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Missing Text

Post by daxwc »

Anybody else having the problem of reading a thread and finding half a sentence. Then if you refresh the browser the rest of the text shows up? It seems to be more prevalent on my own posts but have seen it on others and some I probably missed some because I didn’t know the rest of the text existed.
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re: Missing Text

Post by johannesbender »

did not notice something like this but internet problems since lockdown has been common for me.
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re: Missing Text

Post by MrTim »

Yes, sometimes a page won't fully load and I have to reload it 2 or 3 times...
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Post by silent »

Going fine here. If you have any adblockers running try disabling and observing the results. Clear out your cache/temp files too. Just things to try.

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re: Missing Text

Post by Art »

Yes Dax , I think you have a virus , which I am going to name "COVID CV20 " ! : )

My computer picked it up in about February of this year from I believe U-Tube video links .

The Symptoms , in addition to what you mention above included trouble scanning and printing from my printer and trouble on computer start up due to an alteration in the bios of my computer . I'm currently still having to 'baby' the computer through its start up procedure (-because I havn't reloaded the bios discs to finish off my computer recovery. I do intend to do that when I get my interest and energy back and the time to go look for the loading disc ! ).

Here is why I think it came through U-Tube : -

(1) I use Windows 10

(1) When browsing down through the recommended 'feeds' that you get coming up when you use U-Tube , I copy links and paste them into a 'Notepad' Folder .

(3) When I finish watching whatever it was I was watching , usually if I have the time I will click on one of those links which then brings up a new set of 'recommendations' which I again scan and copy those of possible interest .

The results of a session on U-Tube for me usually ends up with a nice long list of possible videos in my Notepad folder that I might want to watch later if I get bored .

(4) This Notepad folder is kept on my desktop and usually gets opened whenever I power up .

(5) When I first noticed the symptoms and thought I might have been infected with something I started to look at the Windows Defender settings wondering why the Defender Icon on my task bar was showing no problems .

I came across some instructions in the Microsoft reccommended procedures that if having problems to update Windows . Which I did .

(6) Nothing happened immediately but the next day or so I got an intermittend notification from Defender that there was a problem and the Icon stopped showing everything OK .

(7) IIRC I put it through a full scan and it pulled up a warning of a problem with a "Trojan" Virus which it had isolated .It said the problem was "severe" (I think that was the terminology) and It gave me two locations where it had isolated it and asked what I wanted to do . I clicked on the option that would eliminate it .

And - Blip - the locations and identification numbers and description of the offending material vanished , and the Icon in my taskbar returned to normal .

(8) Unfortunately I didn't get to record any of the useful information I could have gleaned before Defender removed the stuff , but afterwards I found that one of the locations must have been my Notepad Folder with the copied and saved URLS for the U-Tube videos .

It was completely eliminated . My other Notepad folders with other contents were not touched .

(9) What I have concluded from this is that (a) I released the virus into my computer system by probably clicking on a U-Tube video and watching it , in which case it would have gone in via my download system (one of the locations isolated ?) , but also (b) just copying and pasting the link in my notepad folder must have brought the virus in and that was probably the other location that Defender identified and isolated .

(10) 'Covid CV20 ' :) must be a relatively new virus doing the internet rounds (CV20 = Computer Virus 20 ! : )) and Windows Defender must have just picked it up very recently which is why it got passed my 'not quite up to date ' Defender program in February .

(11) Overall I'm pretty happy with Windows 10 . My previous computer system was brought to its knees and beaten into a pulp by these types of virus's resulting finally in a dead computer even though I had a top of the line antivirus program installed.

This is really only the first problem of this nature I've had since going to Windows 10 .
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re: Missing Text

Post by daxwc »

Thanks guys, I’ve noticed now the missing text is always from where I edited or made changes in preview before the post. Must be some kind of sync problem maybe with Edge Browser. I just cleared cache again and noticed this time I have a “window sync settings� off. I will see if that helps not sure why it would because that is for across devices.
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