Donald Trump 2016?

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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by WaltzCee »

rasselasss wrote:Pelosi not too pleased . . .
She's one of the many faces of the establishment. Or now what some call the deep state.
Or what Trump calls the swamp. What ever you call them, they're a class of 'folk' who do
what they please without consequence.

These 'folk' own the judiciary. Sorry 'folk', but that's the way it is.

The reason the swamp hates Trump is because he unmasked them. Could you imagine
Pelosi if they took that mask off her? They are LIZARD people!!!!!
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by ovyyus »

Dehumanization leads to horror.
Dehumanization is the denial of full humanness in others and the cruelty and suffering that accompanies it. A practical definition refers to it as the viewing and treatment of other persons as though they lack the mental capacities that are commonly attributed to human beings. In this definition, every act or thought that regards a person as "less than" human is dehumanization.

Dehumanization is one technique in incitement to genocide. It has also been used to justify war, judicial and extrajudicial killing, slavery, the confiscation of property, denial of suffrage and other rights, and to attack enemies or political opponents.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by WaltzCee »

I really should apologize to lizards every where.
Sorry, lizards.
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Re: re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by WaltzCee »

ovyyus wrote:Dehumanization leads to horror.
Dehumanization is the denial of full humanness in others and the cruelty and suffering that accompanies it. A practical definition refers to it as the viewing and treatment of other persons as though they lack the mental capacities that are commonly attributed to human beings. In this definition, every act or thought that regards a person as "less than" human is dehumanization.

Dehumanization is one technique in incitement to genocide. It has also been used to justify war, judicial and extrajudicial killing, slavery, the confiscation of property, denial of suffrage and other rights, and to attack enemies or political opponents.
Impeachment is another technique.

This is a very interesting definition. or thought!
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by daxwc »

I think by the content of your quote Ovyyus that you are suggesting the left is dehumanizing Trump supporters.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by ovyyus »

Divide and conquer is unsustainable.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by WaltzCee »

Divide and conquer is unsustainable.
Perhaps, yet it is a useful concept. Or, how can a people establish a just government. It's a
simple matter. Take its power and divide it. Put walls of separation between a despot's
power to legislate, then judge, then execute that judgement.

By slowing government up in that manner and giving the governed a voice more people
enjoy peace and prosperity than in any other system devised by man.

I'll give you the point it isn't sustainable. When wicked bastards realize the judiciary can
legislate (against the will of the people) and the legislature can judge (again, against the
will of the people) and the executive can legislate (and again . . .) the walls are destroyed
and the despots take hold of all the reigns of power. What can we do?

I raise a hallelujah
in the presence of my enemies!

Friggin lizard bastards.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by agor95 »

Well as I look at this bitcoin / blockchain technology the idea comes to mind.

Bitcoin is based on no one trusting each other. Well it does burn up electricity but so does a lot of other things like Democracy.

What if you were given 1 token and you then sent it to one of two political parties.
You only have one token so you can only spend it once.

The blockchain is public so it can be analysed by anyone.

The parties with the most tokens wins.

The act of taking the vote is via a secure web site or from a software installed on your PC / mobile.

There are ways too check the software has not been doctored via digital signing.

You have control over the token.

An organization could take the token from you by intercepting the method it is delivered to you.

That needs to be address too prevent being disenfranchised.

However there are no counters, no machines, no double, triple counting.

The system is run by the people for the people too vote.

The Ledger [blockchain] would last until the next voting event when it would be reset.

Just Thinking.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by agor95 »

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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by ME »

Sure, if you think it's democratic... I think differently.

Although tempting, you don't want electronic voting from home and you actually don't want that blockchain traceability.
Something about peer pressure vs uncompromised private votes.

That link: I get a 502 - bad gateway.
What you want for the us-election is automatic voting registration, so that already solves that voter suppression/discouraging that exists for whatever reason.
The added benefit is that you don;t have to worry about votes by unknown foreigners and that no dead people is registered to vote, and thus can't vote anymore (supposedly).
What you also want is identification (photo) at the poling station so you can check and register at a federal-level how many people voted, and just once - and then you vote anonymously.
This basically requires a passport for all, or a driver's licence many already have.
The benefit is that it saves on that archaic consensus thingy.
While you're at it, get rid of that electoral fraudulent GerryMandering and simply use a majority vote for the one who should reign over each American this time around.
The votes are still grouped by state, so you still can use the numbers at state-level.

It would save a lot of issues that were raised last time.
While blockchain is a technically nice invention you'll soon get a whole lot of practical issues that'll be much worse than having a paper passport - mostly privacy, despite what the blockchain-advertisement tells us.
I personally think blockchain is certainly not the holy grail that it is hyped to be -- even besides the energy consumption and reliability on hopefully unpoisoned parties.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by agor95 »


Just checked the link from the UK and it's working. When I get a message like that I use the Tor Browser.

Just been studying Bitcoin-Gold and how it's been compromised due to bad miners with more processing power spending. I this context double voting.

So there are issues as you have highlighted.

However there are issues with postal ballots.

It is a tricky game setting up a system that requires
no trust, secrete 1 time vote per validated person and 1 public ledger.

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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by ME »

[Link is working again]

Whatabout postal? I'm not talking about postal ballots... I'm talking about the network facet in general.
The thing with digital interlinking is that somehow inevitable (and very attractive) track and trace.

Some parts of the blockchain are closed down by your own private key, while you can wait for the "need" to use your "public number" everywhere where you go - because of "convenience", of course freely facilitated by xxx-inc.
Some parts of the blockchain are open with the ability for everyone to check... until someone encodes that data for "your security": also facilitated by xxx inc who's now "expert".
While designed as distributed, sooner or later it will be closed down tighter by either xxx inc. or its lesser supported competitor yyy inc with the "better" blockchain 2.0.
Your personal Meta-data? There it goes "somehow" to some scriptkiddy at zzz inc.
The data shouldn't exist at all, but there it is anyway. If it's so valuable, then it should actually be taxed!!

The slippery slope of this all may simply be the (perhaps) unintended consequence of digitized progress.
A "good" candidate would be a personal Covid-Vaccination certificate. No issues when not scanned, but who tells if it's fake or a copy from someone else?
Thus scan it, thus trace it, analyze it, thus you know, and the rest too... and there you go! (Like Cambridge Analytica).
No one cares about such track'n-trace, until your personal space gets compromised because data correlation singles you out for otherwise no good reason.
So that was once again my rant about blockchain.

With the trend that more banks and wanna-be banks like your phone-provider accept e-currency, your bitcoins will just become like any other number-pushing system you're currently using.
While still funny by 'going rogue' for now, we, all the people in the World, will eventually demand a lesser speculative value
- see what happened with some of the energy bills in Texas: No-one wants it once on the wrong-side of the "market".

And what will we win in the long run?
A single point of failure.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by ME »

Perhaps for the registration part in the US?
But that still requires everyone to jump on the bandwagon of blockchain.
Many in Europe just automatically get a voting ticket (not the ballot itself) via the postal service, so that's not an issue here.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by agor95 »

We get the same in the UK.

A vote invitation is sent to your home [name/address].
You go to the voting location. No ID just say who you are.

Then get a voting ballot with a serial number and vote.

The order you arrived and register [name/address] and the serial number on the ballot are aligned.

Of cause these are never merged for that would be a violation of the privacy.

Just swap the ballots around between you and a friend and watch them freak out.

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Post by rasselasss »

Watching President Biden's confusion in Texas ,you have to question is he fit for his position....sad really..
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