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Post by agor95 »

I know this is Off-Topic, however long term members; just say hello from time to time. ... =relevance

The risk goes up with age and some of the best here are not in Dipers [yet].

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re: Covid-19

Post by Oystein »

So far in Norway: 304 registered infections (maybe as high as 10x unregistered). 6 persons hospitalized, zero deaths so far.

Still the flu is the worst virus here..

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re: Covid-19

Post by MrTim »

It's mostly hype from slow news day media outlets.
Just don't drink bleach if they tell you to... ;-)
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re: Covid-19

Post by Art »

Items that have started to run out in the supermarkets in my locality : -

(1) Toilet Paper ,
(2) Rice
(3) Hand Sanitiser .

There has got to be a connection there ! ?

Keep an eye on the reported numbers and see if you can find the inflection point to see how long this is going to run for , -

Things should be much clearer in a few months .
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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re: Covid-19

Post by killemaces »

Since i regard the members of this forum to be way smarter then the average:

To whom have eyes and ears or whoever it might concern:
Why are italians so sick compared to the rest of Europe?
Could this be a simple but effectice way of stopping this: ... 018-0488-7 ... virus.html
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re: Covid-19

Post by killemaces »

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re: Covid-19

Post by Art »

Yes you could very possibly be correct Killemaces !

This Canadian doctor stresses the importance of vit D as well in the functioning of the immune system , - which is your main defence against viruses which get you before you even know they are there .

"How to boost system against Coronovirus - Dr Habibinia (Canadian Academy of Sport Nutrition )"


Mr Tim ,

I don't know ! - 6% Death Rate which looks like the real figure and not the 2 - 3 % rate spread through the media is nothing to be sneezed at ! : )
The Spanish flu of 1916 only had a death rate of approx. 1 %


Hey Unstable ! , - are you here ?

Hope that quarantine is managing to keep you in your workshop ! : )

With a good supply of toilet paper and whatever else you need !
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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re: Covid-19

Post by agor95 »

wrote:With a good supply of toilet paper and whatever else you need !
This is a sign seen in a car recently.

"There are no Toilet Rolls kept in this Vehicle over night!"
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re: Covid-19

Post by killemaces »

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re: Covid-19

Post by Oystein »

As with the flu and colds, enough food, rest, low stress, warm clothing and large doses of vitamin C and Zinc is the only well documented self treatment.

Especially Zinc has shown to have a huge effect on the time and severity of the flu and colds.. Take your Vit.C and Zinc tablets and rest in your bed.

This is the same effect we see on the skin when we have Zinc creams on children. Infections is gone in just hours..

1000 Covid-19 registered infections and 1 death so far, and close to full lockdown of the whole country is in effect..

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Re: re: Covid-19

Post by Oystein »

Art wrote:Yes you could very possibly be correct Killemaces !

This Canadian doctor stresses the importance of vit D as well in the functioning of the immune system , - which is your main defence against viruses which get you before you even know they are there .

"How to boost system against Coronovirus - Dr Habibinia (Canadian Academy of Sport Nutrition )"


Mr Tim ,

I don't know ! - 6% Death Rate which looks like the real figure and not the 2 - 3 % rate spread through the media is nothing to be sneezed at ! : )
The Spanish flu of 1916 only had a death rate of approx. 1 %


Hey Unstable ! , - are you here ?

Hope that quarantine is managing to keep you in your workshop ! : )

With a good supply of toilet paper and whatever else you need !
Hope you are doing still fine. From where do you get your numbers? The problem is that we have "no idea" how many is /was really infected.

The numbers from cruisechips may be the most correct. But again..often old people go on such cruises...

In Norway, so far we have 1 death pr. 1000 registered infection. But the infections could be as much as 2-10x. You are mentioning a death rate number of 6%. This number could be correct only if there are many untested but infected individuals combined with poor treatment, full hospitals, getting treated too late etc.

And then there are the children. There are reported close to no deaths and very little symptoms in children. Neither will they get into the statistics at this point! Until all can be tested fast. Home tests will soon come, and in Norway several high volume test-stations are being set up these days. Then in a few months, then the numbers will be more correct.

In the US I believe there are several problems regarding testing and health. US is a country with mostly private healthcare and no health salary systems. Many US workers can't afford being found positive for Covid-19 and quarantined. BUT, In Norway people run to get tested. They get free test, free healthcare if sick and get their regular salary even when spending time off work in a quarantine. I know US has now pushed some buttons in that regard, after the president finally changed from "Fake media news virus - to harm US economy" strategy to agree to a more pandemic / concerned view.

So with the 50 deaths is the US, I believe the number of infected in the US must be in the 10.000 + range. If so, it must be because US is in lack of tests, and/or the people have waited too long to turn in sick because of leaders denying the problem to protect the economy, and/or because of the said lack of support systems if found sick.

March 14th 2020:
2000+ infected in the US and 50 deaths = 2,5%
1000 infected in Norway and 1 death (elderly woman) = 0,1%

Something is wrong. And possibly more than one thing!

In several ways this tell the truth about more than one thing!
1. The problem with sxxid axxxole leaders.
2. The problem wit a pure capitalistic system.
3. The problem with fearing "socialism" by being brainwashed with capitalistic and anti "socialism" (erroneously named communism) rhetoric for centuries..
4. The problem of seeing the doctor too late.
5. The general problem with statistics.
6. It proves PM can exist .. lol

To be more serious.. let's see, and do the best we can with what we have got now. Then be objective after this is over and take lessons AFTERWARDS.

Stay safe

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re: Covid-19

Post by Fletcher »

From what I've read and heard so far anyone reasonably fit under 60 isn't going to have too much or a problem with Covid. Pretty much like a bout of flu to being asymptomatic.

For anyone with underlying health issues there can be complications leading to death. Unfortunately that generally is more prevalent in the older population. The death rate is higher amongst this group already.

The answer would usually be to let Covid take its course and build up a population immunity, until it runs out of hosts and self limits, like flu. However it is impossible to ring fence all the 70 to 80 year olds etc who make up the majority of deaths.

So countries are trying to contain the spread using self isolation and closed borders but this will be breached and can only slow the transmission and spread of the disease. Responsible countries are taking this action even tho it means a local recession is likely if not imminent. No one wants to hasten the death of their older populations. It would be immoral.

In the mean time the hunt is on for a vaccine for the two types of Covid so far.

So for politicians the plan seems to be to slow the transmission of the disease for as long as possible and hope a vaccine comes along asap to immunize the older populations in particular.

Nothing stopping everyone listening to Killemaces and Oystein. You might be able to reduce its effects if you get it at all.
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re: Covid-19

Post by Oystein »

Yes, correct Fletcher. The reason for putting breaks on the spreading is to keep the numbers of sick elders and weak at the same time in a number that can be managed by the hospitals without putting others with serious health issues aside.

Then this paste must be kept until home tests and a vaccine is available. I know Norway has spent 1,4 billion on supporting this vaccine development.

Several vaccines are actually ready, and testing on humans has just started. But It can take from 6 to 18 months to approve and distribute the best of them..

General HIV-antiviral drugs is also tested, to make the healing easier. 6-8 different drugs, ready and already distributed drugs are being tested at the moment, for the effect on covid-19 and mutations, compared to side-effects etc.

I don't think it's possible to stop the virus itself in the long run..

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re: Covid-19

Post by agor95 »

Thank you for letting us know what Norway is doing on Covid-19

Here is some links Global and UK

Global ... d77e4a0667

Symptoms Statistics


By Province or Town ... 484dd4bb14

Population Statistics ... august2019

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Re: re: Covid-19

Post by agor95 »

Oystein wrote:The reason for putting breaks on the spreading is to keep the numbers of sick elders and weak at the same time in a number that can be managed by the hospitals without putting others with serious health issues aside.


Several vaccines are actually ready, and testing on humans has just started. But It can take from 6 to 18 months to approve and distribute the best of them..

I don't think it's possible to stop the virus itself in the long run..
By reading the post above one can see the possible strategy being used in the UK.

What you have said is true and the buzz phrase here is 'Herd Immunity' and 'flattening the curve'.

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