink alcohol a few times a year so...anyway, made it home and finally got some good sleep after many many days. So being fresh and nothing else to do...went back and started modeling a bit.

So i finished my compact design for the most part, it's alot slimmer but there are still issues with the triggers, no wonder Bessler had a keyhole like hole in the canvas to see if everything is working well and fix the wheel. It's the most sensitive and problematic structure in the entire system.

For some reason the hammers stayed synchronized for a few spins and then 1 of the triggers got jammed, so i managed to capture on camera some good and bad behavior....

here is the video:
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Post by TheVisitorV »

So i made a test with 2 crossbars

had to do a bit of tweaking, changed a few things but nothing major, the most notable part is that i swapped the hump that triggers the jump before 6, there were some issues with the model and had to do it but otherwise most settings are the same.

Unfortunately not using a chain shows it's ugly face, the thing is that when the pairs spin towards the same direction at the same time they cancel each other in the lateral movement, and that is bad, really bad. Even so the sim went and did it's thing, i will need to change the spring setting more and see what i can get away with and what not, at least in the sim, to get a good idea on what to expect and plan ahead.

The triggers...i'm still not happy with them i will revert to 1 long bar, since the ones i'm using now are spring dependent, and they just add more complexity to the design, anyway....still in the search for the perfect trigger/ratchet system for this application.

Anyway, things are moving forward so that is good!

Have a nice day
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Post by TheVisitorV »

Did some heavy thinking, my head almost exploded. I've been obsessing about how he made everything to spin and i think i've opened a new avenue.

It's mostly the same thing, using the heaviness to generate momentum into the hammers but now i'm thinking georg was right about this being my machine, either way, the differences are not that great.

So basically i think the impact is generated by he letting the hammers slide down, due to their setup they can do it easily, a lot easier then i show in the video cause there is no chain in the video, and when they get to the bottom they hit the rim discharging all the momentum they've accumulated.

After you watch this it will be a bit clearer what i'm referring to. How everything is getting back up , well i will have to work on that one but i don't think it's much different then my original setup. Probably everything lands on a spring ramp, it loads under the weight and then some of the power from the spinning hammers is redirected into the springs some into the rim.

This thoughts i had last night after a few days of torment opened up a new design that needs to be explored. This machine would be a lot more radius dependent as the longer the radius is the longer the slide is the more momentum is built into the hammers. As i've showed before and what you can see for yourself from the angular momentum formula, getting a balanced heavy mass spinning produces a non linear effect.

Still many questions to be answered.

The printer is on the way, it should arrive this week since it's been shipped from DE and i'm in RO there is no reason for it to not get here unless poor luck.

I've figured out how to simplify my design alot more, reduced the number of parts a bit more and i think i found the trigger that i was looking for and the ratchet system as well. This one should work without back clash, it's more of a rotating ratchet and the clamps are not fixed anymore. The trigger is on the edge of the rim but now the rim si perfectly round, no extra lifting required. Anyway, for now i got it in my head , i will show you when i get it into the cad.

I m concerned about the strength of the materials though, i will have to print the ratchet in small parts and probably stick them to some bar, wood or metal, but it will work better

If everything goes smoothly by the mid-end of September we should have a working prototype.

Good luck for now!
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Post by TheVisitorV »

damn torment, just put myself to quiet my mind a bit and it hited again, wished i had a button to stop.


This is the reason of the impact, this is why the hammers spin like that to generate momentum, when they land they hit a lever and the lever sends higher a heavier load
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Post by TheVisitorV »

had a really bad week...


the 3d printer is here and i'm trying to get it to work properly, it took a while to assemble it and get it to start...
i will take the weekend to try and fix some issues, the print qualityis not there, don't need much but it's to messy right now.

need to do a few upgrades

talk to you soon
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Post by TheVisitorV »

i got to download and stick together a few clips i've done since the printer arrived and till tonight, boring video, just wanted to document it for when i'm old and senile (that won't happen)
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Post by TheVisitorV »

before i go and try to build this machine i decided to go ahead and try to reproduce a smaller , simpler one. Some time ago i posted out this gear system:

And now i'm using it to try to figure out what i can and can't do so i started building it, and this is the first module:

Need to model the frame as well, i have a few obligations today so i don't think i will finish it but tomorrow it should be ready. It should look nice as well, as i will try to make it a nice piece of kinetic art not just an ugly test rig to throw away after the fact.
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re: The Real Johann Bessler's Wheel!

Post by TheVisitorV »

need more bearings, also need to design the support frame for all of it...getting there step by step...
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re: The Real Johann Bessler's Wheel!

Post by Art »

That's a nice bit of fabrication from what sounded like a standing start TV !

Gets the printer Friday , Got gears Tuesday ! : ) , - good going !

All the best with the rest of the build .

Let the fun begin ! : )
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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Post by TheVisitorV »

sorry for the delay, had all sorts of issues with the printer, from not sticking the first layer to the bed to all kind of weird stuff. I'm almost done with the not so optional upgrades.

The printer is advertised at 330 by 330 mm but the way it comes it's impossible to print on the maximum surface, but i'm working not only to fix that but i might actually be able to increase the surface by a bit. The main issue with this , is that the print bed is actually 33x33 so .... yeah ...ithere is more room for the print head then that but there is nothing to print on.

I went to a window shop today and i got a piece of glass 35x35, that fixes one problem but the printer is using an auto induction sensor to acquire level and glass is non conductive, even if it's a 3mm piece of glass the sensor is not strong enough to pick the aluminum heat bed below it so i need to acquire a small piece of metal sheet. Went to the hardware store to look up for some but the sizes i found were either to small or to big, so i need to cut them and i don't know how can i do a straight cut on a sheet metal yet.

So that is that, i will probably fix this tomorrow.

Also ordered bearings and other stuff for the main project from AliEx. I got them way cheaper then i would have found them here, and it's the exact same crap. Hopefully by the time they arrive i will be ready with the project and everything will go a lot smoother.
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re: The Real Johann Bessler's Wheel!

Post by agor95 »

I wounder what would happen if you used tin (alumimum) foil over the glass.

If you have to, spay the glass with a contact glue, then roll the foil over that.

[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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Post by TheVisitorV »

hey, the sensor would trigger but the idea is to print on the surface of the glass, i managed to fool it a bit and printed the first layer of some part, ITS A HUGE DIFFERENCE, the smoothness is insane and even if i did not treated the glass with glue or hairspray nor did i used the heat function to allow it to stick properly the PLA still stuck a bit to the surface. I think it's the first time i see a circle in the first layer actually resemble a circle.

The surface they sent me to print on, some aluminum thick sheet covered with some black stuff is like a 5 and the glass is like a 10. Really didn't expected that.

There are still a few misalignment issues but i narrowed those down, once the new belt will arrive and the new bigger wheels for the stepper motors, the belts will be properly aligned and won't stretch so these small imperfections will become even smaller or completely gone. They are small now if i stick to the center of the bed but if i use the entire surface they become alot more noticeable. Actually found out about this the hard way in the first days.

Went today to look for an electric tool to cut metal sheet, it's funny, the perfect tool for this is a jaw like system and sold in US for 50$, here is sold for 200-250e, and if i would import it would cost around 100$ if i convince them to ship over seas, way out of my budget anyway....

I checked today for some services that deal with metal working but by the time i thought and found them, business hours were already over, lol.

If anyone knows where i can find a cheap tool like this one inside EU let me know: ... b4a4bb2513

btw, this is sold in US for 49$ not £81.45
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