A slightly complicated build attempt...

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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by raj »

My current and final gravity/auto wheel concept which will conclude it's proof of concept build by end of december 2019, is the product of my continuous thought process started about august 2015, with the drawing below posted on this forum.

t_ke_pe_030815_001 - 031119.jpg
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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by murilo »

You have two masses in opposite position.

Then, with 'cords' you may move: 3H to 4H... while the other will reach a shorter radius at 9H.

'Shorter radius' will mean shorter lever and/or less torsion, and/or resistance to rise!

This is beautiful since you reach that square conformation with comparable cords for each pair.

I really like this! B)

Any intelligent comparison with 'avalanchedrive' will show that all PM turning wheels are only baby's toys!
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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by raj »

My dear Murilo,

YOU ARE spot ON!!!

He who understand my hypothetical question I asked on here on october 31, will understand what my current concept is proposing.

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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by murilo »

I suppose you plan to build one competitor to my 'avalanchedrive'!
Energy market is indeed wild!!! B(
Your case may be good since you plan to use AXLE elongations, avoiding conflict to wheel's multi-stages.
Any intelligent comparison with 'avalanchedrive' will show that all PM turning wheels are only baby's toys!
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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by raj »

Hello Murilo,

I am NOT competing with ANYBODY.

I am only doing some thinking, And I am showing on this forum everything of my thoughts with descriptions and drawings and crude build attempts in the hope that maybe somebody can take over from where I left.

I am NOT trying to find Bessler'r wheel. I am trying to achieve what Bessler is reported to have achieved some 300 years ago and what Bhaskara was the first to have thought about achieving, some 1100 years ago.

In any novel invention, there is one to come up some bright idea, and some others to put that idea in practice.

Otherwise Einstein would have NEVER proven his theory of relativity on his own.

The problem with ALL OF US wheel seekers on this forum, probably some of us have already found plausible ideas, but nobody is interested , simply the concept of a self-rotating wheel or pmm is a scientifically tabooed subject.

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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by raj »

My dear Murilo,
Since you are the only one, at this moment, taking some interest in this thread, I let you into a final secret as to why I am feeling so good about my auto wheel/ gravity wheel concept:

There will be 24 identical strings in all, three at every 45 degrees intervals on the outer rim of the main wheel. 16 strings will be turning the small wheel inside the main wheel at the same rpm and eight strings will be pulling the weights nearer the axle on the ascending side and further away on the descending, all using the same gravitational force to provide unidirectional net torque and rotation.

This wheel concept is bi-directional.

It remains to be seen when the proof of concept model is completed, hopefully by year-end.

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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by silent »

Hi RAJ. Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate what you do with your designs and your latest one, got me to thinking and so I did some research.

I was reading on overunity.com about a guy who back in 2007 claimed that in 5 days he had a working wheel concept based on MT21. Now I ascribe to the belief that if there is no proof, then it didn't happen. But the guy who uses the handle "circle" claimed that springs were employed and that warped boards were a critical part of the design. Other things he claimed were that a flip-flop action happened like jacob's ladder and it looked like kids jumping over a fence and on and on. A latch at noon to release a weight, etc. A lot of picturesque speak and so forth...

So I had a look at MT21 the path of the weights seems corrects. It reminds me of your latest diagram here and it reminds me of the drummer toys. I would suppose that if a latch mechanism was required, then that would be the defining point to Bessler's MT36 where he said one could gather much from this one.

Now what would be the reason for a latch? I'm guessing that a release of the upper weight at just the right time could cause the lifting of the lower weight onto the crossbar platform. Cross connecting I think is something important just due to the hammer toy layout. I've seen this kind of apparatus visited before on other forums, but surprisingly the middle crossbar-platform apparatus is always left out. It's pretty important I'm thinking because it just about completely removes the weight from the ascending side of the wheel.

Once again, this apparatus is rather simple and so much of it seems right when compared to Bessler's clues. It also appears to be the reactionless and statorless mechanical PM we are searching for.

Another point the poster shared was that there was some kind of a dowel used to release the upper arm at noon and the importance of using short boards on the crossbar more like what you see at MT23.

Further, as I've suspected before - it could very well be that diagram B on the toys page is supposed to be an edge view of sorts depicting the weights on the right going down and the weights on the left going up (where the missing hand up top was supposed to be pulling on a cord.)

At this point, I start to wonder if the purpose of the lazy tongs was to be used as a spring or latch set. If you take an extended lazy tongs as featured on the toys page and attach a spring across the handles, you can quite easily stretch a spring with the downward force from above. If you were to rotate the entire lazy tongs, then without gravity holding it down, it would suddenly release it's force horizontally at some point once it became easier to do so.

So in the past I've said I saw no point to the lazy tongs as far as moving weights, however if the lazy tongs is part of a spring arrangement where gravity compresses it, then without the vertical factor it can suddenly release, then I can plainly see where they would come into play.

Thanks for causing me to have a good think RAJ and for sharing your idea.

I think this qualifies for something so simple a carpenter's apprentice could build it. LOL! Maybe the path of the weights is already laid out in 21 and all we have to do is figure out the spring and latch assembly with the cross tensions to time it.

Based upon what I'm seeing, I think MT21 deserves another closer look.

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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by raj »

Thank you Silent for presenting your thoughts on Bessler’s MTs.

As I have said already, this thread is concentrating on what Bessler is reported to have found and NOT on how he found it. Therefore I don’t follow MTs too closely because they are shining lights in all directions.

So with due respect, I do not want my last thread on this forum to turn into a discussion on Bessler’s MTs.

Kindest regards to you.

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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by murilo »

get a not exactly very critic view to MT18.
We'll talk later.
Any intelligent comparison with 'avalanchedrive' will show that all PM turning wheels are only baby's toys!
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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by raj »

I can see that most of you are not interested in my auto wheel/gravity wheel concept, but I persist to continue posting my thoughts since this is going to be my last wheel concept presentation here till a proof of concept build is

The drawing shows the answer to my hypothetical question set on page 1,can be deduced fairly easily:

The mass/weight facing nearest to the sun WILL BE always further from the center of the earth.

In my auto wheel/gravity wheel concept the weights pulled by strings at the 12 o'clock position WILL BE always further from the center of the small inner wheel, from the 12 o'clock upto just before the 6 o'clock positions.

earth and sun  gravitational pull - orbital_forces - 2 - 051119.jpg
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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by raj »

OfF to PUNE in India this week-end with my crude Auto Wheel/Gravity Wheel model (as in pictures below) to have my PROOF of CONCEPT by professionals both by Solidworks Computer Simulation and by Physical build by mechanical prototyping company.

auto wheel - picture 2 - 061119.jpg
auto wheel - picture 1 -  061119.jpg
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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by raj »

Let there be LIGHT!!!

The weights are hooked by a special arrangement at the 12 o'clock position on the small wheel and released just before 6 o'clock position in time for the opposite weight to be pulled upwards by strings to the 12 o'clock position

Auto Wheel - Gravity Wheel - concept drawing 4 - 061119.jpg
Auto Wheel - Gravity Wheel - concept drawing 3 - 061119.jpg
Auto Wheel - Gravity Wheel - concept drawing 2 - 061119.jpg
Auto Wheel - Gravity Wheel - concept drawing 1 - 061119.jpg
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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by silent »

Way cool raj! Do you have any video of it running? That would be really neat to see. :)

Also, no worries on the MT21 as referenced earlier.

Congrats on your method. After all Bessler said he had mechanisms that ran on different principles.

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re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by raj »

Hello Silent,

No I don't have a video, as I don't have the experience, tools and facilities to produce better than a crude concept model.

Looking forward to having something better to show when my PoC build is completed in Pune.

As for myself, I am 99.99 % convinced that I am on to something UNIQUE.

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Re: re: A slightly complicated build attempt...

Post by murilo »

murilo wrote:BTW, RAJ,
get a not exactly very critic view to MT18.
We'll talk later.
I have no doubts that you are ON the target!
It's all yours, raj! Don't be worry about me!
As you will know, this is the just first part of the novella.
Any intelligent comparison with 'avalanchedrive' will show that all PM turning wheels are only baby's toys!
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