experience with watering cans

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experience with watering cans

Post by azimuthe »

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re: experience with watering cans

Post by Fletcher »

Very cute .. and correct as far as the video presentation goes. Note that the video stops almost immediately the hose is pulled away.

It is not PM !

A siphon works when there is a head of fluid in a gravity field. And if that fluid can act as a chain (hydrogen bonding).

Fluid will flow from high to low over the lip of a container provided the fluid acts as a chain to pull other molecules with it. It does not need a closed tube as seen from the spout of the watering cans as the water falls into the next container. And provided the exit point is lower than the head.

Initially the hose is providing the KE to the system.

When all 4 cans settle down to the same head height there will be no more Gravitational Potential Energy and the continuous flow will stop. Very soon after the hose is pulled away. Which is not shown !

Nice demo tho :7)
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re: experience with watering cans

Post by Robinhood46 »

I don't think they will stop "very soon after the hose is pulled away".
With such a small difference in hieght, modern brushless motors and the recent progress in increasing the energy density of batteries, i think it could go on for a few days, at least.
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re: experience with watering cans

Post by agor95 »

Of cause having four hose pipes under the gravel into the bottom of the watering cans and the hose pipe ends stopping just before the spout on the inside of the cans help.

The signal to open each pipe is present for a person too see from a distance.

The video stopped before the excess water really started to flow.

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re: experience with watering cans

Post by Art »

Of course it's perpetual motion !

If I could borrow her to do that to my watering cans I bet I could get that to work !
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Post by azimuthe »

I'm going to buy a watering can and do a test, if the output work long enough, then there may be a track
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re: experience with watering cans

Post by Art »

Hi Azimuthe ,

my post above was just a spoof , as is that video , but it is entertaining nevertheless .

I do recommend you repeat the setup they present though , because until you actually do a few of these experiments it's hard to get a feel for whats going on .

Rather than splash out on 4 watering cans , could I suggest that you spend the money on some clear flexible plastic tubing from your local hardware store and collect a number of clear plastic bottles .

The tubing need only have an internal diameter of about 4 mm , and if you drill holes of an appropriate size in the plastic bottles you can reproduce the watering can setup and many more as well very easily with no leaks .

Having the components leak free and transparent allows you see what is going on with the water levels .

Finally , have a look at the many MT's that Bessler seems to be discussing water in some form or other .

MT 79 to MT 122 seems like an awfull lot of time to spend covering something that he didn't consider important .

Good luck and stay dry ! : )
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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Post by azimuthe »

thank you Art
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