Storks bill measurements need

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Storks bill measurements need

Post by RaulAlonso »

Hello, I'm wanting to build a graduated storks bill. I would like them to collapse completely, and maybe extend three or four feet. I would like the smallest 'diamond' to be about 4 or 5 inches and increasing about two or three inches every diamond. Does anyone have a formula or plans I can follow? Thank you all in advance.
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re: Storks bill measurements need

Post by m2x »

What is a storks bill? Do you mean lazy tongs? From your description sounds like lazy tongs except with differing sizes of each one.

I made some 3d printed lazy tongs about a month ago that worked pretty well. They aren't very strong through. I could post the stl files if anyone wants.
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re: Storks bill measurements need

Post by m2x »

Did you ever find the information you needed?

I saw this youtube video today and it reminded me of this thread. The author of that video also posted a link to the files so you can 3d print your own at
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re: Storks bill measurements need

Post by ME »

First diamond with a side A=4 inch from pivot to pivot.
Next diamond with a side B=A·n
When it's 2 inch bigger then n=B/A = 6/4 = 1.5

First bar from pivot to pivot: A+B = A·(n+1) = 10 inch
Add the width of this bar (W) to get the center of the outer pivots at least ½W from the outer edges.
Length.bar1 = A·(n+1)+W, with the center pivot at ½W+A

Next diamond with side C = B·n = A·n²
Length.bar2 = B·(n+1)+W, center pivot at ½W+B

Third diamond with side D = C·n = A·n³

It goes well for the first few and then the rational numbers get more decimals:
Without the added width, the length sequence becomes: 10, 15, 22.5, 33.75, 50.625 ...

For a better match, make n=1.618 (Phi) and start with a Fibonacci number: 34 for example.

MT138 has n≈1.21
Marchello E.
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re: Storks bill measurements need

Post by agor95 »

It just a 'why not'

Following your point 8, 13, 21, 34, 55. Five diamonds with the last units is '55'.

Just multiply with the unit proportion to convert to cm of inches.

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Post by silent »

When you build graduated storks bills, you soon find why they won't work very well and don't have a good range of motion. I had no idea about this until I built a set. I highly advise you to go ahead and build a cardboard model with brads for the pivot points so you can see what I'm talking about before you devote time to building them out of a more substantial substance.

My opinion 100%

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re: Storks bill measurements need

Post by agor95 »

Hi silent

That is good advice.

However what about using them by pulling them at each end.

This means not using them as levers.

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Sam Peppiatt
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re: Storks bill measurements need

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

For a tapered storks bill, it's very simple. Start with a four inch diamond. Then just make each subsequent stage / diamond one inch longer then the one before. Each leg of the "X" gets 1/2 inch longer, to increase the length of the diamond by one inch. Five stages will stretch from 5 inches to 32 inches. Six stages will be even more.

I used 1/8 X 1/2 inch strap iron with rivets. Take care to de bur and smooth all holes. There efficiency is quite low----------------------------------Sam
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re: Storks bill measurements need

Post by agor95 »

Hi Sam

I was thinking about a lighter plastic version for a table top device.

The idea is to place a lengths of a rubber/elastic band along the centre line.

Each diamond will have a different full open length.
Also the rubber band length can be selected to start to resist at different time.

The Storks Bill will function as a concertina. So it will resist being pulled open.

This compound resistance as it's uses.

Note the Stork Bill can fully close without resistance; you would expect from a spring.

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re: Storks bill measurements need

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

I think plastic would be a disaster! Just use lighter metal-------------Sam
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re: Storks bill measurements need

Post by agor95 »

Hi Sam

You are quite correct. I am only thinking of a light table top implementation.

This would be a 3d printer component compatible device.

You see a web site presentation and 3d printer files will allow replication
by more that just a few or the one.

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