Leafy .. if you haven't done so already I suggest you purchase the digital copies of John Collins books on Bessler. Great research material.Leafy wrote:Do you guys think Bessler had many working designs or he just use one design for all of his wheels?
Hopefully there are more than one way of doing it so we have more chance of hitting one of them.
I did a quick scan thru the books and selected some of the references to 'principle' I think are applicable. I won't highlight what I think is important in each tract, but some thoughtful reading should answer your questions (as well as others that get raised from time to time) and you can make up your own mind.
*** Bessler’s PM principle i.e. excess weight, excess impetus, or preponderance ***
Best.John Collins wrote:GB pg 52 : Among all the wise and learned devotees of the physical, mathematical and mechanical sciences there can be found no one who is unaware of the countless debates that have taken place amongst the scholars regarding this single question, namely : - Is there such a thing in nature as perpetual motion, or a perpetuum mobile? And that therefore, whether it may be possible for human hands to introduce into material bodies, in themselves lifeless, a permanent innate motive force, a constant interchange of rise and fall, of excess and deficient weight, resulting, as it were, in a living machine that might seemingly have been in existence from the earliest days of creation. It’s certainly true that most, if not all, of these people who made countless vain efforts in the painstaking investigation of such mysteries, attempting to fathom the principle of perpetual motion,
AP pg 246 : You will, oh paragon of virtue, be unable to show me printed evidence that a work of art of this nature ever existed in the world before. Therefore, my machine is the only one now in existence that accords to true physical principles.
AP pg 259 : Eventually I came to Prague, and began as early as my first night there to think of the Primum Mobile. For the vision of the roasting-spit would not leave my mind. I thought it might be possible, on mechanical principles, to devise a better machine, and shut myself up to study the matter. One day a Jesuit came to see me - perhaps the most learned priest I'd ever met - and soon we were great friends.
AP pg 339 : The clattering noise you refer to is, I assure you, a phenomenon caused directly by the real motive power of the machine, and nothing else. You also wish me to inform you why the Draschwitz machine did not create a similar noise; well, I'll tell you. The two machines can easily be contrasted, as they worked on quite different principles. The former (Draschwitz) one turned in only one direction, but the latter (Merseburg ) one turned, as everyone could see, both ways. The former was provided with felt
coverings, but the latter was as bare as a bald head. I have many other machines of various types - some, for instance, with weights, others without.
DT pg 190 : The internal structure of the wheel is designed in such a way that weights (page 20) applied in accordance with the laws of Perpetual Motion, work, once a small impressed force has caused the commencement of movement, to perpetuate the said movement and cause the rotation to continue indefinitely – that is, as long as the device retains its structural integrity – without the necessity of external assistance for its continuation – such as the mechanisms which are to be found in other ‘automatics’ – e.g. clockwork, springs or weights that require rewinding. For this concept, my ‘principle of excess weight’, is NOT just an external appendage, an ‘added-on device’ which is there in order to cause, through application of its weight, the continuation of the motion (the revolution) so long as the cords or chains, from which it depends, permit. NO, these weights are themselves the PM device, the ‘essential constituent parts’ which must of necessity continue to exercise their motive force (derived from the PM principle) indefinitely – so long as they keep away from the centre of gravity. To this end they are enclosed (page 21) in a structure or framework, and coordinated in such a way that not only are they prevented from attaining their desired equilibrium or ‘point of rest’, but they must for ever seek it, thereby developing an impressive velocity which is proportional to their mass and to the dimensions of their housing. This velocity is sufficient for the moving and raising of loads applied to the axis of rotation.
DT pg 209 : And in truth it now seems to me that the time is long overdue, now that I have achieved my goal, once known only to God, that I and the world should see this principle, in itself so simple, and yet at the same time so deeply hidden, of everlasting motion, described in total detail and in mathematical simplicity, in praise of God’s boundless wisdom, and for the benefit of the entire world.
DT pg 215 : for their operation (no matter if this operation lasts many years) do not possess the principle of motion internally, rather externally to themselves. They are not per se “mobile�, rather per accidens, so that motion is not inherent to the machine, but to the contingent aspect associated with it, with the result that should this be lacking, the machine would stand still, incapable of moving itself or a grain of dust. Such machines can, then, only be called Perpetual Motion as an abuse of language, just as it would be were I to use the term “perpetual motion� to describe the continued movement of the water screw, the press and the boxes of stones which, I described earlier, I attached to my machine, and which would continue to move via my device, as long as their material endured. (For we are here talking, again, about “accidental� rather than “innate� motion.) (page 75)
DT pg 222 : Thereby, I hope, they will come to appreciate fully the importance and rightness of my work, especially as the effect it produces, now known to a wide public and more than amply described in this document, has never been matched by any other known mechanical device. (Not, of course, that my device invalidates known principles, or renders all existing types of machine obsolete).
DT pg 252 : To Those Who Do Not Believe. The mechanic maintains that Perpetual Motion has hitherto, from known principles of Statics, been considered impossible.