Karl’s New Year Card

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John Collins
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Karl’s New Year Card

Post by John Collins »

On my blog I posted a document about Karl's annual card from Bessler. It consists of twelve pages. Although I have had this item for many years I have never attributed anything of significance to it although it is a curious document.

It contains a large number of Chronograms each of which seem, as far as I have investigated, to point to a particular year, the one in which the item is inserted. Each one has a bible reference attached which I assume contains the quotation that Bessler used. The last one is dated 2019!

That is all I can say about the document but I am curious to know if anyone else sees more within it than is apparent to me.

Thanks to a forum member for his valuable input on including this image. I will attempt put the rest in, but if I fail perhaps anyone interested can see all of them on my blog.

There are some translations provided in the comments section.


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re: Karl’s New Year Card

Post by Krabat »

There are about a dozen of these panegyrics left and sure some more being lost. Bessler used to get 30 Thl. as a recgnition. He loved to play this game called chronostichon, which is showing a year's number by finding a verse containing it as roman letter. In several of these poems one finds this game done not only for contemporary years but also for the future, which I think is the sense of it: Being some kind of oracle, based on the bible.

I remember that he wrote that even the contenporaries made fun about this passion he lived out excessively. If I would be hunting for codes, my idea was to check where the game is done right, and where maybe other numbers occure when counting the lettered numbers... But to do so, you have to be at least as mad as Bessler was ;-)
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re: Karl’s New Year Card

Post by ME »

wrote:On my blog I posted a document about Karl's annual card from Bessler.
Link: https://johncollinsnews.blogspot.com/20 ... -card.html
Are there other online sources?
Krabat wrote:If I would be hunting for codes, my idea was to check where the game is done right, and where maybe other numbers occure when counting the lettered numbers...
But to do so, you have to be at least as mad as Bessler was ;-)
Well in that case, here I go!

I have made such attempt on two pages to grasp the idea. Page 2 and Page 12.
Transcription is to the best of my ability (probably mixed-up the "s" and "f" a lot).
Translation was done with some online help, and left most as-is.
Thus most likely it needs some proper adjustments, but at least it's a start.

First page transcript I copied from here: https://www.besslerwheel.com/wiki/index ... uments#J19
Caroli page1 wrote:Das 1719. Jahr/
wolte an dem hohen und geheiligten
Des Durchläuchtigsten Fürsten und Herrn/
Landgraffen zu Hessen/
Fürsten zu Herßfeld/
Graffen zu Catzenelnbogen/
Dietz/ Ziegenhayn/
Nidda und Schaumburg/ &c.&c.

In neu- außgezogenen Biblischen Gedancken/
an dem nur kaum angegangenen
Lieben Neuen-Jahre/
statt eines gesegneten Neu-Jahr-Wunsches
abermal in heylsamer Christlichen Absicht unterthänig vorstellen
Sr. Hoch-Fürstl. Durchl.
annoch in tieffster Submission ergebenster Diener und Commercien-Raht
D. M. M. P. M. Z. W. S.
CASSEL/ Gedruckt bey Henrich Harmes/ Fürstl. Hess. Hof-Buchdrucker.
Mensis Januar. 1719.
Translation with online help wrote:The 1719th year /
Wanted to the high and sacred
The Most Visible Prince and Lord /
Landgrave to Hesse /
Prince of Hessfeld /
Graffen zu Catzenelnbogen /
Dietz / Ziegenhayn /
Nidda and Schaumburg / & c. & C.

In newly drawn Biblical thoughts /
on the barely started
Love new-years /
instead of a blessed New Year's wish
but once again humbly imagining Christian intent
Sr. Hoch-Fürstl. Highness.
but in the deepest submission most devoted servant and commercien-Raht
D.M.M.P.M. Z. W.S.
CASSEL / Printed by Henrich Harmes / Fürstl. Hess. Hof book printer.
Mensis January. 1719th
Marchello E.
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re: Karl’s New Year Card

Post by ME »

Caroli Page 2-transcript wrote: * * *
Aufs neue komme ich mit neuer Bibel-Waare /
Aufs neue wünsche ich zum lieben Neuen-Jahre:
Daß Gott mit neuer Gunst uns alle woll vergnügen /
Daß wir recht reine Brunst zu neuer Liebe triegen.
Und neue Reyder-Dunst mit neuer Krafft besiegen.

ICh kehre MlCh WIeDer zV Zlon
ICh bln WIe eln VoLL MonD
SIehe! ICh Wohne In elneM CeDern HaVse!
Denn ICh bIn eIn VerLobter Gottes Von MVtterLeIbe an ·
DVrCh Das ErtantnIß Gottes VnD IEsV ChrIstI
LiEBEN BrVDer! Daß Ihr seLber VoLL GVtIgteIt seyD / NB.
WIffet Ihr nICht/ Daß ICh feyn MVß? NB.
SeyD nICHt träge Was Ihr thVn soLt IMGeIst.
SInget GOTT eIn neVes LIeD/ MaChts gVt aUs Sayten-SpIeLen.
HeVte so Ihr seIne StIMe höreD So VerstoCtet eVre Herken nlCht. }
GnaDe Vnsers HErrn IEsV ChrIstI sey MIt eVCh.
Page 2-rewritten wrote: * * *
Aufs neue komme ich mit neuer Bibel-Waare /
Aufs neue wünsche ich zum lieben Neuen-Jahre:
Daß Gott mit neuer Gunst uns alle woll vergnügen /
Daß wir recht reine Brunst zu neuer Liebe triegen.
Und neue Reyder-Dunst mit neuer Krafft besiegen.

Ich kehre mich wieder zu Zion
Ich bln wIe ein voll mond
SIehe! Ich wohne in einem cedern Hause!
Denn ich bin ein Verlobter Gottes von mutterleibe an ·
Durch das Erkantniß Gottes und Jesu Christi
Lieben Bruder! Daß ihr selber voll Gutigkeit seyd / NB.
Wisset ihr nIcht/ Daß ich seyn muß? NB.
Seys nicht träge was ihr thun solt im geist.
Singet GOTT ein neues lied/ Machts gut aus Saiten-Spielen.
Heute so ihr seine Stime höred So verstoctet eure Hecken nicht. }
Gnade unsers Herrn Jesu Christi sey mit euch.

Roman numerals

Code: Select all

I=1  V=5 W=2*5  X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500  M=1000 Count Roman Delta	
  4    1    1    -    -    2      1    1       10    1719        Zach.8:3
  4    1    1    -    2    1      1    1       11    1719        Sir.39:18
  4    1    1    -    -    2      1    1       10    1719        1Chr.18:1
  4    3    -    -    2    1      1    1       12    1719        Richt.16:17
  4    3    -    -    -    2      3    -       12    1719        2.Pet.1:2
  4    3    -    -    4    -      3    -       14    1719        Rom.15:14
  4    1    1    -    -    2      1    1       10    1719        Luc.2:40
  4    1    1    -    1    1      1    1       10    1669  +50   Rom.12:11
  4    3    -    -    2    1      1    1       12    1719        psal.33:3
  4    3    -    -    -    2      1    1       11    1719        Heb.4:7-15, 4:7
  4    3    -    -    -    2      1    1       11    1719        Rom.6:20
Page2- translated with some online help wrote: I turn myself to Zion again.
I'm like a full moon
Look! I live in a cedern home!
Because I am a fiancé of God from the very beginning
Through the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ
Dear brother! That you yourself are full of goodness. NB.
Do you not know / that I must be? NB.
Do not be lazy what you are doing in the mind.
Sing GOD a new song / Make well from string playing.
Today, so you heard his tunes, So do not stumble your hedges. }
Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Last edited by ME on Sun Oct 27, 2019 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Marchello E.
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re: Karl’s New Year Card

Post by ME »

Caroli Page 12-transcript wrote: #( 1819 )#
- Nun sind auch noch künsstige Zeiten -
- In Bibel-Spruchen außzubreiten. -

Höre Meln VoLCk ICh wiLL Vnter DIe zeVgen.
ICh sChreIbe eVCh Vatern/ Denn Ihr kennet
- Den/ Der Von Anfang Ist. [1Joh.2:13]
SChrIet Ihr nICht zV MIr Da eVCh hVngerte? [4Efr.1:17]
ICh have GOTT aLLzeIt Vor AVgen/ Denn
- Er Ist MIr zVr ReChten. [Psal.16:8]
ICh habe Ihn VerkLaret/ UnD wlL Ihn aber-
- MaL VerkLaren [Joh.12:28]
DIe CherVbIM soLLen Ihre FLVgeL aVßbrelten. [Exo.25:20]
ALsosoLLen aVCh DIe Männer Ihre WeIber LIebe [Eph.5:28]
GLeICh VVIe DV MICh LIebest [Joh.17:23]
ICh VVIL MICh VerkLeIDen [Chr.18:29]
VngereChtIgkeIt VVIrD nICht Meht herrsChen [4Efr.7:35]
GottLofe/ DIe sInD GLVCkseLIg In Der VVeLt [Psal.73:12]
DarVM sIehe/ ICh VVIL sIe LoCken [Hoc.2:14]
Den Der HERR Ist gerCht In aLLen seInen
- WerCken/ DIe Er Vns gebotten. [Bar.2:9]
DarVM VVIL ICh froLICh sterben. [2Ma.6:27]
GnaDe Vnsers HErrn IEsV ChrIstI sen MIt
- eVCh aLLen [Ro.16:24]
VndsChaffe IneVCh/ was Vor IhM gefaLLIgIst. [Heb.13:21]

SIehe/ MeIne KneChte soLLen trInCken / Ihr
- aber soLLet DVrsten [Efa.65:13]
Denn ICh habe DeIne WerCke nICht VöLLIg er-
- sVnDen Vor GOTT. [Apoc.3:2]
Denn ICh sVChe nICht MeInen WILLen. [Joh.5:30]

Ich wIL DICh nlCht VerLassen noCh VerseV Men [Heb.13:5.]

So hätt ich wiederum was neues vorgestellet !
Wenn Welt und Undank gleich die Bibel wenig acht't.
Dem sey der Dienst gethan / dem meine Mühe gefallet;
Viel Fromme dis erfreut! Hass had es nicht gedacht.
Pflegt super-Kluger feind mir fragen viel zu trugen:
Zu welchem End und Nutz mein Bibel-Grus geschehen?
Mein! sage mir doch erst: was böse Bucher nutzen/
Die ich in deinem Schranck schön eingebunden sehe?
Es treibet meine Mühe manch Mänlein in die Bibel/
Wenn meines-Gleichen nur es noch jemand gefällt /
Darum nim mein lieber Man! mein Schlecht-weg nicht mehr übeI.
Ich bin nicht deiner Arth! Adieu, du falsche Welt.
Page 12-rewritten wrote:
#( 1819 )#
- Nun sind auch noch künsstige Zeiten -
- In Bibel-Spruchen außzubreiten. -

Höre mein Volck ich will unter die zeugen.
Ich schreibe euch Vatern/ Denn ihr kennet
- Den/ Der von Anfang ist.
Schriet ihr nicht zu mir da euch hungerte?
Ich have GOTT allzeit vor Augen/ Denn er ist mir zur Rechten.
Ich habe ihn verklaret/ Und wll ihn abermal verklaren
Die Cherubim sollen ihre Flugel außbreiten.
Also sollen auch die männer ihre weiber liebe
Gleich wie du mich liebest
Ich wil mich verkleiden
Ungerechtigkeit wird nicht meht herrschen
Gottlose/ Die sind Gluckselig in der Welt
Darum siehe/ ich wil sie locken
Den der HERR ist gerecht in allen seinen Wercken/ Die er uns gebotten.
Darum wil ich frolich sterben.
Gnade unsers Herrn Jesu Christi sen mit euch allen
Und schaffe ineuch/ was vor ihm gefallig ist.

Siehe/ meine Knechte sollen trincken / ihr aber sollet durften
Denn ich habe deine Wercke nicht völlig erfunden vor GOTT.
Denn ich suche nicht meinen willen.

Ich wil dich nlcht verlassen noch Verseumen [Heb.13:5.]

So hätt ich wiederum was neues vorgestellet !
Wenn Welt und Undank gleich die Bibel wenig acht't.
Dem sey der Dienst gethan / dem meine Mühe gefallet;
Viel Fromme dis erfreut! Hass had es nicht gedacht.
Pflegt super-Kluger feind mir fragen viel zu trugen:
Zu welchem End und Nutz mein Bibel-Grus geschehen?
Mein! sage mir doch erst: was böse Bucher nutzen/
Die ich in deinem Schranck schön eingebunden sehe?
Es treibet meine Mühe manch Mähl ein in die Bibel/
Wenn meines-Gleichen nur es noch jemand gefällt /
Darum nim mein lieber Man! mein Schlecht-weg nicht mehr übei.
Ich bin nicht deiner Arth! Adieu, du falsche Welt.

Roman numerals

Code: Select all

I=1  V=5 W=2*5  X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500  M=1000 Count Roman Delta    
  4    3    -    -    2    2      1    1       13    1819        
  4    3    -    -    -    3      3    -       13    1819        [1Joh.2:13]
  4    3    -    -    -    3      1    1       12    1819        [4Efr.1:17]
  4    3    -    -    2    2      1    1       13    1819        [Psal.16:8]
  4    3    -    -    4    1      1    1       14    1819        [Joh.12:28]
  4    3    -    -    4    1      1    1       14    1819        [Exo.25:20]
  4    1    1    -    4    1      1    1       13    1819        [Eph.5:28]
  4    3    -    -    2    2      1    1       13    1819        [Joh.17:23]
  4    3    -    -    2    2      1    1       13    1819        [Chr.18:29]
  4    3    -    -    -    3      1    1       12    1819        [4Efr.7:35]
  4    3    -    -    4    1      3    -       15    1819        [Psal.73:12]
  4    3    -    -    2    2      1    1       13    1819        [Hoc.2:14]
  4    1    1    -    2    2      3    -       13    1819        [Bar.2:9]
  3    3    -    -    2    2      1    1       12    1818  -1    [2Ma.6:27]
  4    3    -    -    2    2      1    1       13    1819        [Ro.16:24]
  4    3    -    -    2    2      1    1       13    1819        [Heb.13:21]
I=1  V=5 W=2*5  X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500  M=1000 Count Roman Delta    
  4    1    -    -    4    2      1    1       13    1909  -10   [Efa.65:13]
  4    3    -    -    2    3      3    -       15    1919        [Apoc.3:2]
  4    1    1    -    2    3      1    1       13    1919        [Joh.5:30]
I=1  V=5 W=2*5  X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500  M=1000 Count Roman Delta    
  4    3    -    -    2    4      1    1       15    2019        [Heb.13:5.]
Page 12- translated with some online help wrote: # (1819) #
- Now there are also artsy times -
- To spread in Bible sayings. -

Listen my people I want to testify.
I write to you fathers / For you know
- The / who is from the beginning.
Did not you go to me because you were starving?
I have GOD always in mind / Because he is on my right.
I have declared him / And I'll forgive him again
The Cherubim are supposed to spread their wings.
So the men should also love their wives
Same as you love me
I want to dress up
Injustice will not prevail
The godless / they are happy in the world
Therefore, I will lure you
That the LORD is just in all his wards / that he offers us.
That's why I'll gladly die.
Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with all of you
And create something that is pleasing to him.

Behold, my servants shall drink, but they were allowed.
Because I have not completely discovered your works before GOD.
Because I'm not looking for my sake.

I will not leave you nor abandon [Heb.13: 5.]

So once again I present something new!
When the ungrateful in this world do not pay much attention to the Bible.
To whom the service has done my pains;
Much pious dis pleased! Hate did not think so.
Cares super-wise enemy ask me to carry a lot:
To what end and benefit do my bible grief happen?
My! tell me first: what use are evil books /
Which I see in your cupboard beautifully bound?
It forces my efforts into the bible
Only someone like me likes it /
That's why my dear man! my bluntness is not over.
I am not of that kind! So long, you suckers!
Bible quote:
Heb.13:5 - Keep your lives free from greed, and be content with what you have, for God has said, “I will never leave you or abandon you.�
Marchello E.
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re: Karl’s New Year Card

Post by John Collins »

Wow, ME! You have done an amazing job. This is going to take some scrutiny to try to make sense of all that Bessler wrote. It doesn’t seem to me at this early point in studying it, that it is particularly relevant to Karl - in which case what it it’s purpose - other than the 30 Thaler?

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re: Karl’s New Year Card

Post by Krabat »

One should know that it was not only Bessler to send poems to Carl for birthdays or for new year. Many people did, and some even more often than Bessler, although he was a very diligent contributor. Some libraries keep collections of theses poems, and even from a small town like Karlshafen there survived contributions of several of Orffyreus' fellow citizens. Usually this was done of course to improve career chances. Writing poems to a king is glorifying him as a patron if arts.
The special thing about the Bessler panegyrics is not the patterns that give us an idea of hidden code, but the stubborn persistence of this man transmitting bible verse into numbers into poems. When people laughed at him, he used to justify this passion as some way of worshipping God's word.
One cannot understand Orffyreus without seeing the strong influence of religion in his life. Ask yourself: What did this man do at the peak of his life, in early 1720s, when he was rich and famous and there were no accusations neither by Gärtner's gang nor by the Mauersbergerin? Did he invent or study mechanics? Did he do buisseness? Or did he write religious pamphlets?
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re: Karl’s New Year Card

Post by ME »

At least it shows in a somewhat playful setting what sideshow Bessler also liked.
From a code-breaking perspective it may be interesting to see how possible errors* could really be errors and may show a crack in perfection (as obscure encoding should require), or are actually opportunities (as obscure encoding may require)... maybe it was a test.
*) Don't assume I didn't make them.

I wonder how this Bible fanaticism relates to the presumed Rosicrucian stuff that also surrounds Carl and the Cassel Castle.
And why not. When there's any message that requires communication and conservation, then why not put it in a Christmas card for keeps.

Anyway, it seems that there's not much wheel-talk in this document. --- or is it?
Marchello E.
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re: Karl’s New Year Card

Post by Krabat »

I'm afraid that the ideas underlying Orffyreus' passion for numerology are much more complex than anyone here might be aware of. The hope, that there is a subtext you can just simply translate seems to me quite naive. Those talking about "ROT13" when describing the relation of the names Bessler and Orffyre just demonstrate historical an mystical ignorance. Nerds have no taste of wisdom. ROT13 is a technique, while Atbasch or Albam is a cabbalistic way to find the true and deeper meaning of a religious text. Orffyre is not a hidden Bessler, but the the true and real Bessler.

Ever asked why Offyre called himself a mathematicus, although never ever teaching any kind of calculation? It is because of the gnostic tradition as seeing the world of the numbers (numerology) as complementary epiphany to the world of the words (bible). This is a man searching for God.

Although I've not seen everything written on the idea of a link from Orffyre to the Rosecrucians, it seems to me that there is no other argument for this view than that there seems to be some secret, and secret remains us of freemasonery (Uuuuh!), but freemasons were to young to play a role at that time, it must be the rosicrucians as there ancestors. But the rosicrucians are only one leaf of a tree with a lot of branches: https://www.hermetik-international.com/de/

Unfortunately we know nothing about the special traditions in his younger years, when he adoptes alchemy and kabalah, which are both names for a lot of technically quite different magical traditions. No author is ever mentioned by Bessler, no esoteric book was found after his death. There must have been a lot of this stuff.

I think this article gives quite a gut idea about the way how one might see orffyrean attitude on the relation between numbers and holy verse: https://www.ewigeweisheit.de/blog/s-lev ... der-gnosis

For those who want to do an intensive study in the Bessler codes, I suggest this one: http://www.yronwode.org/numerology-bibliography.html[b][/b]
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re: Karl’s New Year Card

Post by Krabat »

I give another example in the world of Besslers use of esoteric traditions. On New Year's day of 1722 seven windows of his Carlshafen house were illuminated in seven different colours, each showing one of the seven letters of the name "Carolus", linked with one of the seven planets, linked with the colour representing this planet, combined with a small poem, taking C A R O L U S of the starting letter s of each verse.

The example shown by this picture is the third window, attributed to the O of "Carolus", representing Mars (therefore the symbol we today know as masculinity, which of course had to be illuminated red like blood. There is no message that had to be re-translated, except

1.) Carolus is perfect, implying every virtue and power like the seven planets and the seven days used by God to build the whole world

2.) There is a holy meaning in everything, dicovered only by those who are able to see.

"Are you still without understanding?"
third window.jpg
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re: Karl’s New Year Card

Post by Krabat »

I forgot to mention that O R F F Y R E is seven letters, too. So this is why there is an F on the bottom of this third window, cause Carolus was not the only person to be praised, of course-
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re: Karl’s New Year Card

Post by daxwc »

Karabat what does the large R represent at the top?

Karbat I don’t understand your thinking on the F.
It is “You Mars F� the F can’t be in relation to Bessler can it?
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re: Karl’s New Year Card

Post by Krabat »

Sorry, there was a mistake in my post. Of, course, the third letter in caRolus is the R and not the O. That's what the big R represents. The F comes from orFfyre.
The letters and the symbols are not to be read side by side but sometimes line by line. Going through the pages, you can read C A R O L U S, and O R F F Y R E, and you can see the different colours and the planets because all fits 7 pages, page by page.
Please don't forget that ths "poem" was not written to be printed, but is a reproduction of Bessler's windows illuminated as a public happening.
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