I wanted to review some of the ideas I've posted. I suggested selling naked puts (that
sounds so nasty) on gld in mid August. Those put contracts would have expired worthless
beginning Sept. 10 contracts would have netted $11,600. Gld didn't drop to $171.50.
https://www.besslerwheel.com/forum/view ... 19b#176159
WaltzCee wrote:. . .
A trade you might qualify to do would be selling naked puts.
10 put contracts that expire 4th of September 2020 sold for $11.60 a share.
That volume showed up Friday . So 10 x 100 would be a thousand shares.
If you had $171,000 in your account you could cover that naked put. The
strike price is $171.50.
You would be the one collecting the premium. That would amount to $11,600. In a month.
This is how puts work. Suppose the market falls to $150 a share. When the contract expires
someone is going to buy the stock at $150 and put it on you or make you buy it for
$171.50 a share.
For this to work for you, you need a couple hundred thousand sitting around collecting dust.
Also you would have to be comfortable owning a thousand shares of GLD. Some Traders
use the strategy when they want to buy a position.
If you did get tagged with a position, you could start selling me calls. :-)
These days I think gold is safe speculation.
Another thing gld didn't do is move up much. I would have missed that boat. Win some,
lose some.