It is difficult to see exaclty how the weights are in the positions they are. If you are being over enthousiastic as to where they would be or realistically objective, this will have a huge impact as to how promising it looks.
It is looking good.
Is there a technical reason you can't shove a long rod through the center, or stand the construction up freely, so that we can have a better look?
Keep up the good work.
Craziest than this wheel concept, I have never seen in my life before.
1. a drum wheel1 of 8 units radius on axle2.
2. a horizontal fix peg/pivot3 two units vertically below axle2.
3. pendulums4 of 4 units length and weights/bobs5 swing separately on peg/pivot3, connected to strings6 and strings7 at 45 degrees intervals on rim of wheel1, and hang on strings6 of 8 units length on the clockwise side and on strings7 of 6 units length on the counter-clockwise side of axle2,
N.B: pendulums4 can also be simply strings of 4 units length.
All weights/bobs are hanging, swinging and their gravitational force are acting on one and the same wheel, clockwise and counter-clockwise, making finding gravitational torque on the wheel that much easiler.
WHAT to make of this is anyone guess.
For me, I can see positive sign of a working wheel, an intricate system of only strings and weights rotating a wheel.
Hi Raj,
if it is running as you have it expected, then a big compliment.
I personally see that now technician will grasp what you are trying to achieve.
Not my way, you know, for me it is too complex.
Pendulums have their own living, and depending on the rotation speed they easily swing out of control, so the gain will be lost.
It is a temporary gain, which must be stabilized in one direction.
Craziest than this AND foolproof than this I have yet to see on this forum.
THIS picture of my very poor workmanship with no workshop facilities, no mechanical and engineering experience, and only rudimentary household tools, model built of my pendulums wheel concept, says it all.
Direction forward because I can't stop at such promising outcome.
Very good raj .. we all face challenges in the build department unless we are Veproject1. Even JC will tell you about that. I see you have used some creative means with materials at hand to build a demonstration POP of your concept.
If the sustained imbalance concept is good and correct the quality of the build is not guaranteed to be the show stopper. If the imbalance quotient is sufficient it should still demonstrate an innate tendency to continue turning from that surplus torque, imo.
Silent and Fletcher, thank you both for your encouragements.
For me:
1. a self-rotating/pmm wheel MUST BE close to clockwork precision built. MOST likely, Bessler HAD that skill and experience, to get the continuous minimum uni-directional required torque to self-rotate.
2. my pendulums wheel concept is showing a unidirectional torque of (1.7/6.8)x100% at start and a minimum of (0.3/7.8)x100% every 45 degrees turn, which my model built is not attaining due to my crudely built, measurement ( mm lengths and degree angles) and wrong materials.
YET, the physical model, tends to lean and stop towards the descending.
The cause MUST be friction.
BUT, I believe my crudely built attempt COULD also be affecting the wheel/motion.