5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetual Motion

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re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetual M

Post by Senax »

I was amused about the two fat ladies bit.

My mail address starts with 88 dot. The reason I chose 88 is because I was
impressed during the war with the way the Krauts use an 88 mm anti-aircraft
gun as a tank buster in their desert campaign - and very effective it was too.

I've since learnt that 88 also has connections with the SS which is a bit
unfortunate since people might think I have Nazi sympathies. I don't.
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re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetual M

Post by Oystein »

Visiting Germany I was told about the common knowledge (simple fact) that 88 represent HH (alphabetic values) HH, represents for the Nazis Heil Hitler. or even Heinrich Himmler. 88 and HH was not a good thing to promote.. And we could be tempted to say that the origin of SS could represent by visual appearance "55" as the German nazis lead by Heinrich Himmler was heavily into mysticism and ancient secrets. Viewing the SS as an "order" along the lines of the Teutonic Knights. They are even supposed to have been searching and digging for "the arc of the covenant" and other "magic"/biblical artifacts..

Thinking about it.. it's a little bit strange that we so often use letters as numbers. like appartement number "5 c" but we could go all out life not seeing that it says number "5 3".

Like the attached 5c Shakespeare stamp..
Not saying anything other than coincidence, but IF you never notice that it does say "5 3" you will never notice anything of this kind. Shakespeares bust say that he died at an age of 53 year (not true, as he died on his 5Z birthday). And his 37 plays are still popular. And a certain still famous Rosicrucian scientists name is mentioned just two times in Shakespeares total collected works and in the First Folio. at page 53 and again on page 53.

This and the 3-4-5 triangle of 53 and 37 degrees (and 90) attached is a coincidence..or.. does the knowledge still exist.. and is being applied to public art still?

I found that several prominent people do apply the methods here shown still..

And we could be temped to think that somebody saw it fit to use Shakespeare on a 5c stamp and that the artist drawing this painting was chosen because he knew how to honor the legend.. Not saying it was so, but to not take note of it, would be a mistake I believe..

This is why I took note of something special.. That Freemasons know about what the Rosicrucians has done and still do! And they even write in their encyclopedia that The Rosicrucian work is still being done with great passion, and even with GREAT BRAVOUR!
5c Shakespeare USA Stamp.jpg
5c Shakespeare USA Stamp 5-3.jpg
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re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetual M

Post by Oystein »

This is the first printed image of the sefirot, the ten emanations in the Kabbalah through which God (ein sof) reveals himself. From: Joseph ben Abraham Gikatilla, Portae lucis. Augsburg 1516

So let's finally prove that the Plato and Socrates (the philosophers) halving/doubling of the square and circle has to do with GOD and Rosy Cross! Here compared to RC's own illustration of Jesus Christ.

And as shown, the same figure can be deduced from MT in various and obvious places..Therefor "Ein Sof" (God) has to do with Bessler's MT.

Claim: MT is a guide to discovering Ein Sof (God) and RC's secrets.

There's much more to the drawings, but this is a first solid step that should wash away skepticism, and replace it with healthy curiosity.

Ein Sof - God Reveil himself_small.jpg
Ein Sof - God Reveil himself RC Plato Doubling of the square and circle area First sign RC Compare Meno_small.jpg
Ein Sof - God Reveil himself RC Plato Doubling of the square and circle area First sign RC Compare Meno Both_small.jpg
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Re: re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetu

Post by Senax »

Oystein wrote:...
This is why I took note of something special.. That Freemasons know about what the Rosicrucians has done and still do! And they even write in their encyclopedia that The Rosicrucian work is still being done with great passion, and even with GREAT BRAVOUR!
Your capitalisation makes me think you actually approve of the Freemason's secret society.

Do you?

Do you think our Northern Ireland member's name shows he is a mason?

I do.

Of course if you are a mason you won't answer. 🙂
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Re: re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetu

Post by Senax »

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re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetual M

Post by Oystein »

Of course I would never be a Freemason, I hate secrets! I love the truth. Why should the truth about the origin of religion be kept a secret? Why should inventions that can lead to further understanding of the universe be kept secret? Jesuits and Rosicrucians.. not much different.. traditions and facts, kept under an oath of silence for generations..

Religion is a psychological flaw. Proven by the fact that many of the "learned" people og history has been absolutely sure about something that is absolutely false, for thousands of years, the have believed in false information, treated it as truth, and go so far as to kill for it. If I say, that this was a description of all the muslims ever lived..you would agree.. Same would all say about all others.. So the ONLY common denominator is the human mind, and a "psychological need" to understand everything without knowing anything! Religion is created by man, for man.
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Re: re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetu

Post by WaltzCee »

I think this is a good place to put this.
Oystein wrote:The rumors of an old secret in these works are indeed true. And more than one secret "club" has been working to keep this tradition alive. I believe I can prove that the first inventor of a working PM knew it too. Just a big bonus, why? Because if he kept the secret of the impossible Perpetual Motion, why could't the very possible codes in art be true? A true genius Orffyreus! If Orffyreus documented Albrecht Durer (Leonardo of the North) and Leonardo da Vinci's secret use of a Pythagorean formula and code, and this was RC's secret on which they was founded, I think it's sensational. The initial readers of the first book said that is was sensational without knowing Orffyreus at all, so yes, it would make me a busy man if someone else build a working PM wheel
This makes me think the secret of Perpetual Motion predates Bessler's Wheels. As old as
Plato? Pythagoras?

If that's the case I'd say it's more than sensational. I would say it's a miracle those people
could keep a secret for all those years with all those people knowing it.

Was Bessler the first to figure it out Oystein?
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re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetual M

Post by Oystein »

I think the secret of "God" and religion, or rather the wheelworks of nature/God-language was the ancient secret.

If PM exists, (I think that hey thought) it would have to fit into the prior "perfect" and true wheelwork/geometric figure of nature.. I think Bessler found it there.. non before him, but all seeking it. PM would be like God..and if God (nature) has a perfect formula/geometric system/figure..PM would have to fit there... along with all other things of NATURE! (Not really God IMO)
Last edited by Oystein on Mon Sep 23, 2019 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetual M

Post by Georg Künstler »

Oystein wrote:
along with all other things of NATURE!
not even that alone, it is also covered from physics already.

No law from Newton will be violated.
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Re: re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetu

Post by Senax »

Oystein wrote:Of course I would never be a Freemason, I hate secrets! I love the truth.
But if you are a Mason you would say that. For Satan is the father of lies.

And that's the second time you've sidestepped unmasking our Northern
Ireland freemasom.
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re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetual M

Post by Oystein »

Why do you think that the Norwegian Freemasons got upset internally (officially saying nothing of course) when the usage of the 3-4-5 triangle in historical print and art got published in Norway? If the usage I have shown here is prohibited by Masons to write about, why do I do it then?

If I was a mason, why did I get expelled from their open forum then? And even several times...

A Freemason have sworn to say they have no more secrets other than their rituals. But I say they have secrets beyond their rituals.

A Freemason say they have nothing in common with Rosy Cross at all, but I say Freemasonry (some high ranked Scottish Rite masons) is the keepers of the same secret information and tradition as Rosy Cross was... and that is why they have a degree named: #18 "Knight Rose Croix" and then their highest ordinary degree #32 Master of the Royal Secret or what I believe Bessler called: The Secret og Kings and Princes!
The highest degree "33" is said to be no ordinary degree, but simply a honour degree..for special good work..

Finally: A Freemason swear to never discuss religion..I do..and I even claim their secret is about the origin of religion..The Bible, Jesus Christ etc.
Last edited by Oystein on Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetual M

Post by Oystein »

There's no Satan...for God's sake... lol

Senax: It seems like you are afraid that your belief will finally be proven wrong.. and that you may be upset that it seems many people know something about your religion that is being kept hidden for you?

Do you believe that "Ein Sof" and "Jesus" that (I claim) I can prove is encoded in MT , Albrecht Durer, daVincis and Poussin's paintings, Shakespeare First Folio and the KJV- Bible anno 1611, in Rosicrucian and Masonic literature and art, dating back to ancient Egypt and still ongoing..is the same God and savior that you believe in?

Just curious..
Last edited by Oystein on Mon Sep 23, 2019 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Senax »

Why don't you unmask Rass..... ?
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re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetual M

Post by Oystein »

So, about the 5:3 preponderance and perpetual Motion.

I have insinuated that one similarity between Perpetual Motion / Creation of Energy is Jesus (The son of the creator of Energy and mass) by the common numbers 5:3 as the names Jesus:Christ has a gematria value equal to 5:3 as a God should fit into the Pythagorean and Plato's geometry of NATURE.

It's easy to assume that a true God and Nature HAD to walk hand in hand and fit eachother, if both should be true

So if both God/Jesus and Perpetual motion creates energy, both should fits NATURE's ultimate formula.

But the next problem of a 5:3 preponderance(d) wheel is of course that when it has turned a little, it balances and the makes resistance as the 5:3 preponderance will not re-occur without being reset manually, OR interconnected to keep this 5:3 preponderance.

But how could that be possible? How to keep the 5:3 preponderance while turning? How could one side always have more weights going down, than the side going up without changing the "momentum arm" accordingly.

Let's say we have a wheel of 8 equally spaced weights. Then move one over to the other side.. then we have a 5:3 preponderance. For this to keep going the 5 weights would somehow want to keep their preponderance. Since they are more in number (5) and total weight, they should be able to somehow control or influence the position of outnumbered group of 3 weights.

If so, the 5 weight want more, they want to stay 5 and because they are superior they will be able to keep robbing one weight from the ascending side.. The side of the superior 5 weights are greedy and always keep robbing 1 weight from the "mediocre" side..

From this I think it is possible that the first line of Bessler's little poem describes "Greed" (as an evil root) as a basic function of his Law of Perpetual Motion by preponderance.

In Norway we say about Greed: Much, wants more! The side of the major 5 are in preponderance and always want more..taking from the "minor" 3 side.

I think this idea of Greed "Much want more" is what all the interconnected MT's try to show. Like MT 14.

Perpetual Motion; "Much wants more"; 5:3 Preponerance by Greed..
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re: 5:3 Preponderance and the ancient problem of Perpetual M

Post by Fletcher »

The connections you have made and shown in bringing your story together are a page turner Oystein.
Oystein wrote:So, about the 5:3 preponderance and perpetual Motion.

It's easy to assume that a true God and Nature HAD to walk hand in hand and fit each other, if both should be true.

So if both God/Jesus and Perpetual motion creates energy, both should fits NATURE's ultimate formula.
A logical minded man, who also believed in a God(s) (pre-christian or post CE), would make those philosophical connections. And if God could imbue the life force into flesh and blood man, and man could imbue a vitality/animating force (vis viva) into a mechanical arrangement, then both were part of Natures Laws sanctioned by God. If he were a secular man who thought PM was possible he would perhaps think the necessary animating force was to be found in the wheel-works of Nature.
Oystein wrote:But the next problem of a 5:3 preponderance(d) wheel is of course that when it has turned a little, it balances and makes resistance as the 5:3 preponderance will not re-occur without being reset manually, OR interconnected to keep this 5:3 preponderance.

But how could that be possible? How to keep the 5:3 preponderance while turning? How could one side always have more weights going down, than the side going up without changing the "momentum arm" accordingly?
Oystein wrote:Let's say we have a wheel of 8 equally spaced weights. Then move one over to the other side.. then we have a 5:3 preponderance. For this to keep going the 5 weights would somehow want to keep their preponderance. Since they are more in number (5) and total weight, they should be able to somehow control or influence the position of outnumbered group of 3 weights.

If so, the 5 weight want more, they want to stay 5 and because they are superior they will be able to keep robbing one weight from the ascending side.. The side of the superior 5 weights are greedy and always keep robbing 1 weight from the "mediocre" side..

From this I think it is possible that the first line of Bessler's little poem describes "Greed" (as an evil root) as a basic function of his Law of Perpetual Motion by preponderance.

I think this idea of Greed "Much want more" is what all the interconnected MT's try to show. Like MT 14.
I think most of us can easily grasp the general concept of a necessary "preponderance", excess weight, excess impetus, as an ideal. But we run into the problems of closed path "height for width" and changing weight radius systems that all lead to an equilibrium of forces and a movement defying stand-still. As you point out - how to mechanically sustain the animation - is the crux of the mechanical and philosophical problem to be solved.

Do I believe that B. showed his knowledge of gematria, secret geometry back to Pythagoras, and the heliocentric solar system etc ? Yes.

Do I think he also hid a solution to the animation of mechanical true PM in MT, and showed first the problem and then eventually revealing his solution ? Yes and No.

I think he shows the problem, then was going to show the complete and clear solution to the sustained preponderance quandary. But got sacred off after the arrest. So I believe the problem is clearly outlined in the various drawings including MT14. The answer must ultimately be in there (in some form) to prove his claim and provenance, but takes some more liberal associations and conjecture to uncover.

I like where you are going with the argument fwiw.
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