Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

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Post by Robinhood46 »

tavaa wrote:and proof i have already given which supports our authority and whatever i have is sound authorative and not mental speculation, but you have rejected that, so you have to give us something more rational OR else you are an fool who is talking so much rubbish without proving himself at all.
I'm nearly convinced.
Increasing the size of text, underlining words and writing in bold, is all very convincing stuff.
You want me to give you proof that i haven't got the answers to the questions that you are under the illusion that you do? Can you not just believe me, when i say i don't bloody well know the answers? How can i give you proof that i don't know?
Is my ignorance not proof enough?
who just want to *impose* his own authority on us and want to speak as if he is real mother
Are you serious?
You started this thread, to imose on us your authority not me (or ME).
I have no wish to impose my beliefs on anyone, you are free to believe as you wish and i hope you are very happy. I only shared my opinion, which is that i don't believe a word of it. Maybe if you could add some different colours and a few words in italics that would be enough to tip the scales.
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re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Post by tavaa »

Robinhood46 @ I'm nearly convinced.
Increasing the size of text, underlining words and writing in bold, is all very convincing stuff.
You want me to give you proof that i haven't got the answers to the questions that you are under the illusion that you do? Can you not just believe me, when i say i don't bloody well know the answers? How can i give you proof that i don't know?
Is my ignorance not proof enough?

Are you serious?
You started this thread, to imose on us your authority not
me (or ME).
I have no wish to impose my beliefs on anyone, you are free to believe as you wish and i hope you are very happy. I only shared my opinion, which is that i don't believe a word of it. Maybe if you could add some different colours and a few words in italics that would be enough to tip the scales.
and you are convinced in what ? huh? that it is our real mother ( aka authority or Srila Prabhupada ) who is subject of being illusioned ? sure to commit mistakes ? has tendency to cheat others ? and has imperfect senses ? huh?

OR it is us ( the damn childrens ? ) huh? and i do not listen to the random whores ( like you ) at all.

for listen everyone has to, but i prefer the real mother, ( aka authority OR Srila Prabhupada ) finished, so you have nothing at all, so who is going to care for the random whores like you ? huh ?
and if you think that i have imposed anything you at all right now, than you are an fool ( or an utter idiot ) for im not yet recognized or have anything official intruments in my hands, so that i will impose over you anything at all.

for this imposing business is done by your western civilization on everyone from the very starting with the evolution, big bang, moon landing, etc things, and `1 cannot pass the exams if one does not agrees with you and what to speak of getting good future ? when `1 cannot pass the exams without agreeing with your sluts ? like teachers and scientists who works for the British /American politicians needs.
and do not generalizing me with your self, for you an incompetent loser who cannot give us another explanation, thus you have lost me.

you have lost all connections from this arguement. cuz you cannot bring anything rational in the first place but still would speak from the middle as if you have explained everything ( instead of myself )

and it is you who is illusioned but do not admit it, and thus arguing with such people like yourself has no value in the first place at all. it is just an waste of time.
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re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Post by Robinhood46 »

I beg to differ, i don't think it is an waste of time.
I find your posts very amusing, and in these difficult times, any excuse for a bit of a laugh is well worth the limited time spent.
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re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Post by tavaa »

Robinhood46 wrote :
I beg to differ, i don't think it is an waste of time.
I find your posts very amusing, and in these difficult times, any excuse for a bit of a laugh is well worth the limited time spent.
nah nah whatever i wanted to explain that i have done, but unless you give us something solid or rational how can we know who is in the damn illusion ? huh?

weather myself or you ? huh? and im not in any illusion but you are for sure, and if we enter more deeper than we will find that you are an hypocrite thug, who is pretending to be sleeping, and who has or can awake those who are pretending to be sleeping ? huh?

i cant do it. and it is an waste of time to argue with all of you hypocrite farce. it is an waste of time.

and so far my duty is concerned so i have done it. ( finished )
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Re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Post by WaltzCee »

tavaa wrote:Practical Explanation ( For Example ) :- `1st of all can you tell me every single seconds detail from that time when you born ?? ( i need every seconds detail ?? that what- what you have thought and done on every single second )

can you tell me every single detail of your `1 cheapest Minute Or your whole hour, day, week, month, year or your whole life ??

if you are not able to tell me about this life then what proof do you have that you didn't forget your past ? and that you will not forget this present life in the future ?
The burden of proof is yours, no one else's. Your reasoning falls short in my opinion.

I recommend you chant the vain repetition the prayer of Siam 12 times daily while standing on your head and spinning c.w.

It goes like this:
  • Oh wha
The faster you say it the better it works.
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re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Post by ME »

tavaa wrote:ME@ come on bring your another explanation and than tell us how unfortunate we are that some people thinks that their cults as the only portal.
Ohw, you missed me :-)

You are the one putting Khrisna on sale here while calling me a "rascal" who pisses on fake agents.
Oh dear tavaaa, where would we all go when we would follow your path?
for i have solid background behind myself
Have a look at all the other sides.
earlier you wrote:thus you have to explain what you are and where you stand so that i can or any intelligent person can see that were you are actually standing, and beside having any solid, verifaible and tangible explanation which does not touch holy books quotes, faith, belief or personal experience what is your personal qualifications? huh? are you someone who is recognized by your higher authorities as well ? have you done some service to them at your own ? have you surrendered to them ? finding that no one is higher them in very single point of view whatever you are taking ?
if you can touch these two points only than i will fully surrender to you as well
In that case you have not paid any attention to my garden metaphor, nor understand what it means. Instead you simply chose to focus on those aspects that made you insecure and mad.
As far as I'm concerned I'm not in any battle... we could just have a dialog like the intelligent spiritual beings as we are.

I don't know what you think the result would be from overpowerment and surrender.
I guess you think such is important?
Are you someone who is recognized by your higher authorities as well
That's the core issue where we differ - there is no higher authority.
There are those with less filters and therefore able to show their pure self much better.

An example:
Direct proof of being good and doing good comes from receiving a genuine smile.
That's all the recognition you need.
The 'gooder' you are, the less effort it requires.
Any path that leads to such result is an enlightened one.

Sure we could choose to do something else but that will not lead to genuine smiles and requires increasing exhaustive work.

Please chew on that while you meditate.
Marchello E.
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Re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Post by tavaa »

WaltzCee wrote:
tavaa wrote:Practical Explanation ( For Example ) :- `1st of all can you tell me every single seconds detail from that time when you born ?? ( i need every seconds detail ?? that what- what you have thought and done on every single second )

can you tell me every single detail of your `1 cheapest Minute Or your whole hour, day, week, month, year or your whole life ??

if you are not able to tell me about this life then what proof do you have that you didn't forget your past ? and that you will not forget this present life in the future ?
The burden of proof is yours, no one else's. Your reasoning falls short in my opinion.

I recommend you chant the vain repetition the prayer of Siam 12 times daily while standing on your head and spinning c.w.

It goes like this:
  • Oh wha
The faster you say it the better it works.
than let it fall, and we forget everything just like last nights dream and death means again wake up with new dress of body, but you did not read this Practical explanation completely so i do not have any interest to beat the wise dead horses like yourself.

and you have to listen weather your teachers aka random whores who are replaced by British government with the real mother, ( aka authority or recognized agents like Srila Prabhupada ) OR the real mum.

and read this Practical explanation completely and than come here to arguements.
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re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Post by Robinhood46 »

Tavaa, do you have any proof that you didn't forget that i lent you 10'000 dollars?
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Re: re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Post by tavaa »

ME wrote:
tavaa wrote:ME@ come on bring your another explanation and than tell us how unfortunate we are that some people thinks that their cults as the only portal.
Ohw, you missed me :-)

You are the one putting Khrisna on sale here while calling me a "rascal" who pisses on fake agents.
Oh dear tavaaa, where would we all go when we would follow your path?
for i have solid background behind myself
Have a look at all the other sides.
earlier you wrote:thus you have to explain what you are and where you stand so that i can or any intelligent person can see that were you are actually standing, and beside having any solid, verifaible and tangible explanation which does not touch holy books quotes, faith, belief or personal experience what is your personal qualifications? huh? are you someone who is recognized by your higher authorities as well ? have you done some service to them at your own ? have you surrendered to them ? finding that no one is higher them in very single point of view whatever you are taking ?
if you can touch these two points only than i will fully surrender to you as well
In that case you have not paid any attention to my garden metaphor, nor understand what it means. Instead you simply chose to focus on those aspects that made you insecure and mad.
As far as I'm concerned I'm not in any battle... we could just have a dialog like the intelligent spiritual beings as we are.

I don't know what you think the result would be from overpowerment and surrender.
I guess you think such is important?
Are you someone who is recognized by your higher authorities as well
That's the core issue where we differ - there is no higher authority.
There are those with less filters and therefore able to show their pure self much better.

An example:
Direct proof of being good and doing good comes from receiving a genuine smile.
That's all the recognition you need.
The 'gooder' you are, the less effort it requires.
Any path that leads to such result is an enlightened one.

Sure we could choose to do something else but that will not lead to genuine smiles and requires increasing exhaustive work.

Please chew on that while you meditate.
since your western civilization works with the same things, but have replaced the whores like so called scientists, so called teachers ( who are ultimately funded by your politicians to run this western type of civilziation ) with the real mother ( or authority or recognized agents like Srila Prabhupada )

and how good you are when you created immigration department after illegally occupying the land from red indians ( that i know very well ) but you carry on your farce.

and you will fight an spiritual war or battle with me ? ( waha ) and your cock taking art is not that perfect yet as those of indian mystics who also used to vitimize womens after getting these types of pying sidhis as you have got, but they were far suppirior than your modern pying materials, and could tell what is what.

but you could not make much sense in spite of having my cock very deep into your small throat ( by pying without invitation ) on your very knees.

and you chew it ( until i release my cum if your throat { whore }) and you should have thought more than twice or thrice before you come here naked while fingering your vagina in order to seduce me so that i stay here to rape you like an whore.

but you are all useless ( finished ) and rightly it is said that entire nation is an pack of rotten apples. and i admit my defeat at washing the stool. i cannot do it. im an loser in washing stool but i know how to deal with it.
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re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Post by Robinhood46 »

You have a serious problem and are in need of psychiatric help.
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re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Post by ME »

You've shown us your focus, priorities and fantasies.
I'm really sorry for your experiences. This must be actual pain!
Thanks for sharing I guess?
I hope you'll find more joy and happiness in your current life and learn to become more compassionate.

You should really try gardening, seriously!
Even when you only do it in your mind.

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Bye bye now.
Take care.
Marchello E.
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Post by MrTim »

tavaa wrote: so it an wrong answer that there is father before our birth ? huh? is it an wrong answer ? and our mother ( aka authority OR Srila Prabhupada ) has seen him and knows it that who has tilled her.
Your grasp of English is fair, but the sentence should read "ploughed" instead of "tilled".
and our mother ( aka authority OR Srila Prabhupada ) has seen him and knows it that who has ploughed her.
(Has Srila Prabhupada ploughed you as well? Or do you prefer "tilled"?)

In any event, your "explanation about next life" is interesting, but I've had a glimpse into the next world myself, and so will stick with my own belief in one... ;-)
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re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Post by daxwc »

There is a lot better porn sites than this tavaa to fantasize to. Try searching Hare Krishna on Pornhub or Christians if that's your thing.

For being religious "You sure do got a purdy mouth".
What goes around, comes around.
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Re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Post by WaltzCee »

tavaa wrote:. . .
than let it fall, and we forget everything just like last nights dream and death means again wake up with new dress of body, but you did not read this Practical explanation completely so i do not have any interest to beat the wise dead horses like yourself.
I did indeed read your screed in its entirety. It doesn't follow that since I can't recall how
many times I've farted in my life (or which particular fart spawned you) then I should leap to
the conclusion I might have forgotten previous life's also.
and you have to listen weather your teachers aka random whores . . .
You can't even listen to the authority of civility.
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Re: re: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,

Post by tavaa »

ME wrote:You've shown us your focus, priorities and fantasies.
I'm really sorry for your experiences. This must be actual pain!
Thanks for sharing I guess?
I hope you'll find more joy and happiness in your current life and learn to become more compassionate.

You should really try gardening, seriously!
Even when you only do it in your mind.

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Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators, or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence they will not be held liable.

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented, or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that the webmaster, administrator, and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move, or close any topic at any time should they see fit. As a user you agree to any information you enter on the website being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, the webmaster, administrator, and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
Bye bye now.
Take care.
i have seen your goodness, when you are created immigration department after stealing the entire land which is now called The America, but you are just here to make an show that how intelligent you are without giving us anything rational in the first place.

and i do not wish to argue with you on anything at all. and i admit my defeat at washing the stool ( like you all europeans or westerns )

but you come here like an shameless intelligent or wise`1 and try to tell us what is what. carry on ( slut )

shameless whore ( you actually are ) and who can wash the stool ? so that i will be able to do it ? huh?

and you should stop havng my cock into your deep throat ( by spying without invitation )
Last edited by tavaa on Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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