Donald Trump 2016?

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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by daxwc »

No lobbying and graft in the property development game? You sure have a colourful view :D
I don’t know. Do you think he will come out financially ahead?
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by daxwc » ... 83586?s=20

I wonder if you can join team Trump? Will it be like joining Kiss Army? According to my parents I had to give up my soul for that.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by ME »

hmmm I see your RussiaToday...
Let me raise it with USA Today
Challengers didn't understand the process
Marchello E.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by ovyyus »

daxwc wrote:I wonder if you can join team Trump? Will it be like joining Kiss Army? According to my parents I had to give up my soul for that.
Thanks for the invite but I have a cat to wash.

Kings In Satan's Sircle :D
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by daxwc »

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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by daxwc »

Thanks for the invite but I have a cat to wash.
That pussy can't be that dirty. 8P
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by daxwc »


They even know who she is now. Bill Bar might have to get off his ass yet.
Last edited by daxwc on Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by daxwc »

Why would it be that 20% of Democrats think the election was stolen? EC1 thinks Biden is going to lead some kind of healing? Since you're American EC1 maybe you can give us an answer.
It's amazing how smart Americans are even ~ in spite of the massive propaganda machine the MSM has turned out to be for the left. Still Americans know they are being played. ... mp-998438/

Why do you have to get your news from many places and different views? News is news once you get past the bias, but like CNN proved if you just selectively ignore issues and stories. That and just 7 percent of journalists are Republican and half of them work at one network. ... ecade-ago/

Not a big deal right. Well 17 percent of Biden voters would not have voted for him if they knew the non-reported facts. That is the real election interference.
The survey results report that 17 percent of Biden voters would not have voted for the Biden-Harris presidential ticket if they had known about at least one of the eight news stories that were suppressed by big tech and mainstream media outlets. ... -by-media/
– Despite 4 years of outrageous calumny against the President and all who support him, labelling us Islamophobes, white supremacists, and even Nazis, President Trump garnered more than 10 million more votes than he did four years ago, more votes than any President ever, and incredibly, the highest support from the minority community for a Republican candidate for president since 1960.
– Additionally, we all know there is no way on God’s green Earth that a clearly cognitively compromised machine-politician of 47 years, hiding in his basement for months, unable to hold a rally of any size, received more votes than Barack Obama, the first black President. That simply did not happen. You know it, the President knows it, and the Democrats know it. So now we must fight harder than we have ever fought.
I guess they fight on.
This claim....jpg
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by daxwc »

Why is it we never see this out of big brother?
This claim of election win.jpg
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by agor95 »

Every human being is sovereign.

When you want to take something from them you should ask permission and accept no as an answer.

When you do not respect a person's sovereignty then it is up to the people to protect them.
For by protecting the one you are protecting the many.

Protect the right to be heard regardless what they say.

P.S. keep your hands off my wheel.

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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by ME »

"Why, why, why they ignore 'our' stories....why are they doing that to us"?

Oh dear boy, it is actually very simply. Let me repeat it again just for you:
  • What may be asserted without evidence, may be dismissed without evidence
This can be repeated until St. Juttemis day but "Challengers didn't understand the process" and probably never had the intention or the capacity and thus never will.

"But, but, what about-isms...?"

This all started with a VERY CLEAR CERTAINTY that there was voter fraud running in the MILLIONS everywhere, even BEFORE the election started.
But it is all conjectured, otherwise you would not have to keep looking for it.
Maybe they finally found something amazing... but that find is AFTERWARDS.
This still means THEY FANTASIZED BEFORE!! Let that also sink in!

Nevertheless, if you truly have found something of interest then bring it to court and see it appear on your Favorite MSM outlet, or STFU for instigating uninformed secondhand outrage.

It is very basic actually.... but whoosh.
Marchello E.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by eccentrically1 »

dax wrote:Why would it be that 20% of Democrats think the election was stolen? EC1 thinks Biden is going to lead some kind of healing? Since you're American EC1 maybe you can give us an answer.
It's amazing how smart Americans are even ~ in spite of the massive propaganda machine the MSM has turned out to be for the left. Still Americans know they are being played. ... mp-998438/
Polls are misleading as we all know they can be. I wouldn't trust one poll of 1000 people to tell me anything worthy.

I haven't phrased it that way, I believe I said we have a lot to recover from. Meaning, the pandemic and its collateral damage to the economy. Anyone can form their own opinion about how it was handled. Bottom line, People won't feel safe resuming normal activity until herd immunity is declared.

Healing from the great orange divide will happen eventually. It won't begin for quite a while, I wouldn't expect Biden to be able to convince anybody since don will basically be campaigning for the next 4 years.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by daxwc »

or STFU for instigating uninformed secondhand outrage.
No. You have no power over me. Don’t like it hide under the bed with Biden.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by daxwc »

I lied ME you do have power over me. There is a little red X on the side. But just like life there is also hidden Trump supporters on the forum and people like you are the reason they hide. Unless I broke some kind of forum rule, you don’t get to tell me what I can’t or can talk about or post after all this is a discussion board. Being a bully isn’t going to help you in the long run. It might though provoke me into pelting rocks into your glass castle all day long. ... activists/
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Post by eccentrically1 »

I think Me directed that stfu at don's attorneys.
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