That 7x7 square has one point in [0,0] and the opposite in [7,7]johannesbender wrote:pythogorean theorem applies to pythogorean triangles , that is all i know.
The triangle is implied by the corner of the square and exactly as raj already drew [0,0]-[7,0]-[7,7]
The circle with radius 10 has its origin in [0,0]
Would the vector from [0,0] to [7,7] be of length 10 then the circle would intersect perfectlyat point[7,7].
It does not.
(yet it somehow does in raj's drawing)
Because of Pythagoras, we know that length [0,0]-[7,7] is almost 0.1 unit short of 10, (√98 ≈ 9.8995 ≈ 9.89949494).
We can draw a small circle around point [7,7] with a radius 0.1.
This small circle does intersect this radius-10 circle. It graphically confirms that the circle with radius 10 outdistances that hypotenuse of the square-box by 0.1 units.
Please check coordinates [8, 6] and [9.6, 2.8].
What do you think of coordinates [7.6, 6.5] ?
Inline imagesjohannesbender wrote:May i just ask how are you guys inserting your images mid way in the replies ?
i could never get that done with bbcode image urls here.
While secured "https" was added later, site owner Scott decided to automatically convert "http" to "https" (or something like that) to keep former inline images, and thus posts, intact. As a result you have to reference the image with "http". The converter does the rest.
Unfortunately, large images like I added can break the site, or add annoying horizontal scrollbars for the entire page. So rather not. But raj is ignoring me. So I still did.